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Chord length=0.01m
K=3.6 h=0.08 kh=0.29
Speed=0.2 m/s
Viscosity, mu= 1.225e-07 ms (Has been decided based on Reynolds number and
Frequency= 11.40Hz
(Has been calculated from the formula k= 2*pi*frequency* chord length/speed)
Amplitude of plunging= 0.0008m
Time step size= 0.01
PISO solver, RNG k-epsilon, second order discretization schemes.
(has been chosen on the basis of the logic , smallest element
size/2*pi*frequency*chord length)
This is the udf I have used to simulate. The amplitude of v_cg was obtained as
2*pi*frequency*amplitude of plunging= 2*3.14*11.40*0.0008
#include "udf.h"
#include "dynamesh_tools.h"
DEFINE_CG_MOTION(asymflap1, dt, v_cg, omega, time, dtime)
NV_S(v_cg, =, 0.0);
v_cg[1] = 0.05730265*sin(71.6283125*time);
So, the kinematics I have simulated for are
Frequency= 11.40 Hz and amplitude of plunging= 0.0008 m
The simulation was run for 1400 time steps of 50 iterations/step. (step size=0.01

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