AgreementPOOWNOW GroupYT

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I, _____ , promise to improve my health through loving myself, actively

exercising and eating healthy. I am committed to POOW NOW (Positive
Outlook On Weight NOW) as one of my systems and tools to help me reach
my goal of losing weight. I will be honest and open about my emotions and
I will ask for help when needed. I know that in order to reach my goals I will
need to take out time for myself to exercise. I will push myself even when I
do not want to move my body. I will take before picture/video to document
my journey. I want to be held accountable for my actions by the member of
this group. It is my responsible to email, post videos, make comments and to
be involve in the community to show that I am serious about my journey to a
healthier life. I am in this for my mental health as well as physical health. I
will wear the cute (nice) _____. I will give a 100% to the program!


1. To exercise 3 - 6 days a week a minimum of 30 mins.
2. To drink 8, 8 oz of water a day
3. Eat consciously at every meal
4. To find outlet for emotions other than eating
5. To be accountable to the team
6. To increase vegetables and fruits in daily meals
7. To eat at least 3 meals a day but aim for 5 small meals
8. To move your body everyday
9. To love myself FIRST

Pictures/video and measurements shall be used to document every 30 days.

1 Set of before pictures/video taken:
2 Set of before pictures/video taken:
3 Set of before pictures/video taken:
4 Set of before pictures/video taken:
5Set of before pictures/video taken:
6 Set of before pictures/video taken:

Current Weight ________

Signature ________________________ Date ______________

**It is advised that you see your doctor before doing any exercise

© 2010- 2015

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