Aug 31

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Herrings Class News Bulletin

August 31st- September 4th
Rolling Along!
We are so excited to get this school year rolling right along! The first week was great! All the
students made new friends and learned to open their locker. We will start content this week!

This Week-

Language Arts- We will start our first literacy unit this week. We will start with writing basics

including parts of speech and constructing paragraphs and sentences. We will also start our first
story and learn some basic grammar skills.
Math- We will keep working on our Place Value Unit! We will be learning about place value for both
large numbers in the billions and decimals as low as the thousandths place.
Science- The first science rotation starts this week! The students will be working with me as we
learn all about Landforms and the world around us!
Social Studies- Chocolate! We will start our social studies curriculum this year by talking about
chocolate and the explorers who found it in America! Students will have the opportunity to work on
their netbooks on a project that will help them develop good research skills!


Please charge your netbook EVERY NIGHT! We will use the netbooks a great deal starting
this week so please have them charged and ready for learning.
2. Homework starts in earnest this week!
3. Specialists start this week!

PE Monday and Wednesday

Music- Tuesday and Thursday

4. Remember to log on to SIS regularly to check your grades.
For an SIS username and password call the front office

HomeworkWelcome to the normal homework routine.

For homework please:
1. Complete 3 Word Work Activities from the Choices Wheel.

Please use the spelling words from list 1

Staple all the activities together and turn them in on Friday

2. 2 Math Review Sheets

Due Friday

3. Read 20 minutes every night

Dont forget to do a reading log journal every night
All Homework needs to be returned inside the homework folder on Friday.

***Students who fail to complete their homework will have to sit out at this Fridays Fun Friday activity***

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