Loyalty Reward Scheme Loyalty Scheme Details: Entitlement:: WWW - Selfcare.sdc - Bsnl.co - in

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Loyalty Scheme Details:

The Loyalty Benefit is extended to the LL and BB customers whose monthly bill
amount is about INR 400/- or above and bimonthly amount is above INR 800/- or
above per month.
Customers can log on to BSNL customer self care portal www.selfcare.sdc.bsnl.co.in .
The following customers are not entitled for Loyalty programme.
a) PRI/Franchisee/EPBX/PCO/VPTs/CSCs/Service Connections.
b) ES enrolled accounts including their child accounts
c) Connections for serving /retired employees of central Govt/State Govt/PSUs etc
are entitled for 20% discount on FMC Usage under BB plan ,20% scheme
enrolled customers.
d) Annual/Biannual/Triannual customers who are already availing certain
discounts or concessions are not eligible.
Loyalty Reward Points:
Loyalty reward of one point for every Rs. 50 of customers invoice amount whose
monthly bill amount is above Rs.400 or above Bimonthly amount of Rs. 800/- or
above per month.
Redemption Rules:

Customer can redeem loyalty points after 180 days from the date of earning
loyalty points first time.

Redemption will be in terms of Free MCUs on BSNL Network calls only.

One point is equivalent to one free MCU.

Outstanding amount at the time of redemption has to be zero.

Loyalty points in Web Self Care www.selfcare.sdc.bsnl.co.in:

Customer Accounts :
To navigate to the Customer Accounts Link:
1.Click on the My Account View. The Customer Account Link appears.
2.Click on the Customer Account Link to view the details of the Customer.

Loyalty Points:
1.Loyalty Points of the Customer are displayed in the customer Account view.
2.Loyalty Points are calculated as sum of the Loyalty Points of all the Billing Accounts of the

Loyalty Redemption View

1. Customer Can Redeem the Loyalty Points from the Submit Loyalty Redemption Request
Link under Service View.
2.After Clicking on the submit Loyalty Redemption Request ,it will be redirected to Redemption
Request View where the Redemption Request can be submitted based on Loyalty points.
3.While Choosing the product type a message will be displayed to the customer as shown in the
below screenshot. Ex. 50 points redemption for MCUs..
Field References
Table 1 : Field References for Loyalty Redemption View
Field Name

Field Description

Billing Account

This is a dropdown list. It will have all the Billing accounts of the

Product Type

This is a dropdown list. It will have the Products to be selected for


Product Points

This is a non-editable field, which is populated based on the

Product type choosen

Request Number

This is non editable field which will be auto populated

Request Date

This is non editable field which will be system date

This is non editable field .It will have
1.Open : Before the Redemption Request is submitted


2.Submitted to Billing:Once the Loyalty Redemption Requset gets

submitted status will change from Open to Submitted To Billing.
3.Closed:After the ISR for Redemption Request is closed

4 .After Providing the required fields, the redemption request can be submitted by clicking on
submit button.
5.Redemption request can be submitted
i) Only after six months from the date of first point accumulation.
ii) when the outstanding amount of the billing account should be less than or equal to zero.
6. After the Redemption Request is submitted in WSC , request will be assigned to loyalty officer
and alert will go to loyalty officer.
7.The loyalty officer can approve/reject the request by going to the redemption request under the
billing account in CDR and the approval process will be same as mentioned above.

Loyalty History View :

Customer Can check the Loyalty History On clicking the Loyalty History View as Shown below.
1.On Clicking this Link it Redirects to the View which Contains all the billing accounts along with
Loyalty points associated with that Customer.
2.Customer Can drilldown on the billing account number. After clicking on the billing account No, it
will display the Loyalty redemption details and Loyalty points accumulated for that particular billing

www.selfcare.sdc.bsnl.co.in :





Customer Can also Check the Loyalty Schemes and how Loyalty points are being calculated for a
particular billing account and conditions to Redeem the Loyalty Points on clicking the Loyalty
Schemes View .

You can find FAQs in Web Self Care.

Click here http://selfcare.sdc.bsnl.co.in/LoyaltySchemesInWSC/LoyaltySchemesFAQ.jsp

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