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Ordinance 5781 Is About Gay Supremacy.

By Protect Fayetteville Anonymous Blogger

Printed in the Protect Fayetteville flyer is the statement that Ordinance

5781 is not about civil rights for ethnic groups or about gay equality,
rather about gay supremacy. The definition of supremacy is the state or
condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status.
The definition of supremacist is an advocate of the supremacy of a
particular group, especially one determined by race or sex. Protect
Fayetteville makes the gay supremacy claim because of Ordinance 5781
indicators and observable extremist
statements and behaviors of the LGBT
activists on the Fayetteville City Council.
1. Ordinance 5781does not give any reason to believe that the
so-called Civil Rights Commission was created for use by
ethnic groups, veterans, disabled, women, or children who
may be discriminated against. For certain, the commission does not exist for those who are
discriminated against or targeted because of their religion. However, the Ordinance does state
clearly that the one-sided commission is for those in the LGBT community who feel
wronged. This raises red flags and shows the intent of the city council in creating this
commission. This, by definition, is supremacy because it sets up the gay community as
having a special commission to mediate their perceived infractions over everyone else.
2. Civil Rights applies to every individual in the U.S. regardless of gender. Therefore, it does
not matter if a person is a male or female or are surgically changed into a male or female or a
person just thinks themselves to be a male or female- either way, they
have protected civil rights. This becomes, then, about gay supremacy
in that transgenders want to have special rights to enter areas they
typically are not privy to such as opposite sex bathrooms, locker
rooms, and shelters. Yet, when a transgender goes to the doctors
office or is asked questions by the TSA they give answers according
to their real gender and they dont have any problem doing this. So, is it fair for transgenders
to dominate gender segregated areas for their own convenience and at the expense of most of
the population? Gay extremists think so.
3. The same city council majority who are LGBT extremists will choose the so-called Civil
Rights Commission members. Therefore, it is likely other LGBT advocates will fill the
seven positions on the commission. The Ordinance states that at least one person from the
LGBT community must serve on the commission. Interestingly, there is no mention of how
many ethnic people, religious people, or men or women should be on the commission. This
shows bias towards non-LGBT citizens- this is gay supremacy at work.

Ordinance 5781 Is About Gay Supremacy.

By Protect Fayetteville Anonymous Blogger

4. There are no repercussions stipulated for any LGBT individual

who makes a false complaint and yet all the burden of proof is
placed squarely on the business owner or the accused. This lack
of safeguards allows for the systematic targeting
of religious people who own businesses, bullying
tactics by gay extremists, and the furthering of gay supremacy. A person can
be fired for many reasons typically having to do with job performance.
However, this ordinance will make it easy for any LGBT individual to seek punitive damages
just because they felt they were wronged due to their lifestyle.
5. Last Fall, when fighting Chapter 119, the City Attorney Kit Williams, compiled a list of
lawyers who were ready, willing, and able to prosecute anyone who would be accused of a
so-called Civil Rights violation against an LGBT person. This list was specifically made
for the LGBT community- how accommodating. Furthermore, the city attorney was named
as the Civil Rights Administrator, knowing full well, by his own statement earlier that year
in a city council meeting, that being appointed as such would be a conflict of interest. Still,
he accepted the position. Furthermore, this ordinance requires an attempt at a settlement
through mediation by the city attorney. If mediation fails, then 5781 forces the accused to a
humiliating public hearing before the commission. This inexperienced, unelected, untrained,
and uncertified commission chooses all the rules of investigation, discovery, and evidence.
What happened to due process of law? Gay supremacy is what happened.
6. The city council ignored Fayetteville citizens who repealed Chapter 119. By ignoring the will
of the people the city council clearly demonstrate their LGBT extremist personal agenda is
more important to them than public service. The very definition of supremacist behavior is
seen here.
7. Among the many reasons why we have Freedom of Religion in this country is so that people
can be free to live their lives to serve God if they so desire without fear of loss of livelihood.
If we, as a society, can respect the girl at the counter who doesnt want to sell liquor to a
customer so she gets someone else to process the transaction instead; why wouldnt we be
just as understanding and tolerant of the individual who cannot participate in any other event
that is religiously offensive to them. A reasonable mind would be just as tolerant. We dont,
for example, force devout Muslims or Jews to cater pork by request. Then, neither should we
force Christians to participate in same-sex ceremonies. Yet, gay
extremist advocates and gay supremacists think otherwise. This
is why they wrote Ordinance 5781 the way they did- to make it
illegal for a person of faith to politely decline personal
involvement in a same-sex event of any kind.

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