Great Books of The Western World

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Ten Years of Reading in the

Great Books of the Western World

NINTH YEAR (Est. 1392 pages, or 127 pages per month)
1. PLATO: The Sophist
Vol. 7, pp. 551-579 (29 pages)
2. THUCYDIDES: The History of the Peloponnesian War [Book VII-VIII]
Vol. 6, pp. 538-593 (56 pages)
3. ARISTOTLE: Politics [Book VII-VIII]
Vol. 9, pp. 527-548 (22 pages)
4. APOLLONIUS: On Conic Sections [Book I, Prop. 1-15; Book III, Prop. 42-55]
Vol. 11, pp. 603-624, 780-797 (22 + 18 = 40 pages)
5. NEW TESTAMENT [The Gospel According to St. John, The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the
Romans, The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians]
(25 + 14 + 12 = 51 pages)
6. ST. AUGUSTINE: The City of God [Book V, XIX]
Vol. 18, pp. 207-230, 507-530 (24 + 24 = 48 pages)
7. ST. THOMAS AQUINAS: Summa Theologica [Part II-II, QQ 1-7]
Vol. 20, pp. 380-416 (37 pages)
8. GILBERT: On the Loadstone
Vol. 28, pp. 1-121 (121 pages)
9. DESCARTES: Rules for the Direction of the Mind
Vol. 31, pp. 1-40 (40 pages)
10. DESCARTES: Geometry
Vol. 31, pp. 295-353 (59 pages)
11. PASCAL: The Great Experiment Concerning the Equilibrium of Fluids, On Geometrical
Vol. 33, pp. 382-389, 430-446 (8 + 17 = 25 pages)
12. FIELDING: Tom Jones
Vol. 37 (405 pages)
13. MONTESQUIEU: The Spirit of Laws [Book I-V, VIII, XI-XII]
Vol. 38, pp. 1-33, 51-58, 68-96 (33 + 8 + 29 = 70 pages)
14. FOURIER: Analytical Theory of Heat [Preliminary Discourse, Ch. 1-2]
Vol. 45, pp. 169-251 (83 pages)
15. FARADAY: Experimental Researches in Electricity [Series I-II], A Speculation Touching
Electric Conduction and the Nature of Matter
Vol. 45, pp. 265-302, 850-855 (38 + 6 = 44 pages)
16. HEGEL: Philosophy of Right [Part III]
Vol. 46, pp. 55-114 (60 pages)
17. MARX: Capital [Part III-IV]
Vol. 50, pp. 85-250 (166 pages)

18. FREUD: Civilization and Its Discontents

Vol. 54, pp. 767-802 (36 pages)
Month off!

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