Study Guide NCM Chapter 2

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The Childbearing and Childrearing Family GE Chapter 2 explores various dynamic family struc- tures and how appropriate nursing strategies can positively impact families with health care needs. Understanding family stages, functions, and mem- ber roles are critical to effective nursing process. om ere After mastering the contents of this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Identify common family structures, func- tions, and roles of families and use critical thinking to analyze ways these are changing in modem society. 2. Identify 2020 National Health Goals related to the family and specific ways that nurses can help the nation achieve these goals. 3. Assess a family for structure and healthy function. 4. Formulate nursing diagnoses related to family health. 5. Develop expected outcomes to help a fam fy achieve optimal health as well as manage seamless transitions across differing health care settings. Using the nursing process, plan nursing care that includes the six competencies of Quality & Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN): Patient- Centered Cate, Teamwork & Collaboration, Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), Quality Improvement (QJ), Safety, and Informatics. 7. Implement nursing care to teach a family more effective wellness behaviors or to help a family modify its lifestyle to adjust to a Pregnancy or accommodate an ill child. 8. Evaluate outcome criteria for achieve- ment and effectiveness of care to be certain expected outcomes have been achieved 9. Integrate knowledge of family nursing with the interplay of nursing process, the six com- petencies of QSEN, and Family Nursing to promote quality maternal and child health pursing care, blended family boomerang generation ‘ecomap family family-centered nursing family of orientation family of procreation a genogram lesbian polyandry polygamy polygyny sandwich family MASTERING THE INFORMATION FILL IN THE BLANKS Supply the missing term or the information requested. LA Is defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as “a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption living together.” 5 Copyrighted Material Copyrighted Material uMPTER2 THE CHUDREARING AND OMOREARING FAMRY Parents may receive remuneration for the ‘care of the child; care is theoretically tem- porary; children in these families may feel very insecure, This type of family is called a family. How well a family works together and meets any crisis depends on its structure and y Almost all families share common activities that health and activities of its members. A family of orientation is the family one is born into, and a family of is ‘one the person establishes. EEN marcuing Match the terms in Column H with a defi- nition, example, or related statement from Column I. Place the letter corresponding to the answer in the space provided. Column | 1 Column It ‘a. Family with an adolescent b. Early childbearing family «. Family with a pre- school child . The family in retirement @. Marriage ‘An important nursing role is health educa- tion concemn- ing well-child ‘are, The nurse should also assess the parents’ abil- ity to care for an infant with health problems, Accidents invalv- ing children are amajor health ‘concer, and growth and development needs and safety considerations are increased. While important in supervising the health and care of grand- children, careful attention must be paid to prevent strain from farnily responsibilities. Members of the family work to obtain a mutu- ally satisfying relationship, relate well to their families, and plan for parenthood. Accidents, homicide, and suicide are the major causes of death. The nurse has an Important rote In facilitating communication between fam- lly members to achieve a some- what different ‘goal from earli- er family stages. APPLYING YOUR KNOWLEDGE CASE STUDY You are counseling a family who is anticipating the adoption of a 6-year-old boy. The family is currently in the marriage stage of growth and development. 1 ‘What rationale should you use to formulate an approach when advising this family to visit a health care facility soon after the adopted child has arrived in the home? ‘What are some common factors that exist with parents who adopt children that may cause the parents to be less resilient when adjusting their lives to the presence of a new baby? 4 yer Caer Heth pico Wiams and Wikis be rang Cae eth Chiba tal Po Copyrighted Material (EAPTER2 THE CHILOSEARING AND CHLDREARING FAMILY 3. Why would it be extremely important for the adoptive parents to tell the child of his or her adoption as early as possible? 4. The adoption has been final for 6 months, and the family visits the community health center for a well-child preschool checkup. The parents state that the child exhibited defiant and hostile behaviors after being told of his adoption. How would you analyze this behavior and give an explanation to the parents? CRITICAL INQUIRY EXERCISE 1. Identify a patient in your clinical setting and use the family assessment tool to identify the various systems In his or her community. 2. Use the results to create an ecomap (diagram depicting the relationship between the family and the community). CRITICAL EXPLORATION Select a patient you are caring for in the clinical setting and create a nursing care plan for him or her, including an assessment of the family and the community. State the nursing diagnosis found in making your assessment and provide the appropriate nursing orders. PRACTICING FOR NCLEX MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS: Circle the letter that corresponds to the best answer for each question. 1. Which of the following would be representa- tive of a goal related to achieving healthy family and community life? a. Maintain the baseline positive for blood lead level. b. Work with families on financial management, © Lower the amount of physical abuse directed toward women. d. Support gay rights activists. 2. Which of the following best describes family nursing? 4. Concentrates on the family as the client b. Concentrates on the individual as the client © Concentrates on the family point of view 4. Concentrates on the individual's point of view 3. Which of the following is a characteristic of the single-parent family? &. Provides support to family members because of its small size , Involves reconstitution support and Increased security & Can provide increased opportunities for self-reliance 4, Uses family resources to provide tempo- rary psychosocial comfort Multiple-Answer Multiple-Choice Questions Circle the letter(s) corresponding to the appropri- ate answer(s). Select all that apply. 1. According to Duvall and Miller (1990), which of the following tasks would be considered essential for a family? a. Physical maintenance , Socialization of family members & Recommendations for marriage counseling 4. Allocation of resources ¢. Division of labor 2. When describing a dyad family unit to a gf0up of students, which of the following ‘would you include? a. Husband b. Wife © Male child d. Grandmother @ Man f. Woman 3. When preparing an oral presentation for a local ‘community group about the factors that have impacted the patterns of family life, which of the following would you include? a. Reduced mobility of families b. Increased dual-earning families © Drop in numbers of single-parent families 4. Increase in divorce e. Delayed marriage and childrearing, « 14 Wohers amar Hah Up se Sn ier seen Chi hath car OMANI Sia

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