Steps To Create A School Newspaper

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The school newspaper

1. What is a school newspaper?

It is a publication that, with the intention of informing the reader or reader of
what happens in the educational establishment is varied issues such as: student
participation in school life, events and activities of a class or whole school.
Stories, poems, comics, interviews, etc.: creations of students and are also
2. The importance of the media in the classroom
Working with the media is important because:
- Let you know the codes read and organizing content of newspapers.
- Stimulates curiosity and interest of the student by the social reality.
- As there are various informative guidance, the development of critical sense
encourages readers.
- Allows updating the knowledge acquired in class.
- It is an important source of information and learning; keeps children informed
today that he is living.
- Encourages creativity of students, having to create cotenidos.
3. Steps to create a school newspaper
Step 1
To achieve optimum results in the construction of the school newspaper should
have a qualified group of students, both the quantity and quality of students. The
teacher should take care that the teams are balanced, taking into account factors
such as academic achievement, responsibility, initiative and integration; and in
this way serve to avoid slippage in the final outcome of the process. Six groups,
each consisting of five or six members will be organized. The recommended
sections are:
Further related to school news.

Further sports.
Further cultural and artistic activities.
Further social activities.
Area opinion articles on different topics.
Area School Safety

Internal structure of the sections of the school newspaper

Step 2
For a good result and effectiveness of student work, it is necessary to delegate
functions within each team.
Each group should have the following elements:
1 general manager
2 reporters or interviewers
2 editors
1 photographer
The role of the general manager each area is to organize your team, giving ideas
related to their section on those most important events in the school.
The reporters or interviewers should extract the necessary information for all
notes are selected and send them to the students in charge of writing, who will
be responsible to organize the collected material and write the news for section.
It is recommended that students are responsible for writing optimal performance
in spelling and grammar.
The photographer must accompany reporters at the time of the interviews and
their function is to take as many photographs, which illustrate the news.
This should be done with the constant support of Professor of matter.

Step 3
Once the notes have been written, students responsible for this process should
send them to the director of the section which in turn will make the last
correction of all material worked for onward shipment to the teacher of the
subject; is this, the last filter the entire process of building the school newspaper,
who also must write the editorial of the same.

To conclude two suggestions for teachers in the area of language:

Topics should be designed and selected such that it can offer the whole
educational community an overview of the most diverse and varied.
Step 4

Once the school newspaper was printed letting students are those charged with
its distribution throughout the educational community.

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