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SOUTH CANTERBURY FINANCE LTD CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 Continuing operations Interest received Fee income Dividends recelved Fair value gain on financial assets held for trading Operating lease charges Gain on sale of operating lease assets Gain on sale of property plant and equipment Gain on sale of investments Forex gain Other income Total revenue Less Expenses Interest paid Audit fee Bad debts written off Allowance for impairment: advances Fair value loss on financial assets held for trading Nat loss on disposal of non current assets held for resale Net loss on available for sale financial assets Allowance for impairment in investments Net loss on available for sale financial assets (reclassified) Forex loss Directors fees and expenses Donations Brokerage and debenture expenses Rent paid Depreciation: operating leases Depreciation: property plant and equipment Loss on disposal: property plant and equipment Employee Expenses Other expenses Write off intangible assets Share of loss Joint Venture Share of net loss (gain) in associates Profit (loss) from continuing operations before taxation Income tax expense Profit (loss) from continuing operations net of tax Attributable t Eauity holders of the parent Minority Interests GMonthsto 6Monthsto 12Months to 31 December 2009 so00's 92,947 4.465 204 9.et0 2,064 48 1,164 16,121 1,945 31 December 2008 s000's 114,485 5.237 751 62,013 8.488 894 7,048 1,488 30 June 2009 s000's 219,324 10,500 2,286 39,679 18,230 1,800 189 7471 5,342 130,78 88,112 879 29,261 151,053, 22,362 7 15.918 6.226 3,859 72 3 2074 m2 4,190 3,856 162 19,660 190 (2,962) 200,403 87,016 287 5841 (2.572) 48,105 154 18 an 4,725 188 20,035 3,354 304,800 180,281 517 9,783 57,655 464 35,000 11,438 19,548 308 18 472 924 4496 5,608 563, 27817 5.807 998, 342,624 167,620 365,893 11,846) (56,958) 154.888) (155,536) 647. (154,888) 28,179 465 28,645 (67,093) (16,502) (a 5aH) (45,451) 860 G55) SOUTH CANTERBURY FINANCE LTD CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (UNAUDITED) FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 Profit (loss) from continuing operations net of tax Other comprehensive income Gains and losses on remeasuring available for sale financial assets Propetty revaluation joint venture Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income Profit (loss) from other comprehensive income net of tax Total comprehensive income for the year, net of tax Attributable Eauity holders of the parent Minorty interests GMonthsto 6Monthsto 12Months to 34 December 31 December 30 June 2009 2008 2009 s000's S000 s000's (154,888) 28,645—(44,591) 1,983 017) (1,721) a CA 2) (152,906) $26,627 (46,312 (152,908) 26,627 (47,173) 860 (152,906) 526,627 GES) ‘SOUTH CANTERBURY FINANCE LTD CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (UNAUDITED) FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 Ordinary Preference _Unrealised Retained =Total ~=— Minority Total Shares Shares GainReserve Earnings Interests $000 —$000's $000's $000's 8000's so00s s000's At 4 July 08 70000 © 120,000 (1,773) 52,450 240,677 29st 243,569 Total Comprehensive Income: income Attributable to: Equity holders of the 2017) 28,179 26,162 26,162 parent Minority interests 465 465 Equity Transactions: Shares issued Dividends paid: Ord (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) Dividends paid: PPS (4,096) 4,096) (4,096) At 31 December 08 7o000__ 170,000 G70, C6553 2627S Te 2560S At 1 July 08 70,000 120,000 (1,773) 52,450 240,677 2,891 243,569 Total Comprehensive Income: Income 3,844 (47,173) (43,32) (43,329) Attributable to: Equity holders of the : 860 860 parent Minorty interests - Equity Transactions: Shares issued 60,000 60,000 60,000 Dividends paid: Ord (24,027) (24,027) (24,027) Dividends paid: PPS (7,894) (7,894) (7,894) {At 30 June 09 Tso ooo 720-000 ZO Geet) 5407 Tel aTS Total Comprehensive Income: Income Attributable to Equity holders of the (2.071) (150,835) (182,808) (152,06) parent Minorty interests 647 647 Equity Transactions: : Shares issued 20,000 20,000 20,000 Dividends paid 3.031) 3,031) (3,031) At 31 December 09 750,000 720,000 = Hao) 30 73a 33 5G SOUTH CANTERBURY FINANCE LTD CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (UNAUDITED) AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2009 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Other short term deposits Recelvables NZ Government stock Non current assets held for resale Advances Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss held for trading Shares and investments Investment properties Development properties Property, plant and equipment Shares in associated companies Taxation Deferred taxation Total Assets Liabitities Creditors Financial iablties at fal value through profit and loss held for trading Borrowings Total Liabilities Total Net Assets Equity Total Shareholders Equity GMonthsto GMonthsto 12Monthsto 31 December 31 December 2009 so00's 13.618 279 14,281 529 21,942 41,497,795 41,983 94.214 21,929 26,387 91,670 80,221 39,579 84117 988,548 20,604 4,874,051 894,654 $93,809 2008 s000's 322,499 260 17,400 1,020 28,698, 1,542,139 52,870 120,231 76,818 12,800 37,576 8,322 2,220,631 24,427 1,940,104 1,964,531 $256,099 30 June 2009 s000's 123,276 287 27614 4,018 31,848 1,631,786 36,833, 233,405, 21,929 26,234 75,042 83,525 38,416 26,935 21,464 2,107,503

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