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Submission for the Global Finance Innovation Challenge

The goal of the challenge is to highlight innovations being undertaken by Finance

staff or innovations being undertaken by WFP Country Offices or Regional
Bureaux, to which Finance is contributing. Please describe your submission
completing each section of this document and limiting your application to one
page. One submission per region will be awarded a prize during the Global Finance
Name of Innovation

Responsible person/team


Description of the innovation

What is the innovation about? Which different/new approach is being taken?
How is it being implemented?

Role of Finance
Is this innovation carried out by Finance, or is Finance is contributing to
implementing it?

Main results
What are the main outcomes and impacts obtained by the innovation? Is the
innovation impacting one or more of the following core dimensions?
Trusted & Informed Business Partner
People Focus & Organisation
Innovation & Technology
Financial Oversight & Risk Management

To be sent to:

Subject: Global Finance Innovation Challenge
By: 15 May 2015
Thank you for your submission!

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