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9/8 &


1. The teacher and students will read the
objectives for the day together.
2. A PowerPoint will be shown containing
an introduction of the teacher, the content
of the class, and the rules and expectations.
Students are also given the opportunity to
suggest projects that they may be
interested in pursuing.
3. The teacher will then ask the students
what they think that technology is and to
give examples. This will allow the students
to use their background knowledge and
scaffold from it. The teacher will create a
graphic organizer and write down the
examples of technology that the students
give on the board.
4. The teacher will show a brief video
concerning what technology is. The video
is located at:
5. The students will be given their
technology equipment number. The teacher
will suggest they write this number in their
planner. The teacher will again remind
them of their responsibilities concerning
the equipment.
6. As an exit ticket, the students will write
on a scrap piece of paper what they believe
is the most important technology ever
created and why.
1. The teacher and students will read the
objectives for the day together.
2. Students will be asked to identify
different parts of a computer, key names
and tech terms such as URL, address bar,
cursor, etc. by scaffolding from their prior
3. Students will be asked if they can
identify what trouble shooting is by
scaffolding from their prior knowledge.
4. Students will be introduced to trouble
shooting. How to adjust volume controls,
identify low battery, what to do if tablet
will not go to correct website, identify if

1. The teacher and students will read the
objectives for the day together.
2. We will review the rules and
expectations of the course. If needed, the
presentation will be shown again.
3. Students will be moved to assigned
4. The teacher will ask the students if
they came up with any suggestions for
projects in the course.
5. The students will be directed to where they will take a short
pre-test over internet safety, plagiarism,
troubleshooting, etc.
6. After all pre-tests are submitted, we
will go over the answers as a class.

1. The teacher and students will read the

objectives for the day together.
2. The teacher will then ask the students
to tell what they know about internet
safety. The teacher will also ask the
students to identify why it is important to
be safe online.
3. The teacher will show the presentation
located at:
4. After the presentation, students will
get to discuss something that they
learned or an experience that they had


the internet is connected, what to do if the

keyboard or mouse is not responding, how
to force quit, shut down, etc.
5. Students will practice troubleshooting
their RT. The teacher will be circulating the
room observing and questioning the

with being Netsmart.

5. As an exit ticket, the students must
identify and record three facts from the

1. The teacher and students will read the

objectives for the day together.
2. Students will retrieve their numbered
tablet and proceed to the website where they will partake
in several internet safety activities that cater
to their own age group.
3. Before the class ends, we will have a
grand discussion concerning what they
experienced on the website.

1. The teacher and students will read the

objectives for the day together.
2. The teacher will assist the students in
joining the technology Google
3. The teacher will show students many
features of Google including Google
classroom, slides, docs, etc.
4. The teacher will remind the students
that EVERYTHING they do is tracked
and that this account is for internal use
5. As an exit ticket, the students will be
asked to share a Google doc with a friend
and collaborate with them their favorite

***Class work

9/29 &

1. The teacher and students will read the

objectives for the day together.
2. The teacher will ask the students what
they think plagiarism is. The teacher will
write their responses on the board.
3. The students will watch the short clip
located at:
lcitizenship/plagiarism/ . After the clip is
over, we will have a grand conversation
about plagiarism and the meaning.
4. The students will then answer the
plagiarism worksheet questions together.
(this document will be shared with them in
the Google classroom) Any questions that
were not answered in the video will be
searched for online.
5. At the end of class, we will go over the
answers and discuss.


1. The teacher and students will read the

objectives for the day together.
2. The teacher will ask the students what
the topic was for the previous class
(plagiarism). The teacher will explain
why discussing and identifying
plagiarism is so important. The teacher
will also discuss what can happen to a
person who plagiarizes. Students will
also be told that EVERYTHING taken
from the internet needs to be cited,
including pictures.
3. The teacher will project the game
You be the Judge. This game has the
students identifying if something has
been plagiarized or not and is located at:
4. The teacher will show the students
resources that they can use to keep them

***Class work

10/6 &


1. The teacher and students will read the

objectives for the day together.
2. The teacher will remind the students
about Google Classroom, Google Docs,
and Google Slides and re-teach if
3. Students will choose a partner and begin
creating a Google slideshow presentation
over one of the following topics:
1. Cyber bullying
2. Meeting people offline
3. Sharing personal information
4. Netiquette
5. Plagiarism
6. Parts of a computer
Students will be reminded that this is a
collaborative assignment and they will be
graded accordingly.
1. The teacher and students will read the
objectives for the day together.
2. Students will continue creating their
collaborative Google Slide presentation.

from plagiarizing (Purdue OWL,

Easybib, etc.)
5. The teacher will also show the
students how Google Docs can assist
them with citing sources.
6. The students will practice citing
sources on Google Docs.
1. The teacher and students will read the
objectives for the day together.
2. Students will continue creating their
collaborative Google Slide presentation.

1. The teacher and students will read the

objectives for the day together.
2. Students will wrap up creating their
collaborative Google Slide presentation.
***Class work (Project)


1. The teacher and students will read the

objectives for the day together.
2. Students will be given the opportunity to
present their Collaborative Google Slide

1. The teacher and students will read the

objectives for the day together.
2. Students will be given the opportunity
to present their Collaborative Google
Slide presentation.
***Class work (presentation)


1. The teacher and students will read the

objectives for the day together.
2. The students will take a computer parts
and internet safety assessment.

1. The teacher and students will read the

objectives for the day together.
2. As a class, we will review and discuss
the summative assessment that was given
last week.

***Final test

3. Students will be allowed to explore an

educational website on their own. Any
student who did not take the assessment
from the previous class, will take it
before the review.

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