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Driving Licence Number: ..
Indian Passport no:
State of Kuwait
Director of General of Traffic
Directorate General of Traffic Vehicle Driving Licence.
Royal Oman Police, P.O Box: 446, Muscat : 113, Sultanate of Oman
Respected Sir
Sub: Requisition Letter for NOC for my Oman Driving License reg
I, Name .have stayed and have Oman Driving Licence No: .., during
3-Jan-2007 to 2-Sep-2009.
To apply and replace the Oman Driving Licence in Kuwait, I need NOC from the
Royal Oman Police of Directorate General of Traffic Vehicle Driving Licence.
Presently I am staying in the State of Kuwait.
Hence I authorize my friend Mr(Labor Card Number: ) to apply
on my behalf and receive the certificate.
I am attaching necessary documents for the same and I kindly request you to
issue the NOC (No Offence Certificate).
Thanking You.
Sincerely Yours
(Name: )
Enclosures: 1.

Copy of my passport, 2.

Copy of my Driving Licence, 3.

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