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29. Exposure of MNCs to Exchange Rate Movements.

Because of the low labor costs in

Melnick Co. (based in the United States) recently established a major research and
development subsidiary there. The wholly-owned subsidiary was created to improve new
products that the parent of Melnick can sell in the United States (denominated in dollars) to
U.S. customers. The subsidiary pays its local employees in baht (the Thai currency). The
subsidiary has a small amount of sales denominated in baht, but its expenses are much larger
than its revenue. It has just obtained a large baht-denominated loan that will be used to
expand its subsidiary. The business that the parent of Melnick Co. conducts in the United
States is not exposed to exchange rate risk. If the Thai baht weakens over the next 3 years,
will the value of Melnick Co. be favorably affected, unfavorably affected, or unaffected?
Briefly explain.
ANSWER: It will be favorably affected since it needs fewer dollars over time to cover its
loan payments and its baht expenses. Its revenue is mostly in dollars and therefore will not be
significantly affected by a depreciation of the baht.

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