Grade Scale and Homework Policy-1

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District #145 Grade Scale and

Mrs. Searss Homework Policy

District #145 Grade Scale
A (or O or *)


B (or S or +)


C (or I or )


D (or N or -)


Below 70%

EACH MONDAY you will see tests and graded papers coming home
from the previous week. I dont grade (percent/letter) everything,
but I like giving some type of feedback on assignments. Keep the
above information to know what the feedback on your childs
papers mean.
Homework Policy
Math Homework is due the next Math class period after it is
assigned. Students need to have their Math (Homework &
Remembering two-sided sheet) here and done for class time. If
students do not have their homework at school when it is due,
they will not earn their afternoon recess time and will instead use
that study hall time to redo and/or finish their assignment.
If your child does not have any homework, we highly suggest that
he/she spends time reading at least 10-15 minutes every night and
a combined total of 30 minutes on the weekend. Please help your
child build that reading stamina so that it becomes more
automatic. We would also recommend practicing multiplication
facts, whether traditional cards, online, or different apps. These
are just minimal guidelines, of course. More practice will help!

4th graders are expected to use capital letters and end
punctuation consistently when writing sentences. It is also very
important to copy words that are given (whether on the page or
the board) with correct spelling and capitals. High frequency
words are also expected to be spelled correctly. Accuracy in
writing carries over to accuracy in reading. We believe that if
students have the ability and opportunity to do accurate work
that they should strive for that excellence.

Student Planners
Students are required to have an assignment notebook (planner) in
which each days schedule and daily assignments will be copied.
Planners will be brought home each day to share with parents. A
parent signature (or initials) is required each evening in that
days assignment section. It is up to the student to accomplish
this task. Most students have already been doing a great job of
this, but others need a little more prompting. It is important that
students come to class each morning with their planners signed by
a parent or guardian. This becomes a means of communication
between home and school. If you see an HW or a section
highlighted in your students planner, this means that that is his
or her homework for the night. If subjects have been checked
off, that means they are finished with that subject and whatever
is written next to it is the topic or activity we did that day.
I hope this brings a bit of clarity to what can be an overwhelming
time as we start the school year. Please contact me if you have
any questions or concerns. Thank you!


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