Complications of Eczema

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Complications of Eczema

It s tough enough dealing with eczema itself. But, nature can add insult to injury
or rather, adds further injury to injury
with the possible development of compl
ications from your eczema.
Some of these complications can be quite serious. While some are physical, there
can also be psychological implications as well. The cracked, dry skin that is c
ommon to eczema increases your risk of acquiring various skin infections. The ri
sk is substantially increased if you scratch the affected area continuously, or
if you re not treating the disorder properly.
A serious concern for eczema sufferers like yourself is developing a bacterial i
nfection, which can play havoc with your already delicate condition. While there
are numerous kinds of bacterial problems that you may develop, some are definit
ely worse than others.
Topping the list is one called Staphylococcus aureus. How can you tell if you re i
nfected with it? The symptoms include an increased appearance of redness of your
skin, the oozing of already cracked skin, as well as crusting over the area whe
n the liquid dries. Additionally, you may also experience a temperature, and ove
rall feelings of bodily discomfort.
Don t assume that your body can combat this infection effectively and heal itself;
it can t. You need to consult your health care provider and take a course of pres
cription antibiotics.
The Herpes Simplex Virus
Oh yes! It s a distinct possibility. You may, indeed, develop an infection caused
by the herpes simplex virus; this is the same virus that causes cold sores. Whil
e it seems harmless enough, it too can progress into a serious condition called
eczema herpeticum.
If you have painful eczema that only seems to be getting worse, or you experienc
e blisters filled with fluid, then you may have this type of virus. The blisters
will eventually rupture, resulting in open sores. You may also run a fever and
feel generally unwell.

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