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La trecerea unor propozitii din vorbirea directa in vorbirea indirecta
apar unele modificari,daca acestea sunt introduse prin verbe la
trecut(He said,She told etc.)

Modificari ale timpurilor verbelor:

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Present Simple Past simple
,,I go home'' He said he was going home
Past Simple Past Continuous
,,I am going home'' He said was going home
Past Simple Past Perfect Simple
,,I wnt home'' He said he had gone home
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
,,I was going home'' He said he had been going home
Past Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple
,,I had gone home'' He said he has gone home
Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
,,I had been going home'' He said he had been going home
Future Simple Would+Verb
,,I will go home'' He said he would go home

Modificari ale pronumelor:

-cu functia de subiect:I>he/she,we>they,you>I

-cu functia de complement:me>her/him,us>them,you>me
-pronume posesiv:mine>his/her,our>their,your>my

Modificari ale adverbelor de loc si de timp:

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Adverbe de loc
here there
this (place) that (place)
yesterday the day before/the previous
yesterday evening the evening before
the day before yesterday two days before
last week/a week ago the week before/the previous
now then
today that day
this afternoon that afternoon
this week that week
tomorrow the next day/the following day
next week the next week
tomorrow morning the next morning/the following

Ex:,,I am tired'',he said.

He said he was tired.

,,I finished it yesterday''

She said she had finished it the day before.

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