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VECTORBOX 6000 Quick

User’s Guide

VECTORBOX is a highly flexible broadcast system designed to cover every playout
need in today's broadcast facility. The system provides master control room
automation with a built-in video server and character generator and handles
playout and ingest of content from video server as well as satellite, VTR and
studio. VECTORBOX is the ideal solution for all kinds of broadcasters including
local, cable, satellite, music, news and barker channels.

Like other Vector 3 products, VECTORBOX is constantly undergoing development

according to the changing needs of over 500 existing VECTORBOX clients and an
ever more demanding broadcast industry.

VECTORBOX systems are available in a variety of configurations for different
applications and formats.

VECTORBOX 8000 is a high definition SDI playout system with a maximum of

one recorder channel and one playout channel per chassis.

VECTORBOX 6000 is SDI only and is available as a recorder with a minimum

configuration of 2 ingest channels and as a playout with up to four playout
channels per chassis.

V-BOX News is an SDI manual playout for live and news environments with the
ability work in A/B roll with or without an external vision mixer as the system
includes a range of transitions. Other features include journalist assignment, text
field exportation to a prompter with read rate calculator, group event
management and status colour coding of all events.

VECTORBOX systems are multi-codec and handle a wide range of compression

formats including: DVCAM, DVCPRO, DVPRO50, DVCPRO & uncompressed as well
as MPEG-2 IBP and I-frame. These compression codecs may also be mixed in the
same playlist.

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Components and Architecture
VECTORBOX consists of the following component parts:

Hardware platform with storage – VECTORBOX uses the best open server
platform available, based on the Matrox range of multi-channel broadcast video
boards for both video and audio compression and graphics. The platform is open
so a variety of approved off the shelf storage can be used.

V-SERVER – This is the VECTORBOX video server application and controls the
video board. V-SERVER is controlled by the following clients:

VECTORBOX Playout Client – This controls playout of all content as well as

controlled graphics overlay.

VECTORBOX Recorder Client – Is used for simple and batch recording content
from VTR, satellite and other video sources.

Each VECTORBOX system also includes a device server for controlling routers and

System architecture is highly flexible so control clients can be installed on

separate workstations on the LAN for extra redundancy.

VECTORBOX 6000 can be built around a LAN or FC network and can play clips
directly from a central storage in both cases.

Complimentary Products
The following software products for use with VECTORBOX:

Imagena – This graphics package consists of a graphics template and crawl

editor so you can create dynamic graphics with text, animations and crawls and
to get the most from VECTORBOX graphic capacity.

MediaCopier – This software manages network bandwidth and file formats over
your LAN, allowing you to choose the NLE you need and enjoy all the benefits of a
fast and safe tapeless workflow.

Autovia - This redundancy watchdog software monitors VECTORBOX systems

and in the case of failure, guarantees instant, automatic switchover to a
redundant system with the absolute minimum of airtime lost.

V-BOX Traffix is a cost-effective, easy to use SQL based media asset

management solution, and offers VECTORBOX customers powerful management
covering of all key operational areas including programme scheduling, browsing,
traffic, advertising, sales and rights management.

DVDigest allows direct ingest of media from decrypted DVDs to VECTORBOX as

data files. Features include batch mode, NTSC to PAL conversion as well as re-
encoding to adapt GOP structure and screen size.

Other VECTORBOX playout systems include:

VECTORBOX Tatamia is a fully integrated playout system for enhanced and

interactive TV applications including TV-chat, SMS and Music-Jukebox channels.
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VECTORBOX Tatamia interfaces directly to SMS gateways and gives fast and
dynamic results.

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V-SERVER and Device Server start up automatically when the computer is turned
on. The user can check the presence of these icons in the bottom right hand
corner of the screen. To open the VECTORBOX recorder and playout client, go to
the program option of the start-up menu.

Other clients such as CG Template Generator and CG Crawl Editor should be

started separately and can be prepared as a desktop element for this purpose.

V-SERVER and Device Server clients are designed to be in the background and
once opened, do not need to be altered during normal everyday use.

When we open the VECTORBOX Playout Client, we are presented with the Entry

Disk information

This indicates space remaining. Housekeeping of disks is made easier as

VECTORBOX is equipped with purge tools to allow the user to set an expiry date
on all media and purge the disk of all media where one of the three vital parts is
missing – The AVI, video clip, WAV audio file, BXX meta data.

‘View’ drop down menu

Manual device controls – These individual device control interfaces allow you to
control all VTRs switchers and other devices manually and override the automatic
control as part of the VECTORBOX playlist.

CG control – This manual CG controller allows you to carry out on-air titling for
news and sports.

Server status window - This indicates the status of the video server and all
devices ¡n the workflow (routers, VTRs etc.). Double click on any device to view
the manual control interface for this.

Warning list – This indicates when there are any problems in the scheduled
playlist, such as gaps and overlaps and missing media.

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Options available through the ‘View’ menu

VECTORBOX Playout Interface

VECTORBOX playout interface consists of a number of windows, each with a
different function. Each system includes a dual VGA output so the playlist
schedule can occupy a window of its own with the other control windows
appearing in the second monitor. The main windows are the following:

Playout Manager – This is the playout schedule and main interface with the
The Catalogue – This reflects the D drive of the catalogue where all clips and
graphics are stored and dragged and dropped into the playlist.
Switcher and VTR controls – Manual Control Interfaces that allow the user to
manually control all devices in the workflow from the playout client.
CG Console – Module for insertion of on-air graphics in real time.
Clock – Synchronised with the PC clock and the system schedule.
VU Meters
Server status window – Gives us an oversight of the state of the server, which
cartridges are in play or inactive etc.
Warning list – This warns the user of possible problems in the playlist on-air,
such as gaps, overlaps in the scheduling and missing media.

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VECTORBOX playout interface with the Playout Manager and Catalogue

The Catalogue
The Catalogue is a simple tool for organising and accessing media and other files
in the VECTORBOX playout storage.

The Catalogue is made up of real windows folders and contains all the content the
operator will wish to access, as well as VECTORBOX Events – live lines, satellite
lines and VTR lines for inserting material into the schedule from different sources.

VECTORBOX works with simple drag and drop functionality and all clips and other
events are inserted into the schedule by this method.

You can use the catalogue folders to build any tree structure you want, including
subfolders and designate any name you need.

For more complex scheduling needs, our V-BOX Traffix software provides full
media asset management and if required VECTORBOX is able to integrate with
any third-party scheduling software.

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The Catalogue Window

Typical folders and files

The Catalogue provides simple access to the following files:

Clips: These may be dragged and dropped straight from the catalogue into the
Playlist Manager and saved as playlists as required.

CG Templates: These graphics templates are created on our Imagena CG

Template Editor software and then may be easily inserted into the schedule and
into individual clips.

CG Pages: As with templates, these graphics events are created using Imagena
and inserted into programming.

CG Crawls: This folder contains 32 bit logos created with our Imagena CG Crawl
Edit SW. These can also be dragged and dropped into the playlist.

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Saved Playlists: For previously compiled and saved playlists.

Rec Lists: Previously compiled and saved recording lists (For batch ingest)

VECTORBOX Events Folder

This folder is the means by which VECTORBOX manages feeds from different
sources and automatically remotes equipment.

VTR line

The material inserted into the playlist is from a VTR source (VECTORBOX can
control 4 VTRs and two switchers) and will be based on the TC in and out input.
When VECTORBOX comes to play this event, it will rewind the selected VTR to the
TC in and remote the switcher if necessary.

Live (Studio) lines

Live lines are for importing material from an external or live source or studio.
Unlike other VECTORBOX events, a live line features manual exit by default, this
is necessary as live slot durations often differ from the programmed duration.

With live lines, the event will continue in playout until the ‘Next’ button is
pressed. When VECTORBOX comes to a live line, it controls the switcher and the
remaining in line time value clock begins to count backwards. When a live event
overruns, the clock counts forwards and the time value appears in red.

MSS (Satellite disconnection) lines

This VECTORBOX event allows direct satellite feeds from a mother station to be
inserted into the schedule. This can be done according to schedule and also
VECTORBOX has the ability to be remote controlled by RS232 triggers, which are
de-muxed from the auxiliary satellite signal.

Apart from these, VECTORBOX also has the REC-LIVE and REC-VTR lines which
allow the user to record a live or VTR signal while it is on air.

Creating empty clips

We can create empty clips in the catalogue and schedule them by using the
‘create empty clip’ option available through the right mouse button. We give the
file a name and duration and once these are recorded and given the correct file

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name, they are automatically updated in the catalogue. The playlist adjusts to
compensate for any difference in real clip duration.

Browsing clips and graphics in the catalogue

By selecting any clip or CG Template in the catalogue and double clicking, you
open the clip properties window. This will allow you to view a thumbnail image
and information about the clip. By using the up and down arrows on the
keyboard, the user may move up and down the clips in any folder and browse
clips and graphics events.

Clip properties
The clip properties window allows us to edit clips in the catalogue and assign a
wide range of metadata to them. VECTORBOX uses BXX files as a storage format,
this means that it can accept a limitless amount of metadata with each video
event. All texts included as metadata can be easily read by our graphics
templates as they go to air allowing broadcasters to easily include information
such as singer name and song title automatically.

Clip Properties - typical metadata Clip Properties – additional information

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The Playlist Manager
The playlist manager is the main interface the operator uses for scheduling and
manipulating playout. As with all other VECTORBOX interfaces, this window may
be moved around, reduced and expanded according to the individual way of
working. VECTORBOX includes a dual VGA output and some operators choose to
use one full screen playout manager with other windows on a separate monitor.

The playlist manager interface was specially designed according to strict

parameters of letter size and colour. It is intuitive and simple to use, reducing
training and operational error to a minimum. The order and width of columns may
be changed according to individual needs and you can adjust the size of text by
clicking anywhere inside the black title bar at the top of the window. Three
settings are available; default, smaller and smallest depending if periods of short
play material is being aired.

Any user changes are stored and will remain part of the user configuration.

The Playout Manager GUI

The thumbnail image

A bitmap thumbnail image is located below the existing ‘Start’, ‘Next’ and ‘Hold’
buttons at the bottom left hand corner of the playlist manager. This thumbnail is
the 25th frame of the clip by default and appears when a clip is in play or when
any clip is selected in the Playlist Manager. This is designed as an aid for
operators to verify clip ID without occupying more than a minimum of user

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If the user requires a different frame to the default thumbnail, they may scrub
through the clip and take a snapshot of a different frame using the camera icon in
the VECTORBOX trimmer.

The user may move events around in the Playlist Manager and cut and paste as
they wish. The only restriction is that a clip cannot be altered when it is in play
(Green line) or in prepare mode (Blue line).

Dragging and dropping events into the playlist

You can add any event to the VECTORBOX playlist by simply dragging and
dropping them from the catalogue window and remove them by using the delete
button. Drag and drop clips within the playlist to change the position of events.

Operations over the playlist

The shown menu options are accessible with the right button of the mouse; each
has their own utility.

Right button drop down menu

Save line

This option allows the user to take any line in the playlist and save this as a line
template complete with all switcher crosspoints, VTR settings and even graphics
and metadata if required. This can then be given a name to allow it to be
repeatedly used as part of daily broadcasting; e.g. News at 6 etc. This function

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also allows you to save a line as an emergency clip. In this case, VECTORBOX
inserts this event whenever a gap occurs in the playlist and this is not resolved.


This allows the user to check media in the playlist for corrupted or missing media.

Trim Clip

The user can reset the in and out points for any clip in the playlist whilst retaining
the original media in tact.

Load playlist

This option allows you to load playlists automatically from the VECTORBOX or any
other .xml source. (see ‘set autoload’ below)

Reset status

This option returns the loaded playlist to its ‘freshly loaded’ state and before any
operations are carried out.

Jump to this line

VECTORBOX allows changes to be made to the playlist while it is on air. Jump to

this line allows the user to jump from the line in play to the selected line thus
ignoring all the events in between. Where there are fixed start time events in the
playlist, this operation may cause the loaded schedule to fall out of synch and
may cause a series of warnings to appear in the warnings window. (See section
on ‘Warning windows’).

Eject Playlist

When this is pressed, the playout manager is cleared of all events.

How to load and save the playlist

The user can load individual clips into the Playlist Manager or can load pre-edited
and saved playlists.

We have drag and drop clips from the catalogue into the Playlist Manager and
then we click the save playlist option of the right mouse button. In this way,
playlists may be prepared in advance and saved in the ‘Saved playlist’ folder of
the catalogue for later playout. Playlist preparation can be conveniently carried
out from a remote PC using our ‘Playlist Manager’ software, or as previously
mentioned, imported from a separate scheduling system such as V-BOX Traffix or
a third-party system.

Pre-prepared playlists may be dragged and dropped from the catalogue or may
also be inserted using the load playlist function of the right mouse button.

VECTORBOX also allows the automatic loading of a Playlist. This is done using the
“Set Auto load” option of the right mouse button menu. A sequence of playlists
may be loaded to cover a period of unattended playout.

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Set Auto load Window

How to start the playlist

According to first line of schedule

Input a start time in the first line of the playlist. Use the fixed start time option
and an asterisk should appear in the start time window of the first line. Then
press START button. The Playout Manager will go into countdown until the
programmed time arrives.

Using the Start Button

The playlist may be started (or stopped) using the start button. The playout will
always begin at the line and point in the playlist that corresponds to the computer
clock, thus the schedule is always be respected.

Start at this line

Choose a line and use the right button of the mouse ‘Start at this line’ option. The
continuity will begin with this line after a short count in. The duration of the count
in can be configured. The airing times for this and all following lines will
recalculate to accommodate this change with the exception of any fixed start time

Lines in the playlist and their colour codes

Once the playlist has been started, you will notice the colour codes used to
indicate the state of the events/lines.

Lines in their normal state: The light grey indicates a line in its default state –
the line is waiting to be played.

Line in cue or preparation: This mid-blue colour indicates that the line in cue to
be played. By default, VECTORBOX prepares the lines 5 seconds before they are
broadcast. This value may be reduced if required. When a line is in this state it
cannot be modified or cancelled. It is not possible to insert new lines until a line is
in this state.
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Line in play: Light green indicates that the line is being broadcast now and as
such, cannot be opened or modified.

Lines already broadcast: Dark grey indicates that the line has already been
played as part of the schedule and the start time is before the current time.

Adjustable duration line: Light turquoise indicates that a line has adjustable
duration option in the Line Edit window set at ‘True’.


The VECTORBOX clocks give the operator the following readings:

Duration: The total duration of the Playlist.

Time: Shows the real time value to which the VECTORBOX runs. Preferably the
master control room clock should be connected to give this value.

Remaining in list: The time left until the end of the playlist.

Remaining in line: The time left until the next line.

Other readings: the two lower clocks are multi-purpose and allow you to view
other important readings by pressing the small buttons next to the clock fields.
You can select from the following readings.

Over lapsed time

Time to the next satellite connection (MSS)
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Time to the next live event – This is of particular importance where live shows
are to be included in the scheduling
Time to the next warning line
Time to the next fixed start time line

Command buttons

The command buttons are all situated below the clocks and each have an
important function. It is clearly important that these buttons are respected during
on-air time, as they will disrupt programming. A safety step has been built into
the system whereby on pressing the stop button, the operator must confirm that
the playout is to stop.

Start/Stop: This button acts as a toggle between start and stop modes and must
be pressed to prepare and activate a playlist, if this is not done the playlist will
not start when the programmed airing time arrives.

Next: Jumps to the next line in the playlist. This is generally used at the end of
live events and where a manual exit is required (Manual exit can be set for any

Hold: This button will hold the event in play. If the line is adjustable duration it
will go into loop. If the line is fixed it will freeze the last frame.

Editing events with the Edit Line window

Once we insert a clip from the catalogue, we can double click on it to open the
‘Line Edit’ window. This window will also appear automatically whenever we insert
a new LIVE, VTR, REC-LIVE or REC-VTR line into the playlist manager. This
window consists of different fields of information and gives the user access to the
internal graphics playlist as well as other functions such as custom configuration
of switcher cross points, and transitions between clips.

The Edit Line Window has the following fields and functions:


The “Type” field will indicate what type of event we are inserting into the playlist,
e.g. Live, VTR, Disk (video server). This field cannot be modified.

TC in and TC out

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For VTR lines we have to specify the TC in, TC out and VTR from which the signal
is being output, so that VECTORBOX can search for the material to be broadcast
and also the MASTER or tape code/number. VECTORBOX has to prepare the VTR
and VTR-REC lines, it will warn us which tape must be inserted into which VTR, if
we haven’t already done this.


The Code field should be filled with the relevant clip code.

Fixed start time

By clicking on this window and then the ‘True’ option, we can enter the start time
and make it fixed within the schedule.

Fixed Duration

By clicking on this window and then the ‘True’ option, we can enter the duration
of the event and make it fixed within the schedule. As noted earlier, this will then
assume a mid-blue colour.


The ‘Description’ field, is optional and for descriptive information.

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Graphics sublines
Opening Sublines reveals a sub-playlist into which CG Templates can be inserted.
(For more information see the ‘VECTORBOX Graphics section).

The Sublines window and graphics playlist


This field is new to the VECTORBOX 6000 and reveals all the fields associated
with changing the switcher cross points and also changing transitions.

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The Crosspoints window

Changing switcher crosspoint settings

Switcher crosspoints can be set for each individual clip by pressing the auto select
toggle button – this is the third button down with the blank sheet icon.

The user then clicks on the uppermost button (new crosspoint icon) and this will
allow them to select and input desired values in the relevant ‘Video In’ pop-down

If the user wishes to delete a crosspoint setting, select it and then press the
second button down with the cross symbol.

The crosspoints selection window

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Transitions and squeeze-backs
VECTORBOX is also able to perform a range of different transitions between clips.
The user clicks on the effects field and selects the type of transition from the
drop-down menu. Transitions can be renamed by the user and also created from
scratch with a new name.

The transitions selection window with pop up menu of transitions

Using VECTORBOX you are able to ‘squeeze-back’ the video signal, that is reduce
it to any size you wish and position it wherever you want on the screen.

This feature is particularly useful for shopping and other channels where
important information needs to be displayed to the viewer.

Using our CG Template Editor software, the broadcaster can design and insert
templates for this purpose. When the template is inserted into the schedule, the
squeeze-back format can be selected in the same way as the clip transitions.

This feature is particularly useful for shopping and other channels who want to
combine a squeeze-back with a CG Template giving the viewer access to on
screen information such as a ‘Call now’ number, price, special offer, delivery
details or credit card request. In this case, text fields such as price, product and
reference are automatically sourced from a remote database. The broadcaster can
also combine this with a crawl, using our CG crawl edit software.

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Saving line template configurations
The user has the option of configuring and saving line templates with frequently
used graphics sublines, switcher cross point, transitions and other configurations.
This is done using the ‘Save line as’ option with the right hand mouse button.

Typically, the creation of line templates and playlists can be comfortably carried
out from a remote PC connected to the network and using our ‘Playlist Editor’

The warning window

The warning window indicates all gaps and overlaps

in the playlist, caused by irregularities in the
playlist. These generally occur when fixed start
times are included in a playlist and these do not
correspond, i.e. there is too much or not enough
material between fixed start times in the playlist.
Another cause of irregularities of this type is when
a playlist is modified or the ‘jump to this line’

Dealing with gaps

In this event that there is a fixed start time event in the playlist there may be
occasions where a gap occurs, particularly if this is preceded by alive event which
under runs.

VECTORBOX allows you to pre configure an emergency clip, this normally takes
the form of a bumper or channel ID. In this case the emergency clip is
automatically inserted as part of the continuity schedule. If no emergency clip is
available, the operator will need to drag and drop new lines from the catalogue
into the playlist to fill the gap and in the case where a small gap remains, the last
line before the gap will either loop (if an adjustable duration line) or the last
frame will freeze (if it is a fixed duration type line).

Dealing with overlaps

In the event that there are overlaps in the playlist, the operator needs to remove
clips and events to compensate for the change.

The VECTORBOX automatically cuts the last material short to respect the next
fixed line.

Naturally, in both cases we can compensate for changes in the schedule by

changing or removing the ‘fixed start time’ value for problematic events in the
playlist so that it fits with the new changed schedule.

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VECTORBOX is completely compatible with a wide range of PC based non-linear
editing systems and allows direct ingest of content onto its local storage, over a
LAN. This is possible as our MediaCopier software changes the content file
wrapper during the file transfer from NLE and in real time. Compatible NLEs
include all major brands such as Avid, Pinnacle and even the MAC based Final
Cut Pro. This feature gives your channel the ability to build a tapeless

Apart from this, VECTORBOX Recorder guarantees sure-fire ingest from all video
sources including live and satellite even when the system is unattended.

VECTORBOX also has the added advantage of being able to record an external
feed pass through signal from VTR or satellite to disk. This is done by dragging
and dropping the special Reclines located in the VECTORBOX folder into the
playlist manager. These signals are recorded clean of graphic output for possible
re-emission later in the day.

Where direct ingest of content from DVDs is required, we offer our DVDigest
software as an option. This software also includes NTSC to PAL conversion.

VECTORBOX Recorder interface

The VECTORBOX ‘Recorder’ interface compliments that of the ‘Playout manager’
and text size and layout can be adjusted in the same way. This interface provides
different windows and tools for ingesting content onto the VECTORBOX local disk
or a tightly integrated central storage. Which tools are used will depend upon the
mode of ingest being carried out.

All the following ingest interfaces are available via the ‘view’ option of the main

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VECTORBOX Recorder client, main GUI with Reclist Manager and Catalogue

The Catalogue
The Catalogue is shared with the playout client and as such contains all the same
real windows folders in the VECTORBOX playout storage. The files that interest us
for recording are the VECTORBOX Reclines for recording from VTR, live and
satellite sources and the pre-prepared Reclists.

As with the playout client, the VECTORBOX Recorder can be driven by any
external scheduling system such as our own V-BOX Traffix and can import
Reclists in XML file format.

The Recorder
This is the simplest recorder interface used for manual and semi-automatic
recording from VTR or another source.

Manual recording of any video feed can be carried out by use of the red record
button along with the play button.

Semi-automatic recording of events from VTR is possible by either inputting the

required TC in and TC out values in the in and out fields and then pressing the
recorder button or by using the two level slider to browse through the content still
on tape on the preview monitor. Once you have found the required TC in point,
this can be set by clicking on the small arrow next to the in field. The TC out can
be set in the same way. Once the record button is pressed, the recorder will then
record all content between these points.

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Browsing and trimming
The recorder interface can also used for browsing and trimming already recorded
clips on disk (this can also be done in the catalogue and playlist of the
VECTORBOX playout client). This operation be done on the second VECTORBOX
output and browsed content is viewed in the preview monitor. If only simple
topping and tailing is required, this can also be configured for a VGA output as an

Simply drag a clip from the catalogue into the recorder and use the two level
trimmer to find and click on the required in and out points. When the clip is
ejected it can be saved with the same file name, thus overwriting the existing
values or with a new file name.

Every time a new clip is created, the media is neither cut nor duplicated, but a
new BXX file associated to the media is created and as such as many versions of
the same piece of media can be created as required without occupying disk

The manual recorder interface

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The Reclist Manager
This is the interface used for batch recording from VTR or any other external
signal feed such as live and satellite according to a schedule.

The Reclist Manager

VECTORBOX is able to automatically batch record while unattended with control

up to 4 VTRs and two switchers as standard. Satellite and live events are batch
recorded according to a schedule and VECTORBOX recorder automatically inserts
VTR events into the slots between these ingest tasks to create the optimum batch
record list.

The ‘Reclist Manager’ functions in much the same way as the ‘Playout manager’
with the major difference that the schedule is made up of ‘virtual events´ or
empty lines for material which does not yet exist.

The user opens the ‘Reclines’ folder of the catalogue and drags and drops events
from this into the Reclist manager in the same way as he inserts lines from the
VECTORBOX lines folder into the ‘Playout manager.

Once inserted, the Recline will automatically open to show the Edit line interface.
The line cannot be successfully inserted until the user inputs certain data
essential for the ingest event.

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The Reclines folder contains the following selection of lines, all have a similar
appearance to VECTORBOX playout lines and behave in a similar way.

VTR lines

These lines are empty and will be used to record material from VTR. The user is
required to input of the TC in and TC out and VTR Id. as well as other descriptive
data such as file name and description. Once a VTR line is inserted into the
‘Reclist manager’ and the list is activated, VECTORBOX will automatically sort the
VTR events according to VTR Id. and TC in and out and then will start recording in
a sequential and fully automatic way.

If the user does not have a prepared TC value for the clip, they can click onto the
review button, browse the tape in the preview monitor using the slider and set
the TC in and out points in this way.

Note: When batch recording with VTR, the best way of working is to have one
VTR Master tape per batch list (not more). The Master tape code in the batch list
should correspond to the real value in the Master tape.

Satellite lines

These are for recording from satellite. The user is required to input an in and out
time code and switcher input as well as other descriptive data such as file name
and description.

Live lines

As with the satellite lines, The user is required to input an in and out time code
for the live event and switcher input as well as other descriptive data such as file
name and description.

Once the Reclist is activated, VECTORBOX will automatically sort all live satellite
and VTR events and schedule these in relation to the other elements on the

The most convenient way of working is to create and save line templates with
switcher configurations for different types of events.

How to save and load Reclists

When we have dragged and dropped Reclines into the playlist manager we can
click the save Reclist option of the right mouse button. In this way, Reclists may
be prepared in advance and saved in the ‘’Reclist folder’ of the catalogue for later
Ingest. This operation can be conveniently carried out from a remote PC using our
‘Reclist Manager’ software.

Pre-prepared Reclists may be dragged and dropped from the catalogue or may
also be inserted using the load Reclist function of the right mouse button.

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Bridging between modes
Once in recorder mode the ‘Recorder status’ window appears. By clicking onto
any black area of this window, we can shift back and forth between continuity and
recorder modes without interrupting playout. Likewise, in recorder mode we only
need to do the same for the ‘Continuity status’ window.

Recorder status window

Playout status window

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VECTORBOX includes a fully integrated graphic generator to allow channels to
brand their output, by inserting channel logos and bugs as well as tickers,
animations and other graphics.

VECTORBOX channels can create graphics at almost no cost using out Imagena
CG Template Editor software along with Photoshop or another graphics software
and insert this as automatic titling and text as part of everyday scheduling as well
as on the fly. VECTORBOX graphics functionality answers the real character
generating needs of hundreds of customers in all types of channel.

1. All graphics are inserted over any on-air signal from the VECTORBOX or V-
BOX NEWS. This may include live and VTR events as well as from the
built-in video server.
2. Any Image file TGA, JPEG, BMP etc. files can be imported into the VB
graphic folder via the CG Template editor (To allow you to preview or
manipulate it) or alternatively, they can be imported directly into the VB
graphic folder.
3. Graphics titling used on clips are not rendered over the files and leave the
source material clean for later re-use.
4. You can include as many graphics as you want of any size on the screen as
long as they don’t overlap.
5. Graphic capability works on both digital and analogue outputs, the same
signal in both means you can preview with the graphics on screen. (See
note above).
6. CG capability also allows you to screen conventional type clocks and our
CG template editor includes a standard digital clock.
7. Future events can be read from the playlist and can be automatically
converted into a ‘what’s coming up’ graphic display.
8. .txt files and .xml files can be imported for use as titling as part of the
titling template created with the CG template editor.
9. Any files created should be stored on the ‘D’ Drive of the VECTORBOX
(along with all the other media files) in the appropriate graphics folder.
10. Graphic capability is true colour and is of broadcast quality.
8 for red
8 for blue
8 for green
8 for the key
11. You can create smooth effects from 0- 255, from transparent to opaque.
12. Graphic events should be 32 bit TGA files with an aspect relation of
13. In the case of weather forecasts, sports results etc. full graphic events can
be created where the background is a video specifically designed for this
purpose. By co-ordinating the background and the foreground, interesting
events can be created saving a lot of money in daily postproduction.
14. Graphics may be of minimal up to full screen size and the position co-
ordinates may be changed.
15. For further graphic capability, CG Template Editor software may be used
allowing the channel to produce sophisticated graphics and templates and
insert them within clips without the need for postproduction. Text may be
input in real time or beforehand. Template Editor can even automatically
screen text from future events on the playlist, such as generating future
programme schedules

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Types of Graphics
Graphics can be inserted as:

CG Templates

These are basically graphics templates created with our Imagena CG Template
Editor SW and allow the user to re-use graphic designs but including different text

CG Pages

CG pages differ from CG Templates in as much as they are designed to be

inserted with the text already fixed or input as part of the graphic.

CG Crawls

Crawls and tickers are created with our CG Crawl edit SW and may be inserted in
the same way as other graphics.

Creating graphics
CG Templates and CG Pages are created on our Imagena CG Template Editor
suite of SW. These may include any graphic file prepared in Adobe Photoshop or
equivalent graphics SW. We recommend that the creation of graphics and titling
be carried out from a separate standard PC to the VECTORBOX on-air system.

Inserting Graphics
A whole range of graphics, from single superimposed logos and titles to full
screen graphic events, can be inserted into the channel’s schedule by simple drag
and drop procedure. The user can include as many graphics as required on the
screen at any one time. The following three methods for inserting graphics are
designed for different applications:

Inserting CG in and CG out:

Long and short play bugs, logos and channel branding

This is a quick and simple way to include logos and other graphics over complete
blocks of video events. Many channels use this method to insert a channel logo or
bug over a full twenty-four hour schedule with one simple drag and drop

Drag and drop the required CG Page from the catalogue and into the playlist . A
‘CG-in’ and ‘CG-out’ line will appear in the schedule. Separate these two lines to
include all the events that require the logo or graphic.

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Section of Playlist with inserted CG

Inserting stills:

Full-page graphic events can be inserted into the playlist and given their own
duration. These are played as ‘stills’ in the playlist. Insertion is made in exactly
the same way as the CG in and CG out procedure as described above with the
only difference that the control must be pressed as the CG Page is inserted into
the playlist.

Inserting CG Templates: Multi 32 bit graphics of varying duration within

a video event

This method is used where graphic events need to be inserted within a video

When you double click on any line in the playlist you will see the line properties
window. If we then click on the ‘sublines’ button, we reveal the Edit Sublines
window. The user can easily drag and drop previously prepared CG Templates
and CG Pages into this.

We can assign a start time and duration for each of these graphic events,
effectively placing them wherever we need them in the video event.

If a single graphic is inserted, we can click on the <--> symbol and this will adapt
the graphic to the full length of the video event.

If this is not the case, we need to input a time value for each individual graphic.

By using the advanced options button we can determine time values for a graphic
in relation to either the beginning or the end of a clip. This means we can have
the event appear 10 seconds from the beginning of the event or twenty seconds
before the end. This feature is particularly useful for music and other channels
where the same information must appear on screen at the beginning and at the
end of a clip.

We are also given the option of fading the graphic in and out and setting the
duration of the fade.

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The Edit Sublines window, into which graphic event lines are inserted

Once a graphics playlist list has been compiled satisfactorily and all the time and
fade values set, we can save this for reuse whenever required by using the ‘Save
Graphics Playlist’ option of the right mouse button.

Inserting on-air graphics: Live titling and graphics insertion with the CG

The CG Console for live graphics insertion

The CG Console is a simple and effective way to manually insert logos and other
graphics while on-air. This is particularly useful for sports news, elections and
other types of live graphics insertion.

If we go to the view option in the main menu, we will see the CG Console in the
drop down menu. Open this to reveal the CG Console on-air graphics engine.

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Once again, the CG Console acts as a cartridge, into which we can drag and drop
any number of TGAs and CG Pages/Templates for manual insertion. Inserting
these graphics over the TX signal is as simple as selecting and double clicking a
graphics line. The On-Air indicator will light up to show that the graphic is now
on-air. The graphic is discontinued by double clicking the same event. Once
again, we can include both fade in and fade out for these graphics.

We can also easily save graphics playlists with all their settings and reload them
into the CG Console when required.

Inserting crawls and tickers

CG Crawl and tickers may be inserted in exactly the same way as CG Templates
and pages i.e. They may be inserted into the sublines graphics cartridge of any
event or alternatively they may be inserted into the CG Console for 24 hour and
on-air applications.

Editing Graphics

The Edit Graphic window

When we double click onto a graphic event in the catalogue window, we open the
Edit Graphic window. This contains an ID thumbnail and other metadata. As
VECTORBOX works with BXX files, limitless metadata can be included in this Edit
Graphics Window such as artist, song title etc. and this may be read and included
as part of the graphics template.

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Editing Text in CG Templates and Pages

In the ‘Sublines’ window

When we insert a CG Template or page into the ‘Sublines’ graphics cartridge a

window will automatically appear asking us to input the texts required by the
template design. These empty text fields can be included as an integral part of
the template design and may require the name of a reporter, city, temperature or
other information we wish to appear on air.

Once the text has been input, the duration set and the insertion completed, we
can edit these strings by clicking on the CG with the right mouse button. We
choose the ‘Edit Line’ option from the menu and change the string in the ‘Edit
Template’ window. When we click OK, the string will be updated.

The Edit Template window for text editing of a CG Template, Page or Ticker

In the CG Console

When we insert a CG Template or page into the ‘CG Console’ graphics cartridge
the same window appears as above, asking us to input the strings (Texts)
required by the template design and that we wish to appear on air.

Once a CG Template is inserted into the CG Console it may be simply updated by

use of the ‘edit’ option of the right mouse button as described above.

Editing a CG Crawl Text

As with a CG Templates and Pages, a CG Crawl may be automatically updated as
it may import text from an .xml file. The crawl may also be opened as an XML file
for editing text and this can also be done if the crawl file is opened using the CG
Crawl Edit SW.

If this is not the case, a crawl may be simply updated by use of the CG Edit
option of the right mouse button when inserted into the CG Console.

Once the text has been edited, the user must press the ‘intro’ button of the
keyboard and the crawl text will be automatically updated.

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The modify Crawl data window for crawl editing

Automatic Titling
Automatic post-production brands the channel and creates the illusion of live
programming even when this maybe out of the reach of the broadcaster. It is also
a way to automate and still include a personal feel to the schedule.

Many VECTORBOX channels, automatically generate and insert different graphics,

from simple clocks to ‘What’s on tonight’ or ‘What’s on next’ event listings.
Because of the level of integration between the VECTORBOX playout client and
CG, the system only needs to read the loaded playlist to automatically generate
and air these listings over an associated template. The resulting ‘What’s up next’
graphics template is attractive, enhances the channel image, and costs almost
nothing to produce.

Automatic postproduction is suitable for any channel which needs to constantly

update a graphics template with raw data from an .XML or other sources, such as
a website. This makes VECTORBOX ideal for cultural agendas, weather updates
and also quizzes.

Creating calendars and clocks

The current time and date can be included as an integral part of any CG template
or page. This value is based on the current time of the computer clock.

The user needs to create a CG Template with a dedicated string for time and date
and in the position and style in which the information is to appear.

If the user requires the time and date to be included as part of the graphic, the
user simply creates two text fields with the following values: $date and $time

Once this is done, the CG Template or Page is inserted into the playlist in one of
the methods explained earlier in the graphics section. When the graphic goes on
air, these values will be read from the system clock.

Likewise, the user can insert a what’s coming next graphic on screen by creating
a graphic template with the following values:

$time1 $title 1
$time2 $title2

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$time3 $title3 etc…

When aired, this template reads the time and title values from clips in the playlist
and inserts them as real text values.

Imagena CG Template Editor

Imagena is a suite of graphics template edition software and consists of the
following modules:

CG Template Editor
CG Pages
CG Crawl Editor

The CG Template Editor main interface

CG Template Editor is designed to work with our existing graphic capability to

produce professional and dynamic text and graphic templates and give the
channel all the tools they need to create and overlay 32-bit graphics and titling.

Using CG Template Editor, the broadcaster can create complete screen designs of
their own which can be combined with any graphic element, inserted over a video
event and aired as a single or multiple layer graphic template.

The broadcaster can then insert text strings into these templates, wherever
needed on the screen such as featured reporters etc. This data may be
automatically fed from remote databases as XML files or the text can also be
introduced in real time for live titling applications such as elections and sports
results titling etc.
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CG Crawl Editor

The CG Crawl Editor main interface

CG Crawl Edit allows you to easily create your own crawls or tickers and put them
on-air. Using CG Crawl Edit the user can decide on the appearance and style of
the ticker choosing whether the ticker will roll from right to left or left to right for
a variety of scripts as well as other factors such as speed, position, colour, size
and style of font and background. Up to 700 characters of text can be inserted
into each of the 9 fields of the CG Crawl Edit cartridge. All 9 fields can be pre-
loaded and selected for sequential playout.

As with CG Template Editor templates, text can be read and inserted from .XML
files or introduced in real time for live titling applications such as elections and
sports results titling etc. Both software products allows the user to preview all
templates and automations before they go to air.

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