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Springer-VerlagTokyohttp://www.springer.de101640289-07711439-5444Journal of EthologyJ EtholLifeSciences19210.


J Ethol (2006) 24:275–283 © Japan Ethological Society and Springer-Verlag Tokyo 2006
DOI 10.1007/s10164-006-0192-8


Rajkumar S. Radder • Srinivas K. Saidapur •

Richard Shine • Bhagyashri A. Shanbhag

The language of lizards: interpreting the function of visual displays of the

Indian rock lizard, Psammophilus dorsalis (Agamidae)

Received: May 2, 2005 / Accepted: November 18, 2005 / Published online: April 5, 2006
Japan Ethological Society and Springer-Verlag

Abstract The first step in understanding any communica- Key words Assertion display · Directed display · Lizards ·
tion system is to document signal diversity relative to the Reptiles · Social display
context of signalling (e.g. sex of the signaller and audience).
Observation of 30 free-ranging rock lizards (Psammophilus
dorsalis) on rock outcrops in southern India over a period
of 18 months revealed that these lizards produce a complex Introduction
array of ritualized signals involving push-ups (head-
bobbing), dorsal flattening, extension of the legs or gular Communication is an important component of all social
region, and tail-raising. Push-ups were performed by both interactions. Animals communicate with heterospecific
sexes, usually after moving from one location to another. organisms (competitors, predators, prey) and with conspe-
Push-ups were rarely accompanied by other postural mod- cific organisms (rivals, potential mates, social-group mem-
ifications, and seem to function as non-directed signals. bers) in complex ways, using a wide range of sensory
Dorsal flattening was elicited by birds flying overhead, and modalities. Some of the best-understood systems involve
seems to make the lizard less conspicuous to predators. stereotyped visual displays that sometimes convey very
There was, nonetheless, a strong sex difference in the fre- specific information, for example the dance of the honey-
quency of this behaviour, because the habitats used by bee (Dyer 2002) and dominance and appeasement postures
males (open rocks) exposed them to more birds. Males in mammals (Tomasello and Zuberbuehler 2002; Liebal
displayed to females by extending their gular folds and et al. 2004). Understanding the functional role of specific
arching their backs; other animals (e.g. squirrels, monkeys) displays poses formidable logistical problems, however,
also elicited the latter posture from both sexes. Leg exten- because of the complexity of signalling. For example, a sin-
sion was observed for both males and females, but in differ- gle signal might serve multiple functions, and/or a single
ent contexts – males in response to conspecifics, females in function might be accomplished by means of multiple
response to other animals. Females raised their tails in signals (Møller and Pomiankowski 1993; Johnstone 1995,
response to encountering a male. Thus, these lizards have a 1996, 1997; Brooks and Couldridge 1999). Also, the way in
complex repertoire of postures for predator evasion, for which a signal is expressed may vary with factors such as
interaction with other species and with conspecifics, and for the age, size, signalling environment, dominance, or physi-
communicating sex-specific social information about gender ological status of the sender or the receiver (Clutton-Brock
(tail-raise) or dominance status (gular extension, leg et al. 1982; Tokarz 1985; Snowdown 1990; Davies 1992;
extension). Sinervo and Lively 1996; Prum 1998; Leal 1999; Castellano
et al. 2000; Podos 2001; Baird et al. 2003; Whiting et al.
To facilitate the search for links between signal form and
R.S. Radder · S.K. Saidapur · B.A. Shanbhag function, many researchers have taken study systems into
Department of Zoology, Karnatak University, 580003 Dharwad, India the laboratory where stimuli can be controlled (Holberton
Fax +91-836-2448047
et al. 1989; Evans 1991; Chappell et al. 1995; Evans and
Norris 1996). Although this method is well-suited to teasing
R.S. Radder · R. Shine
apart correlation from causation, an essential first step –
The School of Biological Sciences A08, University of Sydney, 2006
NSW, Australia especially for study organisms that have not attracted pre-
vious research – is to document the array of signals exhib-
R.S. Radder
The School of Biological Sciences A08, University of Sydney, 2006 ited under natural conditions. If such a study also examines
NSW, Australia the context of signal use (e.g. what ages/sexes of animals

perform these acts, and in response to which stimuli?), we males are larger than females (average snout–vent lengths
can frame preliminary hypotheses about the biological func- (SVL) 102 and 72 mm respectively, mass 40 and 25 g).
tion of each signal type. Females and juvenile males are mottled brown dorsally and
Diurnal territorial lizards are good animals for such a pale ventrally, and thus are well-camouflaged in their rocky
study. Many taxa, particularly from the agamid and iguanid habitat, whereas breeding adult males develop more spec-
lineages, select relatively open sites, where field observa- tacular coloration – brilliant yellow or orange stripe mid-
tions are feasible, and perform stereotyped displays (for dorsally and generally jet-black laterally and ventrally
example head-bobs, body-flattening, limb-waving, push- (Fig. 1). Adult males are territorial, and engage in physical
ups) at high frequencies, and often in response to particular battles with each other during some parts of the year (per-
(especially social) stimuli (Brattstrom 1971; Carpenter and sonal observation). Three sites, near the village of Hampi
Ferguson 1977; Murphy et al. 1978; Gibbons 1979; Hasson (15°18′ N 75°2′ E) in Karnataka state, India, were selected
et al. 1989; Cooper and Greenberg 1992; Olsson 1992,1994; for the study. This area is hot all year, with the ambient
Mori and Hikida 1994; Leal and Rodriguez-Robbes 1997; temperature between 0700 and 1900 h ranging from 20 to
Macedonia and Clark 2001; Watt and Joss 2003). Possible 47°C over the annual cycle. Each study site was ~0.5 ha in
functions of such displays include species recognition, mate extent and ~1 km from the other sites. All were hilly areas,
choice, defence of territories and attraction of mates with the substrate comprising bare rocks and historical
(Carpenter 1965; Stamps 1977; Martins 1991, 1993; stone ruins. Psammophilus dorsalis are common at all three
DeCourcy and Jenssen 1994; Leal and Fleishman 2002; Watt sites (>90 lizards per ha, Radder et al. 2005). We captured
and Joss 2003). Detailed studies, mostly on North American thirty adult lizards (14 males, SVL > 90 mm and 16 females,
species, have clarified the hormonal basis of morphological SVL > 65 mm) in late November 2001, marked them by toe-
features associated with these displays (notably, coloured clipping and then released them at their respective capture
patches on males: e.g. Sinervo et al. 2000; Hews and Quinn sites. The toe clips were identifiable through binoculars
2003), and the ways in which variations of signal intensity from a distance of 5–7 m; lizards had no overt reaction to
affect the responses of conspecifics (Leal 1999; Ord et al. our presence at this distance. The lizards were observed at
2001; Watt and Joss 2003). Phylogenetic analyses of lizards regular intervals from December 2001 to July 2003 (total of
have revealed extreme evolutionary lability in sex-specific 10 observation periods, each 3–5 days in duration).
display colours (Wiens 1999; Quinn and Hews 2000), sug-
gesting that parallel studies on an array of taxa have the
potential to provide robust (phylogenetically independent)
tests of hypotheses on the functional significance of
independently-evolved, but often highly convergent, signal-
ling systems.
Our study provides such a set of data. Psammophilus
dorsalis is an Indian agamid (dragon) lizard restricted to
rocky habitats. The species exhibits strong sexual dimor-
phism and dichromatism (males are larger than females,
and develop much brighter colours during the breeding sea-
son). Although the communication systems of P. dorsalis
have never been studied previously, our preliminary obser-
vations revealed that these lizards have a complex reper-
toire of distinctive, highly ritualized display postures. This
study was undertaken to:

1 document the array of visual signals made by these liz-

ards; and
2 quantify the relative incidence of different types of dis-
play as a function of the identity of the displaying lizard,
and the context (e.g. audience) of the display.

Materials and methods

Species and study site

Psammophilus dorsalis is a medium-sized diurnal terrestrial

lizard usually found on rocky hills in southern India, breed-
ing from April to August (Sarkar and Shivanandappa 1989;
Shanbhag 2002). The dorsal body colouration of the lizards Fig. 1. Indian rock lizards, Psammophilus dorsalis: (a) an adult male
varies between sexes and seasons (unpublished data). Adult in a push-up display; (b) an adult female in a tail-raise display

Each focal (marked) lizard was observed for 30 min con- stimulus (conspecifics, heterospecifics, etc.) we calculated
tinuously on two occasions during each observation period: the number of each display type performed by an individual
once in the morning (0800–1230 h) and once in the after- lizard as a proportion of all displays directed to that stimu-
noon (1600–1900 h), the main activity periods for these liz- lus type. This procedure was designed to correct for differ-
ards (Radder et al. 2005). The focal time was divided into ent exposure of individual lizards to different stimuli. We
six consecutive blocks of 5 min each (Grant and Dunham looked at the effect of stimulus type on the proportion of
1988). The order of observation was randomized for a given displays of each type separately within each sex, using the
individual and sex during each visit to the study site. The Kruskal–Wallis test. Data were analysed using the software
following behaviour was recorded whenever a focal lizard Statview 5 on an Apple Macintosh G5 Computer.
performed a display:

1 form of the display, including body posture and the num-

ber of head bobs performed; and Results
2 social context – presence of a conspecific male or female
lizard or other animal (monkey, squirrel, or bird) within Types of display
a 10 m radius of the displaying individual.
Simple push-ups or head bobs
We cannot be certain we ascertained the stimulus elicit-
ing the display on every occasion; for example, the stimulus Usually performed with forelimbs straightened such that
animal may have been hidden from us, or the presence of the anterior body of the lizard was slightly raised from the
another animal may have been irrelevant to the display; in substrate, this display consisted of rapid (1–2 per second)
a few instances we may have mistakenly classified stimulus vertical displacements of the head and trunk while the feet
animals as females when they were, in fact, small adult remained immobile on the substrate (Fig. 1a). Two distinct
(female-coloured) males (see above). types of head bob were performed by these lizards – single
and double. A single head bob consisted of a single cycle of
raising the head ~1 cm above the initial position and then
Tests for reliability and data analyses lowering it again. Double head-bobs were identical except
that the head was raised and lowered twice in quick succes-
We assessed the reliability of our data in two ways. First, sion. Both single and double head-bobs usually took less
two observers simultaneously recorded data on the same than 2 s to complete.
focal individuals to ensure inter-observer reliability. There
was no disagreement between two observers on measures
of body posture and only minor (<5%) discrepancies in the
Complex push-ups with display body postures
number and type of head bobs. Second, we videotaped liz-
ards (80 min) to test the reliability of the data recorded by
These displays commenced as described above, but with the
an observer using binoculars compared with that seen with
addition of one of the following body postures immediately
the naked eye. Comparison of data from video clips and
after the simple push-up (“modifiers”: Jenssen 1977):
direct recording revealed only minor discrepancies (<2%).
For statistical analysis we combined records from the two Tail raising The distal half of the tail was lifted vertically
30 min observation periods on each focal animal during a and held pointing upwards, and also occasionally moved
given visit to yield frequencies per hour per survey period. from side to side (Fig. 1b). Lizards often remained in this
Data were kept separate for each individual, to avoid sta- tail-raised position for 1–2 min.
tistical problems from data pooling (Leger and Didrichson Gular extension A small patch of brightly-coloured skin at
1994). Thus, our statistical tests are based on single value the throat was extruded forwards and downwards, then
per individual as the unit of replication, and mean values quickly withdrawn (within 1–2 s) two or three times in quick
cited in the text are based on overall means with each ani- succession.
mal contributing a single value only. Because many of the Leg extension The lizards simultaneously extended and
display rates were highly non-normal in distribution (often straightened either the forelimbs, or both forelimbs and
with many zero values), we used non-parametric tests to hind limbs. When only forelimbs were used, these were bent
evaluate statistical significance. An alpha level of 0.05 was and straightened to produce an up-and-down motion of the
used to determine statistical significance. forebody. When both fore and hind limbs were used in the
To compare males and females in terms of the total num- display, the simultaneous extension and retraction of all
bers of displays that they performed, we used Mann– four limbs produced up-and-down motion of the entire
Whitney U test. To compare the sexes with regard to the body.
proportions of each type of display we calculated numbers Arching of back The spine was bent upward to form an
out of the total sample of directed displays (i.e. excluding arch, with the highest point of the curve at the middle of
simple push-ups – see below) by each lizard and, again, the torso; lizards in this posture typically remained motion-
analysed these data with Mann–Whitney U test. To examine less for 1–2 min. This display caused a striking change in the
the responses of males and females to different kinds of overall appearance of the displayer.

60 6

50 male
% of displays per lizard


# of tail-raises


10 2

tail-raise gular-extend leg-extend arch-back dorsal flatten 1

Fig. 2. Sex differences between the relative frequency of different

types of “directed” displays by rock lizards. These proportions are 0
mean values (and standard errors) based on numbers of each display 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
type as a proportion of the total number of displays recorded for each
individual lizard. These data are based on a total of 87 displays by 16 female snout-vent length (mm)
female lizards, and 208 displays by 14 males
Fig. 3. Effect of female body size (SVL) on the number of tail-raise
displays the lizard performed during our observation periods. Each
point represents data for a single female rock lizard. See text for details
of statistical analysis of these data
Dorsal flattening The lizard crouched down so that its ven-
tral surface was in direct contact with the substrate, and
flattened its body dorsoventrally such that the entire ventral
surface was in contact with the substrate. playing the tail-raise posture more often than did smaller
females (r = 0.62; P < 0.01; Fig. 3).
Gular extension Gular extension was observed for males
Sex differences in frequency and form of displays
only and amounted to 24% of total directed displays by this
sex (n = 47 displays; Fig. 2).
Males were significantly larger in SVL than females (means
Arching of back Both sexes performed this display. Males
98.8 ± 1.97 and 75.3 ± 1.75 mm, F1,28 = 79.79; P < 0.0001) and
did so more often than females (Fig. 2; Mann–Whitney
performed more displays (means 14.86 ± 1.27 and 5.44 ±
U = 54.00; P < 0.015, n = 32 and 18 displays for males and
0.68, Mann–Whitney U = 6.50; P < 0.0001; n = 14 males and
females, respectively) but this difference was because of the
16 females). Importantly, the two sexes also used different
overall higher display rate of males. When calculated as a
habitats, and thus performed their displays in different con-
proportion of all directed displays by each lizard, the sex
texts. Adult males selected very high rocky perches (mean
difference fell well short of significance (Mann–Whitney
5.07 ± 0.24 m above ground level, n = 14) whereas females
U = 90.00; P = 0.36).
were seen mostly close to the ground (mean = 1.25 ± 0.14 m,
Leg extension Leg extensions were performed more often
n = 16; comparing the sexes, Mann–Whitney U = 0.00;
by males than by females, although the difference was only
n = 28; P < 0.0001).
marginally significant in terms of absolute numbers (Mann–
Whitney U = 65.50; P = 0.049, n = 39 and 25 displays for
Push-ups males and females, respectively) and not even close to sig-
nificance in terms of the proportions of directed displays by
Both male and female P. dorsalis performed push-up dis- each animal (Mann–Whitney U = 102.00; P = 0.68).
plays, and these were by far the most common type of Dorsal flattening Dorsal flattening was performed mostly
display seen in our lizards (means of 94.4% of displays by by males (Fig. 2; absolute numbers – Mann–Whitney U =
females (n = 1480/1568), 85.0% by males (n = 1168/1376): 1.00; P < 0.0001; proportions – Mann–Whitney U = 10.00;
comparing the sexes, for total numbers, Chi-square test, P < 0.0001; n = 90 and 2 displays for males and females
df = 1; χ2 = 22.50; P < 0.0001). Within these totals, the sexes respectively).
also differed in the relative numbers of single-bob and
double-bob displays. Females performed mostly single-
Directed and non-directed displays
bobs (55.1% of total bob displays) whereas males usually
double-bobbed (single-bobs were 44.3% of total bob
Our data suggest a primary dichotomy between simple
displays; test on proportions, Chi-square test, df = 1;
push-ups and more complex displays. “Non-directed” dis-
χ2 = 32.86; P < 0.0001).
plays (i.e. those for which no other animal was seen within
Tail raising This posture was exhibited by females only 10 m radius of the displaying lizard) almost invariably con-
(n = 42 displays by females; Fig. 2). A female’s body size sisted of push-ups only, with no additional posturing on
strongly affected display frequency, with larger females dis- >99% of occasions. In contrast, directed displays were

invariably accompanied by at least one of the above five Social context of directed displays
body postures associated with push-ups.
Push-ups also differed from the other displays in their The displays occurred in different social contexts. We focus
relationship to movement by the lizard performing the dis- on “directed” displays in which another animal was present
play. Most (89%) non-directed displays occurred immedi- within 10 m radius and, hence, may have been the stimulus
ately after the lizard had moved from one location to eliciting that display. These potential stimuli were of three
another, whereas this was true of only approximately half main types: conspecific males, conspecific females, or other
(48%, = 142/296) of the directed displays. Most of these species (monkeys, squirrels, or birds). Importantly, males
latter cases (92/142, = 65%), however, occurred immedi- and females differed in the numbers of displays they exhib-
ately after some movement in response to other lizards or ited in response to these different types of stimulus
animals in the vicinity of the displayer. The remaining 52% (Fig. 4a). For example, the proportion of dorsal-flatten
of “directed” push-up displays (154/296, or less than one- displays was higher in males than females in response to
quarter of all push-ups) were produced by sedentary birds (Mann–Whitney U = 7.00; P < 0.0001; n = 83 and 1 dis-
lizards. plays for males and females, respectively) and squirrels

Fig. 4. Effect of social context (a) total number of displays (d) leg-extend
and sex on the relative frequency
7 100
of different types of “directed”
display by rock lizards. These
proportions are mean values (and
6 female
number of displays

standard errors) based on 5 male

% of displays
numbers of each display type as a
proportion of the total number of 60
displays recorded for each
individual lizard in response to 3
each type of stimulus. These data
are based on a total of 87 displays 2
by 16 female lizards, and 208 20
displays by 14 males
0 0
female male monkey squirrel bird female male monkey squirrel bird
lizard lizard lizard lizard

(b) tail-raise (e) arch-back

100 100

80 80
% of displays
% of displays

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
female male monkey squirrel bird female male monkey squirrel bird
lizard lizard lizard lizard

(c) gular-extend (f) dorsal flatten

80 100

60 75
% of displays
% of displays

40 50

20 25

0 0
female male monkey squirrel bird female male monkey squirrel bird
lizard lizard lizard lizard

(Mann–Whitney U = 22.50; P < 0.02; n = 7 for males and 1 even in this simplest of displays, with males usually per-
for females), and the proportion of gular-extension displays forming a more intense version (i.e. double rather than
was higher towards conspecific males (Mann–Whitney single head-bobs). All the other display postures of P. dor-
U = 22.50; P < 0.0001) than to conspecific females (Mann– salis are more complex, and performed in specific social
Whitney U = 6.00; P < 0.02). and ecological contexts. That specificity provides strong
clues to the biological function of each display, and the
Simple push-ups These displays were non-directed reasons why the sexes usually differ in the form and fre-
Tail raising This body posture was typically exhibited by quency of each posture. Below, we review this evidence to
females in the presence of male conspecifics (n = 39 generate hypotheses on the functional significance of these
records) and, much more rarely, to female conspecifics components of the visual-communication system in Indian
(n = 3). Because females displayed so rarely to other rock lizards.
females (Fig. 4a), however, the latter cases actually consti- Field and laboratory studies have been performed on the
tuted a high proportion of records in this category (Fig. 4b). social behaviour of many lizard species, although attention
The proportion of tail-raise displays differed according to has been disproportionately focussed on a relatively small
the stimulus to which the female lizard was exposed number of major phylogenetic lineages. For example, sev-
(Kruskal–Wallis H = 16.26; df = 4; P < 0.0001). eral phrynosomatid species from North America have
Gular extension Gular extension was observed only in become “model organisms” within this research field (e.g.
males, and was directed both to conspecific males and see Martins 1991, 1993; Ord and Blumstein 2002; Fox et al.
females but not to heterospecific animals (Fig. 4c; Kruskal– 2003). To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first
Wallis H = 33.14; df = 4; P < 0.0001). analysis of social postures within any Indian lizard species;
Leg extension This posture was seen in both males and it is also one of the first detailed field-based studies of any
females during directed displays, but the social context dif- agamid, except for distantly-related Australian and Malay-
fered between sexes. Most leg-extension displays by males sian taxa, for example Chlamydosaurus (Shine 1990),
occurred in the presence of conspecifics, especially females Ctenophorus (Gibbons 1979; Olsson 1995), and Draco
(Fig. 4d). In contrast, female leg-extension displays were (Mori and Hikida 1994). Unsurprisingly, then, some of the
recorded primarily in response to squirrels (Fig. 4d). For specific display postures exhibited by P. dorsalis differ from
both sexes, the response was elicited non-randomly by dif- those previously described for other lizard species. There is,
ferent stimuli (males, Kruskal–Wallis H = 25.11; df = 4; nonetheless, broad similarity, perhaps enforced by the
P < 0.002; females, Kruskal–Wallis H = 27.63; df = 4; broad morphological similarities among many diurnal aga-
P < 0.001). mid and iguanid taxa (Melville et al. 2001).
Arching of back Both the sexes displayed arched-back pos- Most previous studies on agamid lizard behaviour have
tures, but in different contexts. Males arched their back on focussed on behavioural postures and action patterns asso-
encountering animals such as monkeys or squirrels (Fig. 4e) ciated with displays, fighting, courtship and mating (e.g.
whereas females arched their back to conspecific males Carpenter et al. 1970; Brattstrom 1971; Murphy et al. 1978;
(Fig. 4e, f). For both sexes, the incidence of the arched-back Gibbons 1979; Shine 1990; Mori and Hikida 1994; Watt and
display was affected by the stimulus involved (males, Joss 2003) and less attention has been paid to the functional
Kruskal–Wallis H = 35.3; df = 4; P < 0.0001; females, and contextual use of pushup displays (but see Shine 1990
Kruskal–Wallis H = 21.14; df = 4; P < 0.0001). and Watt and Joss 2003). Further, many of these studies
Dorsal flattening Males employed this body posture during have relied on staged encounters (e.g. Gibbons 1979; Watt
directed displays when birds flew above them or (less often) and Joss 2003), rather than displays performed in response
in response to nearby squirrels (Fig. 4f; Kruskal–Wallis to natural encounters either with conspecifics or with other
H = 45.54; df = 4; P < 0.0001). In females, dorsal flattening species (for example predators). Thus, our data set is
was observed on two occasions only. unusual in these respects and reveals a surprisingly complex
and context-dependent array of behavioural postures in
these Indian lizards.
The most frequent display by P. dorsalis, as by many
Discussion other lizard species, was a simple push-up with head-
bobbing. Because this display was performed so frequently,
The spectacular sexual dichromatism of Indian rock lizards by both sexes, including juvenile P. dorsalis (personal obser-
is accompanied by equally spectacular sex divergence in vations), in the absence of any other overt stimuli (other
ritualized visual displays. For both sexes most displays are animals), it seems unlikely to convey important social infor-
simple push-ups with head-bobbing, as seen for a wide mation about attributes such as the sex, body size, or dom-
diversity of lizard species from other continents and other inance status of the individual performing the display. In
phylogenetic lineages (Jenssen 1977; McMann 1993; this respect, P. dorsalis differs from of many other lizards
Martins 1991, 1993; Martins and Lamont 1998; Watt and including the Australian agamid lizard Amphibolurus
Joss 2003; Martins et al. 2004). These movements are usu- muricatus (e.g. Watt and Joss 2003). Displays performed
ally performed when the lizards are solitary, and thus func- spontaneously in the absence of obvious opportunity for
tion as non-directed displays; we discuss their possible visual social stimuli from nearby conspecifics and without
significance below. Importantly, however, the sexes diverge the accompaniment of movements and body postures have

been categorized as “assertion” displays in Sceloporus and sex (Blanco and Puente 2002). In birds, tails play an impor-
several anoline species (Carpenter and Ferguson 1977). tant role in aerial locomotion and, thus, there may be a
Assertion display frequency, number of locomotory pauses, conflict between adaptations for signalling and adaptations
and distance moved are correlated in Sceloporus and for aerodynamic effectiveness. Such tradeoffs limit the
several anoline species. In a few populations different extent of tail modification for signalling, and help to main-
individuals exhibit different cadences of the assertion dis- tain an “honest” link between tail attributes and mate qual-
plays and individuals within a population may also exhibit ity (e.g. Andersson 1982, 1986), as we have suggested above
more than one cadence (Carpenter and Ferguson 1977). As for the swollen tailbases of male rock lizards. Professional
push-up displays are often conspicuous and energetically herpetologists frequently assign sex to captured squamates
costly, the movement may serve non-social functions: for simply on the basis of this gross difference (Fitch 1987), and
example, rapid vertical motion of the lizard’s head may Indian rock lizards may do the same.
enhance distance perception by use of parallax. Alterna- Another display with a strong sex difference in expres-
tively, lizards may use this simply to broadcast their pres- sion was “dorsal-flatten”: males exhibited this posture much
ence and status in the new place, because these displays more often than did females (Fig. 2). The posture clearly
often occur immediately after a lizard changes its position makes a lizard less visible to a predator flying overhead,
(Dugan 1982). and, indeed, was elicited mostly by birds (and, occasionally,
The function of directed displays can be inferred with by squirrels leaping over the lizards: Fig. 4). Similar flatten-
more confidence, especially in when there is strong sex ing against the substrate has been reported in many other
divergence in expression of particular postures. For rock lizard species, and has been widely interpreted as an anti-
lizards, one posture (gular extension) was performed by predator (defensive) tactic (Heatwole 1970; Brattstorm
males only, and one (tail-raise) by females only (Fig. 2). At 1971; Leal and Rodriguez-Robbes 1997). Why, then, do we
one level explanation of this sex-specificity is trivial – see such a strong sex difference in the frequency of this non-
morphological differences between the sexes make each social display among rock lizards? The answer may be hab-
one incapable of performing the display characteristic of the itat differences between males and females that expose
other. Thus, female rock lizards lack the enlarged coloured them to over-flying predators to different extents. Selection
dewlap needed for gular extension and males have greatly of open high perches by males, presumably to enhance ter-
distended tail bases (to accommodate the paired hemipenes ritory surveillance, means they are frequently in open
and protective muscles) that might hinder an adult male’s exposed habitats and in turn, frequently encounter poten-
attempts to lift his tailbase from the substrate. Although tially dangerous birds in conditions where crypsis via dorsal
sexual dimorphism in tailbase thickness is widespread in flattening offers an effective response.
squamate reptiles, it is particularly well-developed in Indian Why, then, did female lizards typically respond to birds
rock lizards. That is, male P. dorsalis have relatively thick by back-arching rather than dorsal flattening? Females are
tailbases compared not only with conspecific females but usually at or close to ground level where they are partially
also with males of most other lizard species. Male P. dorsalis hidden from flying birds, and any birds they do encounter
also lose their tails more frequently than do females are likely to be walking on the ground rather than flying.
(unpublished data), further reducing the ability of males to Thus, the important issue is crypsis from a side view rather
perform “tail-raise” displays. We speculate that selection than from above. We have recorded several instances of
may have favoured these sex-specific displays because, for predation by birds on these lizards at our study sites
both displays, the posture offers an “honest” signal about (Radder et al. 2006). Alternatively, P. dorsalis may use this
the performing lizard’s gender. back-arching as a pursuit-deterrent signal to potential pred-
Tail-raising behaviour in phrynosomatid lizards has been ators, and/or simply to deter predators by increasing the
attributed a role in courtship interactions and female rejec- apparent size of the displayer. In other lizards the same
tion behaviour (e.g. Martins 1991, 1993). However, tail- posture may serve as a predator-deterrent signal and for
raising by female P. dorsalis seems unlikely to function social interactions (Leal and Rodriguez-Robbes 1997).
either in courtship interactions or in female rejection behav- Last, and most puzzling, leg-extension displays were per-
iour, because females raised their tails frequently during formed by both sexes but in different contexts. Males leg-
non-breeding periods also. A previous analysis of tail- extended to conspecifics, especially females, suggesting that
coiling behaviour in agamid lizards (Ctenophorus decresii the display asserts dominance. Females leg-extended prima-
species complex) advocated a role for species recognition rily to other species, however, especially squirrels.
in this display (Gibbons 1979), but a sex-identification role Although this study is only an initial step in understand-
for tail-raising (as we suggest for P. dorsalis) has been ing the communication system of P. dorsalis, our data are
reported in studies on other organisms. For example, useful not only to suggest biological functions for most
monogamous butterfly fish use a tail-up display to recognize displays, but also to provide robust support for some of
their partners, apparently to facilitate sex recognition and, these ideas. One notable result is that sex-based divergence
thus, to reduce the probability of a “mistaken” attack by the in display postures and frequencies can arise for many rea-
partner (Yabuta 2002). Similarly, magpie birds use tail dis- sons and can convey several different kinds of information.
plays during both intersexual and intrasexual encounters, For example, the raised-tail posture may provide informa-
and multiple elements of this display provide information tion about a female’s receptivity to males; the gular-
about the identity of the signaller with regard to age and extension posture provides information about social factors

(presumably territory ownership) in males; and the leg- performed. Thus, according to Snowdon’s definition, P. dor-
extension posture may provide different kinds of infor- salis does indeed have a language.
mation depending upon whether it is performed by a male
or a female. Yet other differences between the sexes in Acknowledgements This work was supported by a Council of Scien-
display frequencies are secondary consequences of other tific and Industrial Research’s (CSIR, India) Associateship awarded to
RSR, Special Assistance Programme (SAP-II) University Grant Com-
behavioural differences between the sexes, notably habitat- mission (UGC, India) sanctioned to Department of Zoology Karnatak
selection, such that males encounter different kinds of pred- University Dharwad and by the Australian Research Council (to RS).
ator (Fig. 4), in different situations, than do conspecific Authors thank Professor R.Gadagkar, Center for Ecological Sciences,
females. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore for his keen interest in this study.
We thank Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Bangalore for per-
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