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The Model United Nations Society

School of Law, Christ University

Dr. Somu C.S

Head of Department
School of Law
Christ University
Sub: Permission to participate in ___________________ between _________ and _________
Dear Sir,
The following student(s) wish to participate in _____________ to be held at _________
between __________ and ____________:
1. (Name, register number, class, attendance percentage)
2. (Name, register number, class, attendance percentage)
3. (Name, register number, class, attendance percentage)
4. (Name, register number, class, attendance percentage)
Please find attached a copy of the allotment email, absent details and the signed participant
Kindly grant permission and attendance for these students to represent School of Law at the
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

Ilam Paridi & Medha Rao

The Model United Nations Society
School of Law, Christ University.

The Model United Nations Society

School of Law, Christ University

Participant Undertaking and Code of Conduct

I,______________________________of__________BA-LLB/BBA LLB_____

participating in____________________________________ ModelUnited Nations 201__,


School of


Christ University



capacity of

__________________________ , do hereby promise to abide by the following:

To comply with the Code of Conduct of the host college to ensure a civil and

respectful work environment throughout the conference similar to that of the diplomatic corps
at the United Nations.

To treat all other delegates, members of the Secretariat and MUN staff with the

highest level of courtesy and respect.

To refrain from discrimination based on gender, colour, nationality, age, religion or


To refrain from any and all behaviour or remarks in the nature of sexism or racism.

To refrain from possessing and/or using narcotics, psychotropic substances or alcohol,

either on premises of the host college or at the accommodation facilities.

To be professional in speech, actions and appearance during the conference and

display respect for the opinions and ideas of fellow delegates.

Signature of participant:

Register Number:

The Model United Nations Society

School of Law, Christ University

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