September 2015

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Hugoton United Methodist News

September 2015

Magnify the Lord with me! Psalm 34:3

Hugoton United Methodist News

August 2015

Magnify the Lord with me! Psalm 34:3

Ponderings from Pastor Becky

John Wesley, noted to be

the founder of Methodism,
referred to himself as a man of
one book, meaning the Holy
Scriptures. His devotion and
love for Gods Word was a key
component of his faith and an
integral part of his daily spiritual
In the preface to his notes
on the Old Testament, John
Wesley wrote concerning
diligent, serious study of the
If you desire to read the
scripture in such a manner as
may most effectually answer this
end, would it not be advisable,
1. To set apart a little time,
if you can, every morning and
evening for that purpose?
2. At each time if you have
leisure, to read a chapter out of
the Old, and one out of the New
Testament: if you cannot do this,
to take a single chapter, or a part
of one?
3. To read this with a single
eye, to know the whole will of
God, and a fixt resolution to do it?
In order to know his will, you
4. Have a constant eye to
the analogy of faith.

New Routine on Sundays

5. Serious and earnest

prayer should be constantly used
before we consult the oracles of
God . . . and our reading should
likewise be closed with prayer, that
what we read may be written on
our hearts.
6. It might be of use, if
while we read, we were frequently
to pause, and examine ourselves
by what we read, both with regard
to our hearts and lives. This
would furnish us with matter of
praise, where we found God had
enabled us to conform to his
blessed will, and matter of
humiliation and prayer, where we
were conscious of having fallen
And whatever light you then
receive, should be used to the
uttermost, and that immediately.
Let there be no delay. Whatever
you resolve, begin to execute the
first moment you can. So shall
you find this word to be indeed the
power of God unto present and
eternal salvation. (John Wesley,
Edinburgh, April 25, 1765)
I pray we will take John
Wesleys words to heart any time
we read Gods Word. Reading
Scripture is a life changing
discipline. If we allow its truth to
pierce our heart and do its work
within us, we will begin to see
God in ways we never thought
Pastor Becky

If you are helping with worship in one of the

following areas: Communion, Acolyte(s), Pianist,
Song Leader, Lay Reader, Audio, Head Usher,
Childrens Message, Video, Childrens Church or
Nursery, please meet in the Pastors office for
prayer at 10:45.

All children are welcome to participate in our youth programs.

Please invite your neighborhood children to
Praise!Kids, Jr. UMYF and Sr. UMYF groups.

Wednesdays 3:45 5:30 PM
Starting September 2nd students in Preschool
6th grade are welcome to join us. The bus will
pick them up at school and bring them to the
church. They will receive a snack, learning Bible
Stories and have group singing.

Praise!Kids Bus

If you would like to help with snacks there is a

signup sheet on the bulletin board in the foyer.
To help with lessons please contact
Keri Clark 428-5302 or
Nancy Johnson 544-4068.

Jr United Methodist Youth Fellowship

Students in 6th - 8th grades will meet in the Jr High Room on the ground
floor at the East end of the church.
Wednesdays 5:30 6:30 pm starting September 2nd.
If you would be interested in helping with snacks there is a signup
sheet on the bulletin board in the foyer or you may contact
Davonna Daharsh at 544-1850 or

Hugoton United Methodist Women

Wednesday, September 2, 6:30 p.m.
HUMC's UMW will kick off the year with a carry-in Salad
Supper. Plan to attend and bring some friends! Pastor
Becky Davison will speak about prayer. Come and
enjoy the fellowship and get to know Pastor Becky.
Hostesses for this event are Gyla Conklin 544-2626,
Celain Baker 544-4422, and Robin Sullivan 544-8214.

Pastor Welcome BBQ/ICE CREAM Feed Sunday, September 13, 5:00-7:00 pm

PPRC will sponsor

an event in honor of Pastor Becky Davison and her husband, Pastor

Gary Davison. Bring your lawn chairs, ice cream, cookies, cakes side dishes, etc. to the
church lawn and get to know our Pastor and her husband! Hamburgers, Hotdogs, table
service, and drinks will be provided! There will also be games for children of all ages! Plan
to come and enjoy the fellowship! This event is not limited to just our church family, so
invite others! Hope to see you there!!


On Saturday, September 19, HUMC will send

a work team to the Dodge City Campus of
Youthville. We will be working outside in the
yard of Warden House, a place where families of
youth housed at Youthville can stay when they
visit. The flowerbeds and yard need attention,
and the deck needs to be painted. SO, write it on
your calendar and be at the church parking lot at
7:00 on that Saturday morning with work
clothes, gloves, tools, etc. (Or you can meet us in
Dodge if you wish!) We will need to take small
mowers, weed eaters, trimmers, paint
rollers/brushes/pans, etc. We need someone
along who knows a flower from a weed, too! All
ages that are willing to put in a day's work are
encouraged to come along! We plan to work
from 9:00 - 3:00 and I will have some kind of a
lunch plan by then! For additional information
contact Eileen Gillespie (544-7799 or 428-2955).


**Youthville has a "store" where kids can get
needed clothing. They are badly in need of
youth clothes for boys and girls ages 11-18.
They need shoes as well. No underwear,
please, because they have a source for new
underwear for residents. Bring items to
HUMC foyer or contact Eileen Gillespie
(544-7799 or 428-2955).
**In October and November, Youthville will
be receiving 20 new residents that will fill 20
beds that have not been used before! They
will need 20 sets of twin sheets and 20
blankets! If you would like to help with
these items, either purchase and drop them
off at the church, or if you would rather give
money toward this project, designate that
in the memo line of your check.

Sr. UMYF Dinner

Free Will Donation
September 20th after Worship
In Fellowship Hall
Watch the bulletin for the menu.
The free will donation will help pay
for their next mission expenses.

Thank you for the invitations, gifts, cards,

meals, etc. given to me since my arrival in
Hugoton. They have been a source of
encouragement as I adjust to this new
chapter in my life. BlessingsPastor Becky

The family of Wendell Swinney would like to

thank all who provided kindness and support
during the passing of our husband and
father. The cards, flowers, food and visits
meant more than we can express. Your
prayerful support over these past weeks was
truly a blessing.
Carol Swinney, Scott & Anna Swinney
and family

Your Mission Team that went to McCurdy
School in Espanola, NM in August want to
thank you for your monetary assistance, as
well as for your prayers! The group of
ten (!) had a productive week and helped
McCurdy Ministries in many ways.


Shoe Boxes Needed
Please save the boxes for the Operation Christmas
Child gift program. You may leave them at the
office by November 1st. More details for filling
them will be shared later.

Thank you for your generous gifting of loose
coins. The August collection will go to
Youthville/EmberHope. One Sunday left to
add to the collection and we have exceeded
our goal of $350.00.

Ministry Opportunities at HUMC

They say it takes a village to raise a child well; you might say the same about Christian leadership in a
church. We have a number of areas that need help. You may contact the office by email
or calling 544-8715 if you can help 1 Sunday a month, once a quarter or twice a year. All help is appreciated.

Sunday School: Leader for Jr High class and substitutes for all areas.
Sunday Worship: Acolyte(s), Pianist, Song Leader, Special Music, Lay Reader, Childrens Message, Audio,
Head Usher, Video, Nursery attendant (providing care during worship and Sunday school), Childrens
Church rotation or as an occasional sub.
Praise!Kids: Teacher and helpers for Wednesday afternoons from 3:45-5:15.
Bus Driver: Occasionally Dale and Richards schedule conflicts, and they are not available to pick up the
Praise!Kids on Wednesdays. Must have a CDL with passenger endorsement.
Snacks: For Praise!Kids and Jr UMYF. The signup sheets are on the bulletin board in the foyer.

Serving God? I know I want to. How?

Our Childrens Church is in need of people willing to teach a 30 minute lesson

one Sunday every two months. It doesnt require a parent of a child attending
Childrens Church, but rather someone wanting to serve God. The materials are
provided and the schedule is flexible. Please consider your gifts or help mentor
the teaching gift in someone you know. This program has proven to be successful
and we would like to keep it going. If you are interested contact Susan Ellsaesser
at 544-4969 or catch her after church on Sunday.

Gifts in Ministry
September 6

September 20

Communion: Rebecca Johnson

Acolytes: Rylee Fann & Madison Crawford
Pianist: Eileen Gillespie
Lay Reader: Martin Daharsh
Childrens Message: Sonja Gayer
Head Usher: Kenny Omo
Audio: Richard Barnes
Video: Stacey Strickland
Nursery: Sarah Johnson

Acolyte: Stanton Custer

Pianist: Eileen Gillespie
Song Leader: Gwen Lock
Lay Reader: Livia Custer
Childrens Message: Pastor Becky
Head Usher: Lance Custer
Childrens Church: Custer Family
Audio: Richard Barnes
Video: Stacey Strickland
Nursery: Sarah Johnson

September 13

September 27

Acolytes: Claudia Clark & Lakota Persing

Pianist: Bonnie Lomax
Song Leader: Brecklyn Stump
Lay Reader: Sarah Johnson
Childrens Message: Janine Beltz
Head Usher: Kenny Omo
Childrens Church: Clark Family
Audio: Richard Barnes
Video: Stacey Strickland
Nursery: Rebecca Johnson

Acolytes: Effie Kolb & Claudia Clark

Pianist: Bonnie Lomax
Song Leader: Trevor Waechter
Lay Reader: Tiffany Boxum
Childrens Message: Debbie Nordling
Head Usher: Lance Custer
Childrens Church: VOLUNTEER NEEDED
Audio: Richard Barnes
Video: Stacey Strickland
Nursery: Sarah Johnson

If you are unable to fill your spot please find someone you can trade with and contact office at 544-8715
or If you need help finding a replacement please contact the person from the list below:
Childrens Church Susan Ellsaesser 544-4969
Video Stacey Strickland 453-1511
Audio Charles Wagner 544-2576
Acolytes, Song Leader, Lay Reader & Head Usher or Nursery Nancy Johnson 544-4068

Receipts & Reimbursements

Please turn in all receipts for charges made to the church. Please note the reason for the charge
(funeral dinner, youth meal, ice, communion etc.) and sign it. If you turned in a receipt from Hobby
Lobby dated February for florals, please contact the office 544-8715 or email

Mark your September calendar

September 2
Praise!Kids 3:45-5:15 pm. Contact Keri Clark 544-2498 or Nancy Johnson 544-4068.
Jr. United Methodist Youth Fellowship 6:30-7:30 pm. Contact Davonna Daharsh 544-1850 or
Mug & Muffin Salad Supper 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. All ladies are welcome. Contact
Gyla Conklin 544-2626, Celain Baker 544-4422 or Robin Sullivan 544-8214
September 9
Fellowship Quilting 1:30 in HUMC lower level elevator available. Contact Eileen Gillespie 544-7799.
Praise!Kids 3:45-5:15 pm. Contact Keri Clark 544-2498 or Nancy Johnson 544-4068.
Jr. United Methodist Youth Fellowship 6:30-7:30 pm. Contact Davonna Daharsh 544-1850 or
Administrative Council Meeting 7:00 pm in Library. Contact Carol Swinney 544-2372
September 13 Pastor Welcome BBQ 5:00 7:00 pm on the church lawn.
Adult Fellowship class Intergenerational study with high school students & adults will reconvene in
the Library. This serious of lessons will be about Paul and led by Milton Gillespie.
September 16
United Methodist Mens Breakfast at 6:30 am in the fellowship hall.
Contact Charlie Wagner 544-2576 or Milton Gillespie 544-7799.
Early Release - Praise!Kids will resume next week.
Jr. United Methodist Youth Fellowship 6:30-7:30 pm. Contact Davonna Daharsh 544-1850 or
September 19 Youthville Work Day 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Contact Eileen Gillespie 544-7799.
September 20 Sr United Methodist Youth Fellowship Dinner. Free will donation for mission expenses.
September 23
Praise!Kids 3:45-5:15 pm. Contact Keri Clark 544-2498 or Nancy Johnson 544-4068.
Jr. United Methodist Youth Fellowship 6:30-7:30 pm. Contact Davonna Daharsh 544-1850 or
September 25 October Newsletter Information Due in the office or 544-8715.
September 30
Praise!Kids 3:45-5:15 pm. Contact Keri Clark 544-2498 or Nancy Johnson 544-4068.
Jr. United Methodist Youth Fellowship 6:30-7:30 pm. Contact Davonna Daharsh 544-1850 or

Looking Ahead Events

October 23 Paper work for Charge Conference due in the district office.
November 8 Charge Conference at Johnson United Methodist Church 2:00-5:30 pm.

Sunday School Classes 9:45 to 10:45 am and Worship at 11:00 a.m.

Nursery available during Sunday school & worship
Elementary class in the lower level led by Susan Ellsaesser
Adult Fellowship class Intergenerational study with high school students & adults in the Library.
Lessons about Paul led by Milton Gillespie to begin Sunday September 13th.
Adult only class in conference room

Hugoton United Methodist Church

828 S. Main
Hugoton, Kansas 67951

Office Hours: Monday Friday

8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Find us on FaceBook

As a faith community our vision is to provide opportunities to serve God

and welcome all into fellowship.

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