The Quad Quarterly

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The Quad

The Quad

Thank you for joining us for the inaugural issue of the Quad Quarterly! We are the sole
publication originating from that celestial quaternary above the rest of the house, and
hope to serve as an alternative source of thought and creative expression to the eminent
Scholarship Report. All articles come from self-described quaddies, a technical term
for one who elects to spend a portion, or indeed all, his time in pursuit of perfecting the
ideals at the core of the quad.
It should be noted that the quad has no formal system of government and this is not an
attempt to rein in the anarchical inhabitants of the higher-altitude portions of the house.
Consequently, all writers for this journal immediately gain the title and status of editor-inchief.
Future editors-in-chief should note that the use of the fourth number in any and all of its
forms is highly encouraged. Again, thank you for your participation.

Possible things to write:

Summer camp
Parody film review

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