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Model United Nations

Fall Regional Conference @ NIACC

Thursday September 24

Topics for 2015: Research is provided by members of IUNAFAC.

All topics begin with the phrase: "What should be the position of the United
States in the United Nations on..."
1 juvenile offenders? (Social Topic)
2 free trade vs. fair trade? (Economic Topic)
3 biometric identification and privacy? (Science Topic)
4 refugee rights? (Political Topic)

Resolutions and Position Papers

The position papers that you take to regionals and that should be submitted
from your regional meeting, must be in the following format. The sections
should be as follows:

Background Information

United States Position

Justification and Summary

Resources should be listed/cited

A sample position paper is available at these links.
Click here for a pdf copy of a Sample Regional Position Paper.
Click here for a Word document copy of a Sample Regional Position Paper.
Iowa Youth Symposium @ Iowa Capitol Complex, Des Moines
October 20-21, 2015
Spring Conference @ UNI, Cedar Falls - April 14-15, 2016

Spring Conference
(from UNI website)
Each spring, the Iowa High School Model United Nations organization hosts a large scale conference for high school
students. This conference is held on the University of Northern Iowa campus. Students attending this conference
model the procedure of the United Nations in New York City, but in a slightly modified format. While at this
conference, students will work with their peers to draft resolutions on topics of international importance. Students
will use the opinions and viewpoints of member nations of the United Nations to draft position papers, debate with
their fellow delegates, and collaboratively construct a final resolution. IHSMUN Delegates show a high level of
academic excellence and global awareness. Their resolve to create innovative solutions to international problems
and dedication to diplomacy is essential in our interconnected society, and serves as a shining model for our policy
makers of tomorrow.

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