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Facts regarding the two Spokane Churches Wellpenit & Spokane River

At the Spring meeting of the Walla Walla Presbytery in April 1890 charges were preferred
against Robert Williams pastor of the Kamiah Church. A committee was appointed to
investigate the matter upon the reserve. Committee Dr Gun, Rev. G.L. Deffenbaugh & Rev.
The trial was conducted in the Lapwai Church. Verdict, Robert Williams guilty of
Imprudence, therefore Suspended from the ministry for six months. Com. at the same time
promised the prosecutors, a new church organization in Kamiah.
To supply the Kamiah pulpit in Roberts Silence, Silas Whitman was taken from the
Wellpenit church among Spokanes & to fill the Wellpenit pulpit in the absense of Silas,
James Hines (M.C.) was sent at once there for that time. He went, remained the allotted
time, returned to his farm on this reserve where he is today. Silas did not return as directed.
James Hines refused to go back. He, James H. receives no Salary from Board. Why did
Silas not return to Wellpenit?
After Roberts trial. Silas assumed his duties in the Kamiah Church, ruled with such
rigor independent of the Session (Roberts friends) complaint was made which called forth a
sharp rebuke from Dr Gun. This gave such offence to Silas, he resigned at once, took to the
mountains for a hunt. This occurred when about four of the allotted six months had passed.
Robert still at that time silent. Silas has not reported himself to Presbytery since his only
ministerial work for the last year has been gratuitous assistance in K. 2nd. He did not reply to
call from Spokane Presbytery. This spring he returned to Wellpenit Church. You can see that
Church has been vacant for one year. No money drawn for it in that time (so far as I knew).
Spokane River Church
Archie returned to this church after Rs trial (all native ministers present). He A. remained
there until meeting at Synod in fall 1890 where he presented a call for his Services in the
promised Kamiah 2nd church. Although facts in writing were then in the hands of Walla W.
Presbytery proving Robert not guilty of even imprudence presbytery gave permission for the
organization with A. as pastor.
Authorized Mr Deffenbaugh to proceed to Kamiah free Robert from their sentence,
restore him to his pulpit (this was about a month before his six months of silence had
expired). Also organize As. band into a church. Mr D went called for those who wished to
be dismissed from the old church to appear before its Session for certificates, but one woman
presented herself. A. held a meeting at same time in private house. Mr D. could only give
some directions to Archie to return. They organized as they thought, made no report to
Presbytery. Found at the spring meeting 1891 there was no Kamiah 2nd as yet. In the mean
time they had built a church, built upon Allotted land. The building therefore the womans
(who thought she could donate the land).
Not anyone of the original committee present at presbytery this Spring. Rev. D.D.
Allen was sent up to Kamiah in May & organized the church (for the bds sake) (on the
promise made at Roberts trial). Archie left Spokane River church for K. 1st of Oct. 1890
Licentiate Moses Monteith went there last Dec 1890 remained until last march, came
back to attend presbytery in Lewiston in April, there Archies plans were made known. An
Elder from Meadow Creek presented a petition for the dismissal of Enoch Pond from

Meadow Creek church & that Moses Montieth be ordained & installed pastor. I was
interpreter. The Elder was asked what charges against Enoch? Nothing only they did not
like him. Who moderated the Call? One. Who. Archie. Petition not granted.
Moses as I told you, refused to return, has been the acting pastor of K 2nd through this
summer. So, Wellpenit church has been without a minister for one year. Spokane River
Church supplied for but three months of the year. No money has been paid to those not in
Service in their appointed places.
The months Salary I asked for Archie supposing he would go back to Spokane River
1 of Sept. is in bank. He did not go. Of course did not receive it. I will make statement of
expenditure to Treas. soon. The expenditure both last year & this much below appropriation.
As to that Spokane interpreter, he has recd nothing as yet. I doubted the wisdom of
the move when estimates were made. Simply forwarded Gearys letter with Mr.
Deffenbaughs strong recommendation for it.
James Hays is at his post among the Umatillas, health better. I do not wonder you
were muddled about Spokane churches. Felt it necessary to go into details.
Sinserly yours
Kate C. McBeth
No money from the Board has been given Archie yet for services in 2nd K.

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