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44.2 FULLY CONTROLLED BRIDGE CIRCUIT: Case 1: Resistive Load: Vs = Vmsin wt AC Supply(V.) Fig. 4.28 Circuit Diay In this circuit; diagonally opposite pair of thyristors are made to conduct and are commutated simultaneously. During the first positive half cycle SCRs Ty and Ts are forward biased and if they are triggered simultaneously then current flows through the path L-T;-R-Ty-N. Hence in the positive half cycle, thyristors T; and T» are conducting, During the negative half cycle of the ac input SCRs Ts and T, are forward biased and if they are triggered simultaneously, current flows through the path N-Ts-R-Ti-L. Thyristors Ty, Ta and Ts, Ts are triggered at the same firing angle a. in each positive and negative half cycles of the supply voltage, respectively. When the supply voltage falls to zero, the current also goes to zero. Hence thyristors Ty, Tz in the positive half cycle and Ts, Ts in negative half cycle turn off by natural or line communication, The voltage and current relations are: (1) Average dc output Voltage: 1 2n Vise =3q f Vedat 0 = % (1+ cos @) (2) Average Load Current: Thae -23 (1 + cos a) (3) RMS Load Voltage: 1 vs Vins -t f Vo? sin? wa a =v, [#22 sin2a]” =Nel on + an (4) RMS Load Current: Vins Tums = R (5) T; Voltage is: Applying KVL to T; loop: Vs- V1, -Vi- Vn =0 mnon+a; Vz, =0; Assuming Vr, = Vr, .. Vr, = Vs/2 M+ 2m; Vi = Vs; Vsnegative; Vr, = V1, Vr, =-Vs > ot (2) Case 2: With Inductive Load: Ty, i, io . sag. | Supply [— | { i Fig, 4.30 Circuit Diagram | a L = highly inductive Vg = V,,Sinat oy ¢—_ =< + g> conan Mode I: a tom In the positive half cycle thyristors T; and T; are forward biased and when these two thyristors are fired simultaneously at at = 0; the load is connected to the input supply through T; and T;, The load voltage V; is positive and load current I is positive and is equal tol. iL T, + i + . R Vs = Vi= positive \, Y, |i. = positive is = positive L Load stores energy T, Fig. 4.31 Mode - I Mode II: 7 tom +a ten li] i? T, ' I, + - al it = positive | ‘Vi = negative = Vs Vy | is = positive r z L Load discharges energy 2 i Fig, 4.32 Mode - II Att , supply becomes eto and afer becomes negate. Hower, the inductive lad wil try to oppose any change in current through it In order to mntain the load erent constant and in th ame diet asl induced vllag appears across he oad This vllage is high enough to maintain T; and Ty forward biased even after the supply voltage becomes naive The load voltage i negative and equal to the instantaneous supply voltage wheres the oad cumet continues fo be paitive Mode III: x + to 20 During negative half cycle, Ts and Tj are forward biased and firing thyristors Ts and Ts at ot = 7 +a will apply supply voltage across T; and T, as reverse blocking voltage. T: and T2 will be turned off due to line or natural commutation. The load voltage again becomes positive and load current continues to be positive. Vi = positive = Vs I, = positive Is = negative Fig, 4.33 Mode - III Mode IV: 0 to a OR 2n to 2n +a Vi =negative I, = positive I, = negative 1+————._ < ———+ Fig. 4.34 Mode - IV SCRs T; and T, continue to conduct in the negative half cycle. The load voltage again becomes positive and the load current remains positive. The average output voltage is 1 mee Vig =2-5 f Va-sinat dat a Vs -h “COs O Fora. < 90°; From the above equation, the average load voltage Vi, is positive and load current is positive; the net flow of power takes place from source to load. The converter is Said to be operated in rectification mode, For a > 90°: The average load voltage is negative and load current is positive; the net flow of power takes place from load to source. The converter is said to be in inversion mode. The RMS value of output voltage is: na % + ye Vine fos fw ss a n+ ” Vm? L-cos2at 4 aT — 7 lot Vat (_ sin2ut\"*9]4 = Flo} Vn Vie =p ¥s Note: For t = 90°; the average load voltage is zero and net power transfer to the load is zero. Vsinet 4Vs ot Avg. is current 4 Example 4.1: A 16 half controlled SCR converter is required to feed a heater for the purpose of temperature control. Resistance of heater is 5 © which is assumed to remain constant over the operating range. If the desired range of heater current is 34 A to 42 A and supply voltage is 250 V, 50 Hz, what is corresponding range of firing delay angle? Assume continuous conduction of SCRs throughout the operating range. (May 97; 8 Marks) Solution: Supply voltage = 250 V, 50 Hz. Load current =34A to42A Since R, = 59; Average load voltage = 34 x5 to 42 x5 =170to 210V Average load voltage for a half controlled converter is given as: Vic = 22014 cosa) (1) Now Vn = 2502 <. From (1) for Vig, = 170 V, a= 60° Vige = 210 V; 4 = 30° 2. The control range in terms of delay angle is 30° < a < 60°. Example 4.2: If 19 half controlled SCR bridge converter is supplied at 120 V, neglecting voltage drop across the devices determine mean voltage at firing delay angle of 60°. If load takes 25 A, determine the voltage and current ratings of the device. (Dec. 98; 10 Marks) Solution: Supply voltage =120V Delay angle a = 60° Load currenthy, =25.A Vn (a) Vig, = gq (1 + cos o); a =60° Vn = 12042 & Vig =81V (2) Current ratings of SCRs: Three types of current ratings are generally average current rating, rms current rating and peak current rating. (a) Average Current Rating: 1" tae 7 ny = 3g f Tae dat = 3S fda @ a _ (t- 0) Thy. Av = on * = 8.33 Amp cig a =60°=n/3 save (b) RMS Current Rating: 1% 4 ls =]3¢ f 1g, dat a m-Q h “ mn ] evs = 1443 Amp (c) Peak Current Rating: Ipek = lige = 25 Amp (d) Voltage Rating of SCR: Voltage rating = Vin = 120-/2 = 170V 44.3 COMPARISON OF HALF CONTROLLED AND FULL CONTROLLED BRIDGE CONVERTER: (a) Full controlled rectifiers are capable of two quadrant operation i. (either as rectifier or as inverter) while half controlled rectifiers are suitable for only single quadrant operation. (b) In full controlled circuit, at every cycle, a portion of negative voltage appears which does not appear for half controlled circuit, This results in reduction of voltage at output. (©) Power factor is improved in half controlled bridge due to freewheeling action in it, (d) Source current Is is discontinuous in half controlled bridge while Is is continuous in full controlled bridge. (e) SCR conducts for period n - ct in half controlled bridge while for full controlled they conduct for period of n. (f) Half controlled converters are cheaper than full controlled circuits as a pair of SCRs is replaced by pair of diodes.

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