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Review for Individuals Involved in Curriculum Implementation

This article talks about how teachers directly involved in curriculum implementation. There are
lot of people who involved in curriculum implementation but the most important people is teachers. The
writer said that With their knowledge, experience and competencies, teachers are central to any
curriculum improvement effort. This shows how important teacher in curriculum implementation and it
also needed in Malaysia.
The writer said that teachers can be getting committed to innovation by enhancing their
knowledge through various programs. I agree with this issue because it is the same in Malaysia. It is
important for teacher to have the knowledge before start using something in their classroom. This is
because if they did not have the knowledge in innovation, they cannot use it correctly in their
The next issue is that not all the teachers will get the exposure. The writer said that, there are
too many teachers and so little budget. With small budget, a lot of things cannot be done. This will
affect teachers whos eager to learn something new and apply it with their pupils. The writer said The
most common approach is to have one-day workshops given by experts with the lecture method being
the dominant pedagogical strategy. The same thing happen in Malaysia, I think this approach is not
suitable for the teacher because they need to feel the experience on their own and not just listen to the
lecturer in front of them.
The writer emphasize the point that the professional development of teachers is an important
factor if a curriculum implementation want to be successful if being implemented in school. So
teachers need to understand the programs philosophy and its content. If teachers did not understand
these two important things, they will not be able do their duty perfectly and at the same time cannot
improve themselves.
Last but not least, the writer gave two more points on how can teacher helps to successfully
implement the curriculum in school. One of the point is teachers need to become familiar with the new
pedagogy. This is because as the curriculum change, the pedagogy also change and teachers need
time to get familiar with it. Another point is component of the program. New curriculum will have new
component and teachers must master it in order for them to really make the curriculum successful.

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