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Robert Gallo

Living Environment A

February 28, 2011


Chapter 15 Review: Pages 115-117 in Review Book

Part A-Multiple Choice
7. The number of chromosomes (1) is specific for each type or organism
8. Before cell division, the genetic material must undergo a process called (3) replication
9. During the process of mitosis, the chromosomes (2) are divided equally
10. The diagram below represents the chromosomes in a cell. Which of the following diagrams
best illustrates the daughter cells that result from the normal division of this cell? (2) diagram 2
11. What happens after mitosis has occurred? (2) The genetic material replicates.
12. Compared to the parent cell, each daughter cell that results from the normal mitotic division
of the parent cell contains (3) the same number of chromosomes and identical genes to those of
the parent cell
13. In asexual reproduction, the genetic material is supplied by (2) one parent cell
14. The diagram below represents a cell process. Which statement regarding this process is
correct? (1) Cell B contains the same genetic information as cells A and C.
15. The DNA of a plant produced by asexual reproduction would be (1) identical to that of the
parent plant
16. A researcher determines that all the members of a certain population of plants on a lawn are
genetically identical. The best explanation of this is that the plant (3) reproduces asexually, by
17. A new hydra can be produced from groups of cells that enlarge and stay attached to the
parent hydra for a time before breaking off and becoming independent. This method of
reproduction is called (4) budding
31. In what way is reproduction in the ameba (top) the same as reproduction in the yeast
(bottom)? In what way is it different? What is the specific term for the yeasts method of
Both types of reproduction are asexual.
The daughter cells of the reproduction in the ameba are genetically identical to the parent;
whereas the bud of the reproduction in the yeast is not genetically identical to the parent.
The specific term of the yeasts method of reproducing is called budding.

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