Woodchuck Presentation Dox

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Woodchucks II: This Time Its Personal

Have you ever wondered how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a
woodchuck could chuck wood? For centuries this riddle has twisted tongues throughout
the world and left people wondering could a woodchuck even chuck wood?. In our
experiment we plan to answer this age old quandary by determining the maximum mass
of wood a woodchuck could chuck. We will be designing a program that takes into
account the weight and muscle strength of an average woodchuck as well as the
density of the wood, and applies it to show just how big of a piece of wood a woodchuck
could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Our program will be interactive, showing
a simple animation of the woodchucks structure chucking the wood. The user can input
certain variables about the woodchuck via a text document using HTML or JSON format
such as number of bones and muscles, as well as chance variables like strength,
length, or location (the advantages being that we wouldnt be stuck with one specific
animal structure). The program will then illustrate exactly how the woodchuck would go
about throwing wood and alert the user of just how much wood his/her woodchuck
would be capable of throwing based on the muscle values and bone lengths. Our
project will be groundbreaking not only because it will answer the puzzling tongue
twister (Im not saying it here), but also because it will demonstrate how scientists
research various fields of animal locomotion, which are still developing, and provide a
useful and easily malleable program which could be used to calculate other aspects on
other animals.
We plan to create a computer animation of how a woodchuck would chuck wood.
We will use the computer program Processing to create the simulated calculator. Our
program will be made of different classes which will talk to the main loop which
includes a draw function. The program will send an object request to each class which
will send back a draw request. We will also use systems such as JSON objects
(JavaScript Object Notation) which will store variables outside of the program. The
JSON function will go in a separate file and relay the information back to the main loop.
The force application system is a calculator which will calculate forces applied according
to net forces applying torque.

Testable Question
How much wood (or how heavy of a piece at one time) could a woodchuck chuck
if it were to chuck a 2x2x5 piece of wood at m/s, in grams (we will be changing the
density of the wood. We have a set size to standardize how the woodchuck picks up the
wood). We plan to create an animated program that calculates the amount of wood a

woodchuck could chuck using a class based object system that draws values from an
easy to understand HTML or JSON based text document, as well as a 2D printed model
of woodchuck anatomy including the skeletal and muscular systems.

Our basic program design flowchart

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