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create a plan for the collection of primary and secondary data for above
given business problem.
Task.1.2.Present the survey methodology and sampling frame used.
Task.1.3. Design a questionnaire to check consumer preference on assigned
consumer market
Task 2.1. Create information for decision making b summarizing data using
representative values.
Task2.2. Analyse the results to draw valid conclusions in a business context
Task.2.3. Analyse data using measures of dispersion to inform a given business
Task.2.4. Explain how quartiles. percentiles and the correlation coefficient are used
to draw useful conclusions in business context of your previous project data.
Task.3.1. By using the collected data produce graphs using spreadsheets and
draw valid conclusions based on the information derived from your research.
Task .3.2. Create trend lines in spreadsheet graphs to assist in forecasting for
specified business information
Task.3.3 Prepare business presentation Using Suitable Software And Techniques to
disseminate the collected information on consumer preference effectively .
Task3.4 produce a formal business report on your project of consumer presences.

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