Bangor Metro September 2015 Red Cross

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AARP Maine and t Red Cross team up on fire safety and scam preventian. / Taine. cotsborat ing with the Ree Cross in Maine ‘reader ausionceaerons hae "The Ree Cross hat embaed on 2 statewide Be prevertion and awateness farspaigh. The gol ofthe campaign i= {oreduce terete dese ane inries yas percens over nenexeve years In Maine the top thee aeas where hes tend to atart are the ktchen (2 percent, ling coor (8 percent) and furnace room @ percent) hecoring tothe US Fire Administation, peop 85 and older have the highest fre den a.m moet aren io eanuase could have Seen Breded wih the proper knowledge and one te salty sardards ‘Unortanaay for ler Sains thie fk of iryry oF dean wen ae 2c ‘cons ncresaes i hey have hearing ose for mobility concerns AARP and the Reg Simply put sme sirme can see ves The oderofaviving ae incense 80 percee when rope saps ae ak Fire Preparedness Campaign Re rose Vovurears are wening ih commune aloe place eters aed even itll ‘shen nesdea To earn mare, cll 7 1szextSorvist MarenecCrosson For Miners who sve Nearing palted, 4 edonal moke alarm may ‘Rot bebaiptlinanemergancy tater Ib avalable whieh set ff igh inten when detects smoke or Aanes Tis She's ality to ear high pitched sound ‘atonabout hese types oa Dbl tieitarebreake out Teed Coss Song suppers deveaing a pan wth two roe of escape fom each rom tt Sly stmportantodiacerwhataati nc ya nen cane tan ee Agpartoitstresataty ampsign the resin. AARP Malne i working ta bout commen seame and wha all eats in te family by posing a8 {ake cant agents or hone tea slat For mov information about the AARP vr September being Disaster re patednessonth thi ithe pees ft we can more eectvely help Ms (rs prota ther fails, property ena ‘Mater ado a Gos soe Shon TAN Oto AAO own eS wot hsemestegaoe 10) 4779 Eleventh Annual Kitchen Tour October 3, 12-4 PM Please join us! ep oppo Cs Remarkable Begins With You apn bat Se the te Set Bago a. Get ese desing and ‘eat ded ink and anges fam ine endo wh wl beset a he hens Ve xed stro send dead ‘ad wet planedou ou wih uid. Tits 25a vanes» §30DayofTour

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