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parenthesis to show the hierarchy of arithmetic operation as in J/(moLK) for joule per mol-kelvin. Table 2-7 shows the other units not strictly SI which are in use with the system. Note that the symbol for liter is L. Avoid using kg-force/m?, calorie, kilowatt-hour, poise, and dyne and kilogram for force. Table 2-7 Units in Use with the International system Tai 7 ‘Symbol minute ‘min hour h 1 h = 60 min = 36005 day a 1d=24h= 86,4008 liter L LL =1dm*= 103 «3 ton t angstrom A hectare ha bar bar . star‘iard atmosphere atm. atm = 101325 Pe Another feature of the SI is the use of powers of 10. Table 2-8 shows the symbols used for different powers of 10. We express quantities larger than 10° (kilo) or smaller than 10° (milli) in third order prefix increment (10°, 10°, 10°, ..., and 10°, 10%, 10%, ..., ete.). E, P, T, G, and M are in the upper case. Table 2-8 SI Prefixes Fac oF Prefix Symbol Factor Prefix Symbol 108 era E 10" deci a 10 peta P 10? centi © 108 tera . 10° milli m 10° giga G 10° micro # 10° mega M 10° nano n 10 kilo k 10" pico P 10 hecto h 10" femto f 10! deka da to" ‘atto a The main advantage of the SI is its coherence, Io conver- sion factors are necessary when using basic or derived units. Some problems may occur due to errors in abbreviation. An example is an error in using mg and Mg. The first :. milligram and the second, megagram, which are different by a factor of 10°. The prefixes are quite difficult to remember and oral miscommunication could lead to disastrous results. ‘Therefore, when using SI units, observe utmost care. RULES IN USING SI’ Here is a summary of some points to remember when using SI units: 1. Periods. Never use a period after a symbol of an SI unit unless it is at the end of a sentence. ' / tapted from Peter and Timmerhaus, Plant Design and Econon:i: 3 for Chemi- cal ingineers, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, pp. 860-863, 1983. Essential Rasic Princinies 39

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