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March 2010

January in Montauban
Mark and I flew to France for ten days in January for a visit. It was so good to see that God has used the church council
to care for the church in the absence of a pastor this year. Many little “external” changes have taken place: Bibles
were bought and placed in each pew, locks were put on the doors, a handrail was mounted on the entryway steps…
Even better, the church seems at peace and growing in grace. Some folks who left the church years ago have recently
returned. Some who’ve been alienated from others have made steps towards reconciliation. An excellent
pastor/teacher was persuaded to come once a month for a Saturday teaching and Sunday preaching. At least a quarter
of the regular church attendees are participating.
 Thank God with us for His care of the Montauban church during the past months.
Last summer, before we flew back to the States, Monique asked me to meet so she could ask some of the many
questions she has about life in Christ. Monique has been coming to the church for over a year now. She is trusting Jesus
Christ but has been confused by things she learned from other churches she attended in the past. Does she need to be
baptized as an adult in order to partake of the Lord’s Supper? Must one speak in unknown languages in order to prove
one’s faith in Jesus? Why should one abstain from sexual relations outside of marriage? We met a few times to look at
what the Bible has to say about these questions.
I was glad to see Monique during our speedy visit to France in January. She told me she had finished reading the book
we had begun together last summer, Progresser avec Christ (“Advancing with Christ”) by Aix Seminary professor Paul
Wells. It is encouraging to see God at work in the life of Monique as well as others at the Montauban church.
 Pray for Monique to continue growing in faith, hope and love.
 Please pray for God to deepen faith in and knowledge of Him among the members of the Montauban church.
Pray that these believers would live out the truth of the gospel with each other: by forgiving each other as God,
in Christ, has forgiven them, for the praise of His name.

Continuing Home Assignment

In the 21 weeks we’ve been in the States since September, we’ve visited 18 different churches, spoken or made
presentations in 13 of them. Mark’s spoken once to a men’s group and at four presbytery meetings. Marti’s spoken
twice to women’s groups. We’ve visited with folks in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina,
Missouri, Indiana, Ohio and Delaware. It’s been good to catch up with supporters and churches, friends and family.
That’s part of what Home Assignment is about.
Another part is getting some refreshment and restoration from good teaching. We’ve been able to attend a weekend
“Reformation Conference” and a weekend class at Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, on preaching the Psalms.
In addition, we’ve been doing a lot of reading, catching up on some good books such as: The Prodigal God and The
Reason For God by Tim Keller, Christless Christianity by Michael Horton or Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris.
We’re grateful to have access to such solidly biblical teaching.

FRANCE FACTS: According to the February 2010 Readers’ Digest (p.103), “The French excel at the leisurely
family meal. On average, 92 percent of French families dine together nightly, compared with 28 percent
of American families.”

We continue to count on your and financial support during this year of work in
the United States. Thank you for your commitment, In Christ,
Mark & Marti Mylin
Serving with Greater Europe Mission, 18950 Base Camp Road, Monument CO 80132 1800-

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