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Teacher: Sarah and Abby_________ Theme _________________

This page is a rationale statementused to help the instructor understand why you are teaching what you are teaching. The lesson we
are observing, or reading about, is in the context of several days or weeks worth of lessons on a skill, big idea, or topic.

Context For Lesson:


Who are the students in your classroom (age, English level, total population)? What
languages are spoken? What is the setting? What is your role in the setting?

This lesson was planned for our classroom of five-six students at the Summer Sports
Camp at Club Britania. We have been working with the students for a week nowfirst
working on getting to know kids and setting class norms, and then the day before this
lesson we began our unit on the food groups. When we were doing activities to get to
know students, we noticed that they have trouble with their third-person singular/plural
verbs. For example, they would say So-and-so like to ride horses or They likes to play
tennis. So we decided to do our grammar lesson on this error!
Curriculum Context/Long Term Goals: How does this lesson contribute to the big idea(s) of the
curriculum (kit) and specific unit?
Big Idea & Connection of Lesson:
1) What are the big ideas of the curriculum?
Overall, we are using this unit to answer the question of how to be a good team member, and within that, what
it means to be healthy in order to be the best team member we can be.
2) How does this lesson fit with the big ideas of the curriculum? How does this lesson help students make
those connections?
This lesson is designed to help students articulate facts about themselves and others, which is an important skill
to have when getting to know other members of the team! However we know that teaching a grammar lesson
outside of the context of what they are learning will never stick, so this lesson will incorporate talking about the
food groups and categorizing foods based on said groups while practicing this specific grammar error.
3) What happened in the previous lesson?
In the last lesson, we introduced the unit on healthy eating by teaching them about the 6 (+ Dessert) different
food groups. We had the students share about what foods they liked by creating their own plates covered with
pictures of food that they cut out from magazines and grocery store ads. Afterwards, we showed them our
model plate and used it to teach them about the food groups, and to guide them through our TPR chant.
4) What should students know before this lesson?
Students should be able to recall at least a few of the food groups from our previous lesson.
5) Rationale: What assessment (that you have conducted) provides support to teach the teaching points?
Why is it important to teach these specific teaching points?
Earlier in our unit we gave the students an exit task of writing about one thing that they learned about what
someone else in the class likes to do outside of school. When they wrote these sentences, we saw the
reoccurring error in grammar, and this assessment is how we saw that this specific grammar lesson is important.
Learning Targets for this lesson:
1. Content
a. Content Learning Target: Make sure it is stated as an observable and/or measurable outcome
Students will be able to categorize different foods into the 6 (+ dessert) food groups.
b. Content Learning Target Assessment: This is sometimes called an objective. State what

students will do that demonstrates that they have met the learning target.
By the end of this lesson, students will write sentences about what food groups their peers have on their plates
and which food groups their peers still need on their plates, using the appropriate form of the verbs like and
c. Common core state standards for this outcome
CCSS- ELA L.1 and L.3
2. Language(Completeataskanalysisbeforecompletingthispart)
a. Language Learning Target: Make sure it is stated as an observable and/or measurable
Students will be able to use the correct form of a regular present tense verbdistinguishing between third
person singular and plural.
b. Language Learning Target Assessment: This is sometimes called an objective. State what
students will do that demonstrates that they have met the learning target.
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to describe what their peers like to eat and need to eat more of
using the correct third person singular and/or plural.
c. ELP standards for this outcome
ELP. 6-8.10 Make accurate use of standard English to communicate in grade-appropriate speech and writing

TOPIC/LESSON Includes these Which requires
these language

Using these

Using this vocabulary

(What will a level 1 structure

look like? How about a
proficient user of English?)

Food Group

Grammar on
Present Tense

TPR Chant

likes and

Food group
vocab: Proteins,
Fruits, Fats,
Grains, Dairy,
Dessert, Water


TPR Chant


Person A _____ to
eat pizza for
Person A and B
______ to eat

3. Academic vocabularya. What are the key vocabulary items (and definitions) necessary to understand this lesson?

b. How will you teach students that vocabulary?

We will have students label the foods that they put on their plate using the different food groups as the
categories. We will model doing so with our plate first, and then we will write the categories on the board and
work as a class to come up with foods that fit in each category. Through this modeling and repetition of the
word, we think students will understand what categorize means.
Possible Student Misconceptions:
We really dont think that our students will be confused
- Mirrors in classroom to write on
- Fomis or name sticks
- One poster
- Small white boards and pens

This is the lesson plan you would take with you to the classroom.


Describe the activities your will carry out in each section with enough detail so that
this plan can be a useful guide for you. It should also be completely understandable
for another teacher to read and follow. It needs to be semi-scripted so that I can see
the language you will use to describe and explain.

Assessment &
Comprehension Checks
(How will you check on students
progress and comprehension
throughout the lesson? Write
specific ideas for each section of
your lesson in this column)

Activating Prior Knowledge (warm up):

How will you activate prior knowledge and/or build background knowledge
necessary to prepare students for the lesson? How will you engage students interests /experiences? Remind students of other
things theyve learned that connect with todays teaching. (Pre-Assessment?) Script out your directions for the interactive warm up.



What is one of the food groups we talked about yesterday? No
- Pick students using fomis or sticks of life
- Have each student pick one until all six have been said
and repeated.
Can anyone remember ONE more thing we talked about that is
very important for our meal, but is not in the food groups?
- Water!!!!!
Why do you think we need water?
- Have students talk to a partner
- Use fomis/sticks to call on partner groups
- Everyone on their feet for the chant we learned
- 1X- teachers signal in front
- 2X 1-2 students lead chant
Activity One:
Label food groups on you plate
- Show/ model using our model plate
- What types of food do you guys know belong in these
food groups?

Call on students to
share throughout
lesson, using the
fomis or the sticks
of life so that all
know of their
responsibility to be

Have students share examples

Give students time to label their own plates
Add any new words to the word bank, practice saying
them and repeating
Hang up labeled food plates around the room with names

Connect (objective):

Explain to the students: What are they going to learn? Why is it useful? When will they use it? Script
out the exact words you will say to students

3 min

Great news!! In your exit slips earlier this week we found

an area of growth for our English!! Many of you
mentioned that you wanted to get better at English
grammar, and so we found one aspect of your sentences
that we think youll want to practice more.
As we said before, being able to communicate with other
people is very important, especially on a team. We want
to help you all to be able to communicate more clearly in
English with others.
In this lesson, we are going to talk about how to use
present tense verbs in English. This is something that
you will use ALL the time when communicating.

Presentation/Model (I do):

Clearly and concisely explain the teaching point. Demonstrate, or give an example. Provide
well-organized visual support. Script out your visual and your examples. If there is more than one point, it is ok to break up your
presentation into several parts, each followed by a short controlled practice. Remember lots of comprehension checks.


Activity Two:
Teacher observing.
Grammar Lesson
Teacher (I Do): I use large paper with example sentences of our
model plate, leaving blank spaces for the verbs.
You all know that a verb (meaning and action) changes
depending on who is the subject. For example, yo como = I
eat and tu comes = you eat, and el/ella come = he/she eats.
Well in English we also have a change in the verb but really
only for one subject. Lets take a look at some examples. Ive
written them in English and in Spanish so you can see the
difference in how we use the verb to like. (I would then use the
large parchment paper with some sentences already written. I
would select a student to read each sentence as well as the
translation in Spanish. I will then ask if they can see the
difference and what they think the rule is in English for present
tense verbs. Students will speak to a partner before sharing

Semi-Controlled practice: (We do)

Integrate a meaningful communicative activity (no set answers) amongst students. Information gap activities work well here. Teacher
provides a model and scaffolding for the interactive practice. Teacher circulates and provides teaching and support as needed. Script
out your directions/model for the activity.


Together (We Do): Picture walk of the students plates,

discussing in partners and practicing using the example
Okay, Now its time to practice what we just learned about

Teachers listening in on
conversations and
writing notes about
student progress

verbs. In a moment, you will find a partner for our next activity.
But before that Im going to explain what youre going to do.
You see that we placed all of our plates on the walls around us.
Were going to do a Picture Walk. What is a picture walk? Well
we have these plates that are our pictures for today. You will
walk around with your partner and talk about each one. Youll
stop at each picture for about 3 minutes. Well set a time and let
you know when to switch pictures. I want you all to practice the
verb structures that we learned together just now. But what will
you talk about? I want you all to observe the plates of your
classmates, talk about what is on their plate, what do you think
about it, what types of foods he/she likes to eat or cook, what
food groups does he/she still need on their plate, and also talk
about any similarities you see between plates. I will write these
questions on the board to help you talk with your partner.
Applied Activity: Independent practice (You do)
Directly connects to objective. Integrates what was practiced in controlled and semi-controlled practice into realistic opportunity to
USE language for an authentic (as possible) communicative purpose. Role-play, authentic writing/publishing, real-life visits work well
here. Make sure to model!

5 min Students (You do): Students will have a template of sentence

starters on their mini-whiteboards. They will work individually
and then check with a partner before finally checking with the

Peer Checking, Self-Assessment
Teacher observation/ correction

We just finished up practicing our verb structures with our

partners. What do you all think? Was it fun to see the types of
foods your friends like to eat? (wait for response from students)
Now we have an activity in which you will work individually on
finishing sentences. Youll have to use the knowledge you
gained in the picture walk as well as in our lesson about verbs
to be able to finish the page. This will help us understand if we
need to review some of these structures tomorrow. Both Abby
and I will be walking around if you have questions or need help
understanding what is written on your pages.
Closure: How will you bring the lesson to closure? This might include reviewing, summarizing, reflecting on main ideas / learning
targets and planning for future learning experiences. Also, if you assign homework, make it meaningful, practical and realistic & model

5 min Review of Language and Content Objectives

Exit Slip: What do you still have questions about?
You all did a great job today. Thank you for participating and
sharing your ideas with others today. Ive noticed how well you
were all working as a team today. We have one last thing to do
before you go. You have an exit slip to fill out before you leave.
On your exit slip, please write a question about something that
is still confusing or you want to know more about in relation to
our lesson today. Think about these: What do you still have Qs
about? What is still confusing about verb forms? What would
you like to know more about?

1. Content objectives
2. Language objectives
3. Content concepts
4. Supplementary materials
5. Adaptation of content
6. Meaningful activities
Building Background
7. Concepts explicitly linked
8. Links explicitly made
9. Key vocabulary
Comprehensible Input
10. Speech
11. Clear explanation
12. A variety of techniques
13. Opportunities for learning
14. Scaffolding techniques
15. Questions to promote higherorder thinking
16. Interactiondiscussion
17. Grouping configurations
18. Wait time
19. Clarify key concepts in L1





20. Hands-on materials
21. Apply content/language knowledge X
22. All language skills
Lesson Delivery
23. Content objectives supported
24. Language objectives supported
25. Students engaged
26. Pacing


27.Review of key vocabulary
28. Review of concepts
29. Feedback on output
30. Assessment throughout lesson


Did the plan go as planned? If not, what changed and why? (Straying from the
plan can be a good thingthe important thing is examining the decision)
What worked? Why? How do you know?
What you would change if you had to do it over? How could you make it even
Where would (will) you go from here if you were(are) able to work with this student
over several days?

Unfortunately, we were not able to do this grammar lesson with students. Our
practicum with the students for whom we planned this grammar lesson was canceled
and so we were not able to try it out with actual students. We chose this lesson because
we noticed on almost all of their exit slips over two days and through discussions that
they were making the same mistake with present tense verbs. Although many of our
students have good proficiency in English (with only a couple at L1) we were excited to
find something simple and attainable that students needed to learn to be understood
better when they speak in English. It was also quite appropriate for the age level 11-13
year olds. What I would have hoped for this less is that we/I pay close attention to the
time we spend on each activity.
I hoped that this lesson would work for both our L1 and our L2 students. I could
foresee some issues perhaps with the picture walk because a couple of the boys like to
wander and sometimes seem like theyre not paying attention. One of our boys in
particular kind of spaces out and talks to himself in Spanish, often it is hard to keep him
on task. We may need to be strategic about pairing the students up. I foresee some
difficulties with our L1 learners during the picture walk. I hope to give them some
sentence starters to support them in the discussion. Of course, I will ask that they use as
much English as they can but that they can also use Spanish when needed. Our poster
with the sentence structures will also be on the wall for them to see how to use the verbs
Its hard to say what would have worked or would not have worked with these
students. Its entirely possible that the whole group dynamic could have changed from
day to day because different students end up leaving or coming to this camp on a dayto-day basis. Depending on the day, the students either seem totally distracted and
dont want to participate or are mostly engaged but still wanting to go outside. Its hard
to keep them focused. I would have liked to be able to use this grammar lesson on the
students to see how they would respond. I think the only thing about this lesson is that
its not terribly fun except perhaps for the picture walk.

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