Ed - Marlo. .Miracle - Card.change

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‘Now to's iay- Br imaters to whether the Top Change, Double Lit Sniy interested in the Iafician would argue. However, hatwhile bealealy the ond renuit Ie me card changing to nnother, the elfect om the person oF ‘ifect is also dependent on the presentation which te el Iyallied fo the tpowledge of the audience, In other word changing = cad by meets ofthe top change, while Lafermed atdiclans are the onlookers, is bound to get less of «vise fom item ta compered to that oft inyman Of couree, the Cerdiciana in question may appreciate how well te top Biase Wh achometed" GOES ites Rata shoeid sya bout getting Fenction from magicians. The type of wiltude Usually comes over lato the tricks that are re slinened a high collore of cad magic, MIRACLE CHANGE NO. “A card held inthe right hand ts shown, then placed feew di A ERLMor terns over the card and E55 Foden fo have changed Js nimost all these methods are dependent on 8 ingle an en Call expiaia ie five, then folfow with BE ‘tne deck face down inthe left hand as for deal- StoP kaa HeHt tnam across migale of deck: ht forefinger, seem to lft a card by the Step 2 With te ae sally the righ forefinger its Peo gras Benorgt tt BOS un aoa ay other method Ghiside the one suggested may be used. Beers Soe Ted tsa Step 2. With the re Y Fig. 2 fingers ere curled into (hope he Left tummb in a SIGE tace of carde to more “ Sriees Keep ther in postion \ Ste Fig. sap 5, The carga ar aw = Sar dpcartaeat aya = ioe ek ee, : Toate gees soe leur eines agulnsi the table as in Fig. 4- At thie point aaughtas yet HES ike mplace exept tht now he if tied fut ‘Step J. From the audlonce view they nee what is shows In Sep. Bet emt oie sot Retna sepetcan tee ane a ‘he right hand will be more or lees formed lates fst an ae tn Gar suet Sere Sen cee ari ‘right palm, ‘ering into the tinues fo be held between tip of ‘thumb and base of palin te spa, Ae a src ates ‘hte in the right fingertpa eros abled cards Fie. 9 Sean soit Stee reTEstie Atte conclion ofthe eights the Fletove the audience gets ie that shown in Fig, 10> ‘The above, then, isthe basle move and from sur desert maetnods of performing whether 8 TRUSTS rtvaisading the poled card. METHOD uted le for when one is seated atthe tl te siegit nd jun before sfectng the change 8 #35 ‘SGfainca‘t ieteated tn Fie Step 3, Continue with Stepe 71912 inclaaive, Fgh: 5 to 9 GER CSMMEN Are aetae ofthe actual ewitene cauge the card was originally placed nenz the “ANG Mlepatmed cord wit automaticaly © cae shows in 4 eaiiten out while ‘cage of the Siianuing past toe table edge 95 shown REMI TE Uidined a the right fing cacribed InStep of Miracle ‘Step 5. 18 ts only necessary to hnged to another. ‘This is done by using the right hand ‘gerd'to the top of the deck One cam ave that ting here {etmost important bat st te sume tne not to aifieut: METHOD No. 2. FE tec Re tnge olcot tan te nekaeee Be #3eag he sctat Shtngs. “Tether word 7 ‘Step 2, Begin by ling two cards a the back end ofthe lech withthe right tmb, Take the deck mith the right Ibtnd atthe same time maintaining the two card breat the'back. See Figs " * Fig 13 Step 3. From a height of about eix inches, dribble the cards face downwarde onto the table aa shown in Figs 13 ‘hich fe the ‘Dribble’ in action. step 4, Continue unl ony te dwbie card sft inthe SEE ne leit has Fhe enables the-right hand to obtain ike Correct grip in Feacinese for the change. Step 6. Having taken the card, the right hand places the SP fact Gowen te table bt in Front of the deck as eee igrid” How far in front of the deck will become SUCRE! ihe eat erlat ot the next move: reTnow mde and it wil be noted tht following the origh- ‘loving right asm backs thatthe palmed card wil come at ‘Tipolet exactly aver the top of the deck ae in Fig. 1 Step 8. Naturally the patmed card is released to fal 9 tp guard after the ‘Dribble, e wil nt matter It the released Rra'doet not fait a Step 9, Once the secret maneuver bas been accomplished, EichlpaCnae tees towbeds he let bonds “Botrvande are iMSrcbt tess rubbed together. Newt the puck te picked Bye Teh hans a pce lato te tet ‘Step 10. The Ltt thumb slifles {BeTcoraer ofthe deck stove Fig. 16. Later the performer the tabled card to show th Step tl Naturally the above method can be used whether ‘he'cardician te aested or standing at 2 table METHOD NO. 3... Standing oF aeated 1k te at Al mes inthe Left hand, Step 2., Execute all the moves for the change that leave the wards the eit Sond aul the puoed cara Us benesth ie lft ‘Memb And above the pack a shown in Figs 7, Step 4, The Left thumb now presses down onthe palmed cards tinue taking W onto the tap of the deck Inthe mane Sie’ the ey Be pack Step 5. The performer or spectator can turn over the tabled plrticslar manner in which the change fe tiloed. METHOD NO. 4... Step 1. In this ease the Step 3. The performer now seemingly transfers {ace down to the left hand,” What actly hopper snudience, at the same time the exchange move Is executed ils move leave the oigeal bed taken dhe card by the ends Step 4, Right hand now remaine fen by the frontal audience forthe sight hand andthe card = {op inthe way already shown Elga: i and feof the ira Me~ hat is about te be described hae several new ideas incor epectators “ifke Ace of Spades, you say? Very well, will SETS ot Shades fe tp apace a paper ii on emepber ie) Now bere te bive out favorite cards the fps on Now for the frat line, wil You fet ne ho the the paper clipped card is turned faze up- iets the Six of the innovation of sctualy changing the card while she Sp Eon Tae dei ta ol ging totter Car fost ‘Step 1. Have a paper clip handy of th type pictured. (F HPA apeclnis?id Tequedted 0 same his favori card | | The cardia cot to the top an openiy tanned face ups 7 Step 2 cn a Fig the correct position for the” move to be raccesatel. Do not to leave Foom for the righ finger Fig. 21 Hace itat center bat above BeeoppercStne Step 3. Tara the Ace of Spades, or any other favorite card, fac8 down om top of the pack so tant the paper clipe noe atthe cpper lel corners Step 4. The pack is proffered for a Sng Brebk tnnained y i ‘rainaineg by ieftfoarth Hager ater ‘Step 5. ‘The right hand now replaces the card on top but in such a manner'as to go unier the clips Tits Fig’ 22 ag the card iu abont tbe Toft tham on aide of ‘deck preventecllp from being mashed, Sieh 6, Bate hands now square Segie ined covds of being Stn 7 Norma ater he Tetra i Tipped face 0p Show the Ace af Spades spats. Step 8. The right fingers grasp fhelcard atuettame torn tat layed being held inthe now farnilie chasge Step 9. The right hand now the card face down 00 Bi Ghtet bowevers the change ove is made when twill be Toon tat i he erie are sleet on ie selected Shhe upper ard which is the step 10, The paimed card can, of course, be disposed by Seeley Safed can sae be weed fr Step 1, It remains now to finish as per the effect with te Step. I. iitow being shown as the selection. MIRACLE CHANGE NO. 2 1 when standing and working aay als chante die ie elbods and Meat ofthe Firat ore Tasks from Ble Masipela gl and less eto of atlonding fhe hidden cATd ter mesting Tenual personally, we found te ter race i ediect a change of cards. This 2864 tae ag ap well ae 2 metodo unlond= PAD fede Gre fo be deneribed now Sten, Tag int ont hen moved over ne sie oh kev and are ten hela in in Fig. ince bythe left thumb Step turns beck upwards and tonses the 2 its ttt nd pr nto the wating Fight baa 8 Arg garde S50 tas ae Cardefall ino 8 govt of mechan Step 5. The rig tam relenas Hol on he eh ped between the sides of first and second fingers, The lower Fiat mers tou ig ouching te puim abuse and the ‘Step 6. With cards clipped as shown in Fig. 27, the right sed haope tsa eee back sp ad the le rc Figao. a de view. Remember the top card nae Fig. 30 Siffves at the position depie~ SEin Figs 30. Tole te the Let Tae view. Fig. 32 Step 9, From the front the hand looks to hold a single card STa'Fig. 3) The front card concerts the card sill ia back one, Step 10, ‘The teft hand ; which tas been Idle at the side, now time toe rghit bend fran Step I, The teft thumb pulls the conceated card gato the pack She the right hand moves forward in's gesture during wich Tone remash appropriste to the effect st hand fe made: Step 12, As only one ard remain Shown ireely when dlaplaying the changed em to conceal the amitch Some may prefer to tara tothe of cards, This in a mater for performer to SicSteve found alter mach experimentation that MIRACLE CHANGE NO. 3. gin mer agence ne airy Pi Toaage te made without he peck inthe hands. (ts Bias SPSS SLE Ga os chris ear Soe unisinatia gi ges rte me with the right hand. Place ede are held lace Sow 3, The left fingers hold the two cards by the center of ae ‘lcthred in Fig. 33 thevcard face towards nudlence shite the right forefinger points eis fee ig tight foretinger fx touching nox Eilcx corer fousth flogers carie *= ‘op end of the card Causing the fips of these fingers: Tn Fig. 5 niente more or tise vw See Fig. 36 showing the face card in the act of boing stole top in ig. 37 wich nleo shows ll be found that the clipped card is directly be= it ts very near the sleeve. See Fig. 38, carl upwards moving towards fhe sight welot, This revue Fig.39 In We'card being pushed, fore igrenter part of fe lengthy into Berighl sieeve ae tn Fig. 39. a, eet ee pote Dees Sheree Sapna Poe eee rere Rian step 12, The performer's body turns stighty tothe lft lng he ene ae Ee holding to sont ‘step 13. Tae right hand approaches the card neld in the, SeehRea Twill ie Vigne Taredioger, snap the card on i's dace See Fig. al Mitied tut at tts stage Whe Step 15. Snap the card face to- seafds yorsei by teienaina the Sy the sigat second ager. The Cad suotld ene facing perfor SESE nD held by the lower Index ind ing tier face othe Gad Teta hen yp with pe Step 1, Tope ne card dove with mee ‘Tetnce'e novesally bent position st te watat, Step, To unan se eprd from thy slere thei ha StPu aropped tothe tide and te card retrieved. Later It SDLGLSTEPES top of the deck an the canis are scooped off step 19. As INT tier Toutine, ts to pick op Eranefer it to the Hight baad ternative method which fcidentaliy, 18 used us ck oi at hana, Step 20, The right hand holds the pack {rom above but {aeTeght hand drope to he de, We sight Hegery trade INSS'S the side, thas Lesving the whole buck end open sep 2 1 wt be fund upon dropping the sight hand that ‘Those are the basic mechanics of the change which we wit db the’ Sleeve Change’ in referring toe garing the AMULTIPLE EFFEcr, Batects Performer sho intr the card in EXfta'te a card that wes previously telected. peeked at and noted by one of the come Dany. Control the card to the top by means of the Side Ste Er ly citer method preferred by yoursell spectator and request him to help ‘Spon revelving an altirmetiv ‘LA Gilt Method Techaigue ex ‘Step 3. Spectator is asked to remember this card. It le arsed’ ‘face down, then dealt onto the table, -Actualy the Griginally selected curd in aow on te table while the cu uot noted, Terains on top Step 4. We will aseume thatthe audience sees the tabled furl ts the Ten of Diamonds. Actslly tie exnd will tL Step 5. Make s second Double Lift disclosing a second card fobs doteds ‘Let syain imagine that thie cata in the Seven Step 7. At this stage the lft hand hold the cards in readl= evs for the ieeve Change" Step 4. The right hand points to the face of the card, held Sy Tel nae pr taadractions or fe Steve Change, at fo touch the tabled card. Fig. 46 shows the position of both Wanda:in relation to te cardé. ABS nsacnssiss Step 12, Drop righthand to side, retrieve cara from sleeve, Spaiongelge the first one Step 13, Pick up the tabled card, etnape clarity the elec at Is Step 1, “Will you please peek at one card and remember 18? ‘Thank you" Step 2. “want someone to help me remember two cards You ace Thave = poor memory! therefore, will ou heep ictare in your mind of tin Sev en of Space? Tahail face fron the table for the tne being.” Step 3. “This aecond card in my bend isthe Four of Dia~ {nonda. Now let's tee how good are our retentive powers."* Step 4. ‘The Four of Diamonds Is clesrly in my hand but deca anyone remember the card on the table? Step 5. ‘The Seven of Spades, you say? Tam afralé not Step 6,, "The Four of Diamonds te, of course, here ta my As ne cn se from the le pater, th ‘The second effect te tctualy « climax to any The ings ed to follow the Ace of Spades but ‘ight bail instead sons any card with pack plus te Ace af Spades Step 3. Hold the three cards openly to show only three of thems sod openly place the Acct Spadee in tie Center Hold ‘here ina Feraddle position similar to Fig. 4 Step 4. Have the apectator examine your right cost pocket. [At The same time the Tight hand is ralued to'nld spectator i dotag ts. cp 5, awe same apetator nw shut the packs how Fight band with the three Aces to your sider This causes inf card from the sleeve fo fall atop the thvee earde ins Step 6, Have apectator place the pack, face inwards, in Step 7. Holding the three cards face down, restly four, do ouble Lilt ts show the first red Acer The Double Buckle Gan be sed here in ltea of the Dewble Lit. (See "The Cars ‘Heian’ ta chapter on the Buctle.) Step 8, Turn the two cards face down tnd desl the suppos ‘sd Fed Ace to your left on the tables "Actually the eight apot Step 9. Another Double Lift (or « Single Buckle-See “The Earaician’ to now expose the Ace of Spader: Turn i fase ‘bat'spectatore imagine ite the inst cards PME Step iL, Tura the two carde as one (ace upto thow the Insl 2ed Acer Hold these cards face up inthe left nad in Fendineae forthe Slecve Change Step 12, The following aequeace of moves is important for Touches the card on the left of table az you say, "A Red. Ace."* The right hand moves beck and bere of Hngers ouch the from end of cards ne in Fig. 48. Natura the eet ea yn for eeallng ofthe batons Card moven tothe fabled card aaa siren Spates Step 4, After touching the supposed Ace of Spades, card or 2h of ne he ih oa ropa othe dein reel wih eerie pti opr r= ANSGRTESE SOUT aeteed ace flo bet tam Step 16, The loft hand turna over the exrd on the right, the Sitlous choice of the spectator, to show it lea red Aes. step 17. Transfer the red Ace from the right hand back to SMEG nands od the Fed Ace face down inthe Left bend Step 8. At this stage a very obvious Mexican Turnover Swkch i, made of the red Ace in your hand for the tabled Srna Natural spectator will ateure that you now SF Lee tt Spades fe yous band: however, actually Fou Bares Step 19. After the proper reticence to reves you do 40.20 you sagely Fema pttced me behind the eight bell. the right hand tn dropped to fhe"elde and the A Iter the Ace te loeded in= ale deck an the curdn are vemoved, Ace will be reverned (doc to the way peck was placed in pockst. fhe cardin sty Ace of Spades belng reverted i he ck, producing the Ace of Spd owed Paul Rosia! our method of get~ ‘After having adeaiited ‘we explained the Modus operandi, Allteet Paul could ony, te Tvs betn doing carde to the pocket for't long time Dat T never thought of using sleeving for the ellen of the rou" There is; of course, a apectal handling when dotng th what we cali, Clima Sleeving. While not in the category [eCard Changes we felt that te long na the subject in Sicevings we taght se well throw is In for tone wo may Sect cana ov saver unde ape placed tn the Ltt hand ‘Hous la epromicing these same cards from the pocket. Step L. The card to be vanished ls held as tn Fig. 49 which SB e scEMEGA tach palo clip except that te cara projects 2 from the beck fingers andthe card faces the audl= Step 2., Both hands are now Brett fo chet gh wbezee STound each otser”, This action Sno heti and as Fig. Step 4, Behind the left hand, the right mile fingers pivot ThePcaba eo that i arsiven a the front palm.” The left fers simsiate the taking ofthe card. ‘The position of both Sole, efter the pivoting of curd; ts as tn Fig. 52, Note ‘Sou thurs of Left hand are actally grasping Fight Step 5, The night hile he left fagertipe are ‘mouth when they are breathed Spon. During thie, the Tight ‘ut of slght to cover the action of the right hand shoving Re card avtber'ap te sieeve Pipe 35 shows he boty o> step 6. Rian rm once more moves apward competing se,tteeent noe shown repesatly on both sigee sib ends in front of face-au ta Fig. 5. Fig. 34 Step 7, The right hand once more drops tothe si ‘ie Tel san geaape left cout lapels ite Step 8. Silgtty open th cont on this side, ot same me cia‘tdhlngs awards it as it looking ine Step 9. The right hand, whlch by now has reclaimed the SE seaches Fehind the Cont and sueme to produce the Etkdl oO enrde, from tha sige ‘The cord in tossed out to audlence for the climax. Gnbelleveable transpoution eTeanges: cle only lraited by the imagination othe erdicianwho pots them fo 0 As an example, an astounding transposition is possible by smatering eile Change Noi th une ‘Spades while the other bar the Ace of Hearts. Of course, SPhind delAce ac Spades ite deplicte Ace of sence tlle ESMISE tbe visbe Ace of Henste inte dupllcnte Ace of Spades. Of course, both Aces are dioplayed one in each hand, ‘he bande ays held fv'auck an placed on fre ian the oppoaite cards end up on the sande.” ‘The cards that sey ibe pain a te sean to batld up the effect, then later jorition iat haw taken place now brings us tothe conclusion of our first chap~ Cardiatly yours, Eduard M,

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