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Biodiversity describes the variety of life in an area, including the

number of different species, the genetic wealth within each species,

the interrelationships between them, and the natural areas where they
An immensely rich species diversity is found in South Africa. With a
land surface area of 1,1 million km2 - representing just 1% of the
earth's total land surface - South Africa contains almost 10% of the
world's total known bird, fish and plant species, and over 6% of the
world's mammal and reptile species. This natural wealth is threatened
by growing human populations and their demands on the


South Africa has a wide range of climatic conditions and many
variations in topography (e.g. narrow coastal plain, steep escarpment,
large plateau). In combination, climate and topography give rise to
broad vegetation zones which, together with their associated animal
life, are called biomes. These are the Karoo, fynbos, forest, grassland
and savanna biomes. Each of these supports its own collection of
plant and animal species. The Karoo, for example, is home to plants
and animals well suited to hot, dry conditions such as the gemsbok,
and succulent plants. Fynbos is home to a variety of plants that are
suited to a mediterranean climate and the poor soils of the south west


* Plants:
More than 20 300 species of flowering plants occur in South Africa.
One of the six most significant concentrations of plants in the world is
the Cape Floral Kingdom, with its distinctive fynbos vegetation, in
the south west Cape. Most of South Africa's 2 000 threatened plants
are found in fynbos (see Enviro Facts "Fynbos").
* Mammals:
In total 243 mammals are found in the region. There are 17 threatened
species in South Africa, including the black rhino, pangolin and giant
golden mole. The riverine rabbit, roan antelope and wild dog are
endangered. Two mammals have become extinct: the blue antelope
and the quagga.
* Birds:
Of the more than 800 bird species, 26 are threatened, including the
jackass penguin, Cape vulture, martial eagle, bateleur and Cape
parrot. The 5 endangered species are: wattled crane, roseate tern,
Egyptian vulture, blackrumped buttonquail and blue swallow.
* Reptiles and Amphibians:
In total 370 reptiles and amphibians occur in the region, of which 21
are threatened. Six of these are endangered.
* Fish:
220 freshwater fishes occur, of which 21 are threatened. There are
more than 2 000 marine fish species, for which no information is
available about threatened species.
* Insects:
80 000 insects are known to occur, many of which are endemic. There
are many more as yet undescribed species.


Unfortunately this immense natural wealth is under extreme pressure
resulting from human demands placed on the environment through
economic development, agriculture and urbanisation. Invasive alien
vegetation and the trade in wildlife also contribute to the problem.
(See Enviro-Facts "Biodiversity")


* Red Data Books or RDBs, are lists of threatened plants and animals
specific to a certain region. They are a vital source of information in
guiding conservation decisions. South Africa has produced 5 RDBs
dealing with each of the following: birds, land mammals, fishes (fresh
water and estuarine only), reptiles and amphibians, and butterflies.
* Southern Africa has 582 national parks and nature reserves covering
6% of the region. More than 90% of the region's birds, mammals,
amphibians, and reptiles occur in this network of protected areas.
However, only 34% of plants are protected. There is an urgent need to
extend the network of conservation areas to include unprotected
* The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, or
CITES, signed by 100 countries, including South Africa, controls and
in some cases prohibits the trade in threatened species.


The conservation status of a plant or animal species is described by
the following terms:
- EXTINCT: a species for which there is a historical record, but
which no longer exists in the area under review.
- ENDANGERED a species in danger of extinction, and whose
survival is unlikely if the factors causing its decline continue.
- VULNERABLE a species which it is believed will move into the
endangered category if the factors causing its decline continue.
- RARE a species with small populations, which are not yet
vulnerable or endangered, but which are at risk.
The term THREATENED is commonly used as a collective
description for species which are endangered vulnerable or rare.
Some species are ENDEMIC, i.e. they are restricted to one region
and occur nowhere else. A threatened endemic is a conservation


* Demands for goods and services place pressure on the environment
- the less we use, the less severe the pressure.
* When a conservation issue rears its head, make your voice heard -
draw up a petition, contact your local MP, write to the Department of
Environment Affairs and liaise with your newspaper.
* Support a conservation organisation.

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