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2/19/10 Behind the Blind

Special points of interest:

> Diseases

> Visual Impairments

> Independent

> Brave

Blindness isn’t a Diseases

Blind people aren’t from a where in the world, someone
separate plant, they come goes blind ever five seconds.
Editor : Chasity Meadows from the general society, from People come to thing that
all races, religions, and social being blind is such a bad
economic groups. In fact, thing, but come to think of it, it
most of us grew up sighted. could happen to you. Eighty
Most of use come from fami- percent of all the blindness is
lies who never had a blind preventable or curable. People
member before. The means in developing countries repre-
that creating a society which sents 90 percent of the
has a positive attitude and a world’s blind population and
can-do approach to blindness are 10 times more likely to go
is the best way to prepare the blind then those in developed
not-yet-blind to have success- countries.
ful, independent and happy
lives. Our eyes are very com-
plex organs we have to take
care of them or they will get
damaged. Every minute in the
world a child goes blind, did
you know that? It’s estimated
that at leas 7 million people
go blind every year. Some-

Blindness Every Year

Thousands of people in this not all that scary as long as thinking of others because
country become blind every you know how to take care of everyone is equal. Ultimately
year. It need not be a tragedy, yourself. Fear of blindness face it, because were all just
but it can be. Being informed now that technology and the as unique as the other, we all
about blindness can make the promise of the American have difficulties, and we all
difference. By exploring you dream are catapulting blind have to live with them.
can gain an understanding people into professions like
and acceptance of blindness law, engineering, and chemis-
and the possibilities that await try, is unfoundd and hurts the
you or someone you know. It’s entire society. Be brace try

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