August 2015

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August 2015
President's Note - Tia Merwin

Event Spotlight: Blueberry Picking at Adkins Farm

Hello everyone!

"Blueberry picking playdate! They do storytime and craft on Fridays. We

love this place!" Shanna Chess

I'm so excited to be the new President of the Eugene Moms Club! Moms
Club has been so important to me and my family and I'm looking forward
to giving back to the group that has meant so much to all of us.
Let me introduce myself and my family to all of you.
I joined MOMS Club in January of 2013 when I was pregnant with my
second child. I had recently moved outside of town and really needed to
find activities to get my son and I out of the house and meet other
moms. I really wanted to meet some stay at home moms to spend time
with during the day and let our kids play together.
I have two children, Malachi 4 1/2 and Savannah, age 2. Everyday is an
adventure with the two of them!
Savannah is my crazy, fearless child who will do anything. Malachi is
more timid, so sweet and loves anything to do with animals.
My husband and I have been together for 12 years and married for 7
years next month. We went to high school together, but never met. We
even lived just a few rooms away from each other in the same dorm at
the U of O for two terms and never met. I left the U of O and moved to
Hawaii to live with my grandparents and take a college course on
Kaneohe Marine Corps Base. After six months in the islands, I moved to
Boston to finish college. It wasn't until just a few days after I moved back
from Boston that we met thru friends and have been together ever since!
August is one of my favorite months of the year and not just because it's
my birthday month! I love summer and being outside with my kids as
much as possible. This summer we have been busy with swim lessons,
vacation Bible school, trips to the lake, parks and so much more. We love
being outside. I will be hosting a "Summer Olympics" event this month,
which will be a great way to get all our kids outside, active and having
fun together. Look for an Evite soon.
I'm so excited for the upcoming year! I will be sending out a survey soon
to hear from all of you about what you like, don't like and want more of
in our club. Look for that in your email within the next few weeks. Happy










MOMS Club of Springfield, OR

Recipe:Double Chocolate Zucchini Mini-Muffins

Know someone who's interested in MOMS Club of Springfield, OR? Please

feel free to share this link with them (there is a link on the website to
contact the club directly):

It's the time of year when I am looking for ideas to use up all the zucchini
in my garden. Here's a delicious chocolate zucchini muffin recipe I
created this summer.

1/2 Cup Applesauce

1/2 Cup White Sugar
1/2 Cup packed Brown Sugar
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
2 Eggs (or 2 TBSP Flaxseed Meal & 6 TBSP water)
1 1/2 Cups Shredded Zucchini
1 Cup All Purpose Flour
1/2 Cup Unsweetened Cocoa
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1/4 Teaspoon Baking Powder
1/2 3/4 Cup Semisweet Chocolate Chips (depends on how chocolatey
you want the muffins)

Craft of the Month: Melted Bead Suncatchers

In a large bowl, combine your applesauce, white and brown sugar, and
Mix in your eggs and shredded zucchini. Note: I did not use eggs,
instead I used 2 TBSP flaxseed meal and 6 TBSP water as an egg
substitute. The muffins turned out very moist with the egg substitute
both times I made them.
In a separate bowl, mix together your flour, cocoa, salt, cinnamon,
baking soda and baking powder. Slowly add this dry mixture into your
wet mixture. Stir until combined. Mix in your chocolate chips.
Fill minimuffin containers 3/4 full with mixture.
Bake at 350 degrees for 2025 minutes or until a toothpick comes out
My two year old approves!

Submitted by Tia Merwin


Moment On Mom Spotlight:.Brinda Avadani

Brinda Avadani is our August Moment on a Mom Spotlight. Brinda grew
up in Sunnyvale, California. She and her husband lived in Boston for five
years while he was a Chemistry Professor at Boston University. He was
"poached" by the University of Oregon and they moved to Eugene last
summer. Thankfully they missed one of the worst winters ever in Boston
this past year!
Brinda worked in San Francisco for six years and then in Boston for five
years in a variety of roles at startups and organizations in engineering,
finance and operations. She's looking for part time work in the area if
anyone has any leads :)
Her favorite thing about being a Mom is getting to watch her "Tiny
Potato" grow into a funny little man every day.
If she ever gets time on her own she loves to eat a long, uninterrupted
meal. That and watch an indie flick in a theater, both of which rarely
happen these days. She also loves to exercise on her own when
Brinda has so many favorite activities including, traveling, volleyball,
tennis, volunteering, watching live music with her husband, watching
sports, gardening and exploring the new area with her family. They still
have much to see in Oregon.
Her favorite TV shows are Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Wire and
louie CK.

Click on the image above for a link to the blog with directions.
I'm always looking for fun and easy crafts to do with the kids to keep
them busy during the summer. This seemed like a great project for all
ages that will stand the test of time. (My son is always worried that my
daughter is going to destroy his art projects!) I look forward to trying this

Submitted by Emily Looney

Before having her son, she traveled a lot and especially loved anywhere
abroad. Southeast Asia is one of her favorite spots and hopes to take her
son to parts of Asia one day. Now that she's in Eugene, she's happy to be
a short flight away from the Bay area where she can visit family and her
son can spend time with his cousins.
Brinda joined MOMS Club in January and her favorite thing has been the
variety of activities and plans to be more actively involved now that they
have bought and settled into their new house.

Next Member Meeting

Our next member meeting will resume after summer on the second
Thursday of Septemberat our usual time & location.

Club Highlights from July

A group of us did the American Flag craft from last month's newsletter:




And I did it on a thick plank of wood with bark edges for wall decor too!

Big Sister Program

We will be bringing back theBig Sister program this year and are looking
for current members who are willing to participate. The Big Sister will be
paired with a new member and help them connect with other moms,
events and activities within MOMS Club of Eugene, OR. Currently the
weekly playgroups do a great job of getting new members
connected,but we thought we'd bring the program back and see if there
is interest this year.If you are a newer member and would like to pair up
with someoneorcurrent member willing to be aBig Sister, pleaselet Tia
Merwin knowand she will pair you up. You cancontact her in person or
( you!
Walk at Delta Ponds:

New Baby Corner

Kim Standeford and her family welcomed babyElla Marie Standeford on
July 1st at 9:36 am. She weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces, and was 19


Ashley Kincaid and her family welcomed Natalie Arlene Kincaid on July
11th at 11:05 am. She weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces and was 20 inches


Want to see your event highlighted next month? Send your photos with a
brief description to Emily ( she'll post
them in the following months newsletter.

Did you Know ???

About our Helping Hands Program?
Part of the support we have in MOMS Club of Eugene is helping each
other during times of upheaval and stress. This is not just limited to
having a baby, things like moving or illness in the family also warranta
need for this program. Our Helping Hands program provides moms with
assistance, usually givingseveral meals in a time of need. However, this
program can provide more than just meals. We can arrange assistance
with childcare, running errands, even a phone tree! We want all of our
members tobenefit from this program in a time of need and we are more
than willing to customize an assistanceschedule that works well for each
situation. Please let us know if a circumstance should arise in your
life and you feel this program would help you! Contact any board
member for more information on this program.

Member Birthdays and Anniversaries in August:

Ashley Bohanan and her family welcomed babyAlexanderKnight

Bohananon July 28th at11:57 am. He weighted8 pounds 4 ounces, and
measured20 3/4 inches long.


We'd like to welcome all new babies in the newsletter, so let any board
member know the details and we'll include it here! And please let us
know if we missed you, because we'd be happy to add your new little one
in next months newsletter.

Playgroup Corner

Playgroup fun at Amazon Park

Member Renewal Anniversaries:

Jessica Choy8/19/2014
Sarah Hotaling8/19/2014
Heather O'Neill8/13/2013
Marjory Rolling8/31/2014

Playgroups are a great way to connect with Moms of kids with similar
Babies 2009 & older
We don't currently have a regular meeting time for this group.
Contact Angelique Hanscom ( if
you're interested in getting one started.

Carole Sterry8/2/2012
Laura White 8/7/2012
Member Birthdays:
Corina Maher8/5
Tia Merwin8/13
Marjory Rolling8/26
Kimberlie Standeford 8/3
Kid Birthdays:
Landon Duplant8/18/2012
Allison Gutoski8/20/2012
Tucker Hanscom8/16/2011
Tyler Looney 8/26/2010
Sophia McCart 8/26/2010
Kaidan Mullen8/8/2011
Scarlett O'Neill8/18/2011
Ephraim Suelze 8/1/2011

( (
let her know if you'd like to renew your membership.
Celebrating a birthday for you or your child but you didnt get your name
in this months column? Send roster corrections/updates to Heather.

Vice-President Needed!
Ana Kemple, the Vice President for our 20152016 board, has recently
accepted a fulltime position with Cascade Title! Congrats to her, and a
big bummer for us! If you're interested in filling her position, or theBig
Sister/Helping Hands Coordinatorposition, please let any of the board
members know! We need active members on the board to keep the club
running great!

Are we missing something?

Is there something you'd like to see us include in future newsletters?
Have an idea for an article, a recipe to share, photos from a MOMS Club
event you'd like included? We're always open to hearing from you! Feel
free to email Emily ( directly with ideas.

Babies 2010 Playgroup meets on Thursdays, from 1012 and 24pm.

( location information.
Babies 2011 Playgroup also meets on Wednesdays, starting at 10:00.
( to get in the loop.
Babies 2012 Playgroup meets every Friday from 10:00Noon. Members
( more information.
Babies 2013 Playgroup meets on Fridays from 9:3011:30. Members
( more information.
Babies 2014 Playgroup meets on Mondays from 9:0011:00. Members
( more information.
Babies of 2015 Playgroup is working to start up a group now too!
Please let one of the board members know if you're interested in being
the contact for this group.
Watch for allages play dates via Evites or check the Member

Executive Board Members:

Tia, Ana, Heather, Emily, Sarah and Amber

MOMS Club Regional Coordinators

Have questions or concerns about how our chapter functions? Contact
one of these ladies:


Area Coordinator
Lisa Lewis (
(253) 6313290
State Coordinator
Chris Baldwin
( 6260131
Asst Regional Coordinator
Jenn Betz


( 6260131

Emily and Angelique

MOMS Club of Eugene, OR Board, 2015 - 2016

PresidentandSpringfield MOMS Club Liaison
Tia Merwin (
Administrative VP
Ana Kemple (
Membership VP
Heather O'Neill (
Marketing VP
Emily Looney (
Sarah Hotaling (
Amber Zekic (
Big Sister/Helping Hands Coordinator
MOMS Night Out Coordinator
Emily Looney (
Playgroup Coordinator
Angelique Hanscom (

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