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1st part

*.- Pick up from the muqadimmah.- After knowing who we are, what we
have and what we can do, it might seem as if this session should just end
now. But actually, this is just the beginning!
Ill be taking you all to a journey of the ossumest history . Who likes history
here? *reminisce how I myself didnt really enjoy it
Once, you realise that YOU are a muslim above all, you should realise that
sejarah islam is a part of us.And we have the responsibility to take care of
this story. Dulu, brangkali tani inda suka sejarah atu psal it feels
segregated from us.
*Remember we taked a lot about hati vs otak. Dulu we learnt history to
score well in class but now I want all of you learn it as examples for our
I want you to see history in a different light. Tani guna kaca-mata baru,
dulu brand fcuk sekarang upgraded to dolce gabbana. If we change the
way we see it, it will change the way we live.
Kepentingan sejarah

This is our story. And the journey of how Islam rise and fall is a roller
coaster of emotion.
So why do we need to learn it?
Analogy side-mirror- You look at the back, to see whats best to do
ahead ie You look at the past to know what to do best in the future
Sunnatullah. History repeats itself.
11: 20 Notice how the Quran has so many stories. And most of them have the
same pattern. Why?
Boleh saja Allah bagi fakta sjalike ; Jadilah org yg bertaqwa-cri-cirinya
adalah tanpa cerita
**But y ada cerita2? So that we can feel it and relate to it more with our
hearts not just our brain
Not just to entertain us. Not for exams but for our life!
(10-15 mins)

When did islam begin?

Ask participants bila sejarah Islam bermula?
Erti Islam-tunduk patuh (2:130)
Then lukis the chart dari Nabi Adam hatta rasulAllah
First, We are going to look through one of the most fascinating story ,if not
the most of all time.

Masyarakat Jahiliah

Apa erti Jahiliah? (BENDUMIN)

Dari segi bahasa Bodoh

But if we think about it, dulu masyarajat arab ; dari segi bahasa?
-Arabs were known to be the BEST in language during that time
(-And did you know that, dalam setiap era, there is a peak of human
achievement. Macam klu masa waktu zaman nabi Musa; sorcery and then
Allah sent down a prophet yg dpt beat all of the sorcerer. Maza zaman
RasulaAllah, the peak was language and the arabs were known to be the
BEST in all of time)
=> So in terms of bahasa- x jahil
Economically? Ekonomi drg bagus! Mecah was tourist hot spot because
ada baitullah and drg berdagang sinis.
X jahil dari segi ekonomi
Jadi mengapa kna panggil Jahiliah?? Akhlak peradaban dorang.
- Assobiyyah- sangat sygkn kaumnya skdr pasal terbunuh kambing,
dua kaum blh kelaie
- Menguburi anak-anak perempuan yg berumur 5 tahun
- Dulu ada 4 jenis perkahwinan, tau cana?
1) Yg sah
2) Suami memberi izin utk mencari lelaki lain yg blh beri anak pintar
3) Persetubuhan pakatan org lelaki
4) Ampai kain putih di depan pintu- rela di persetubuhi
- Dulu org arab menigikut ajaran Nabi Ibrahim & Ismail ; drg sembah
Allah. But something happenedmau tau what happened?? Nanti
cerita, cari ; Amr Bin Luhai

Zaman sekarang macam mana??

SOALAN- Kenapa RasulAllah diturunkan kepada kaum org arab, padang pasir
sedangkan masa atu, ada dua giant nations; rome and Persia?
-Allahs choice utk perbetulkan akhlak -utk menunjukkan perubahan yg besar

Yath klu kn tahu, dlm sejarah civilisation.Nada civilisation dlm sejarah yg

berkembang pesat dgn lajunya- mcm Islam

It started from 1 man with 1 book that managed to conquer 2/3 of the world.
(15 mins)
Sejarah part before & start of Kerasulan

Whos this man? He is the man whos the best that has walked on this
We have given our love to the celebrities of the world ,when the Prophet
peace be upon him spent his day and night worrying about us. quote
Semua about him paling best ;
- Akhlaknya- so beautiful every person who meets him feel like he/ she is
his/her best friend!
- His looks- Hos face was as radiant as the sun, So beautiful that
whoever saw him would fall in love with him, his companions out of
awe and respect were even shy t see his face, sangat berchaya

-He was the best father/ friend/ leader yg pernah diciptakan.

Sebelum menjadi Rasul- RasulAllah di jaga oleh Allah Taala dri
melakukan maksiat => Tanda Allah cinta kepadanya. Cerita RA ke
party nda jadi. Relate to us. => How throughout our life, kita di jaga
dri membuat maksiat2 yg besar.-Tanda Allah cinta kepada kita!
Supaya kenapa?
- Case rasulAllah sedia untuk menerima sesuatu yg suci dan
murni kedlm dadanya; ajaran Islam/ di tarbiyyah oleh Allah.
-Case tani- sedia untuk menerima Islam yg sebenarnya dengan

Our history ani awesome brabis!
Bayangakan -> RasulAllah pertama kali menerima wahyunya.
Tanggal 17 Ramadaan, rasulAllah berada di Gua hira menatap nasib
ummahnya yg terjerumus dlm maksiat.
-Lepas atu dtg jibril in his true form his wings covered the sky- he
came to RasulAllah.
-Sesuatu yg sgt kita tidak sangka ; pernahkan kita imagine , dlm
masa hidup tani atu, tani akan bertemu dengan malaikat?
Lepas itu Jibril terus memeluk rasulAllah and said , Iqra, Baca!
RasulAllah balas , Ma ana bi qari! 3 x, Then Di sambung Iqra bimi
-SubhanAllah, RasulAllah was just hugged by an angel sent from
-This was the day, not only it changed RasulAllahs life
changed whole world.
-That day was the beginningo f a new light.
-Permulaan satu cahaya yg tidak dapat dipadam kecuali dengan
kuasa Allah.
-Cahaya isla itu sangat terang & kerana itu ia bias menerangi hati2x
yg kian gelap kembali pda fitrahnya.
Alhamdulillah, cahaya itu sampai kepada kita!
Then they met Waraqah Bin Naufal-yg mengesahkan kenabiannya.
Bayangkan-. Pernah kamu fikir dlm hidup kmu satu hari di lantik
oleh Allah Taal untuk menjadi Rasul? What would masyarakat say?
Thats why Waraqah said Ramai yg tidak akan suka RasulAllah,
akan di halau dri halaman rumahnya kerana Risalah yg dibawa
Thats why dakwah RasulAllah was in 2 phases ; sir and jahr

Dakwah Sirriyah

Apa strategy RasulAllah?? Ya memilih org2 yg hanif dan dapat

dipercayai dulu utk masuk Islam.
Siapa sja yg awal2 masuk Islam?
Dalam selama 3 tahun=> RasulAllah manged to get 40.
RasulAllah meberi tarbiyyah kepada mereka di rumah Arqam Bin Abi

They had to keep it low profile pasal waktu atu quraisy was
dominant and if they
just talked about Islam freely, a lot of ppl would have died.

Dakwah Jarriyah

Bermula dari keluarga sendiri, Allah berfirman, Fasda bima

RasulAllah naik atas bukit Safa dengan beraninya, Semua tau
rasulAllah Al-Amin but did they believe?
Tapi R.A tetap jua melakukannya sbb ia merupakan perintah
Allah Taala.
Di saat atulah -> Kaum muslimin menerima mcm2 tentangan /
Tapi SubhanAllah smangat org Islam sangat dasyat. Iman drg sgt
dasyat. Tarbiyyah RasulAllah yg sangat hebat menjadikan
mereka org2 yg hebat.
Cerita- Bilal ketahannanya
**Cerita Sumayyah- Walaupun ia nda tau byk pasal Islami tapi
akidahnya atu sangaat mantap.Ktani byk tau psal agama tpi apa
yg telah tani buat utk Islam
A lot of these people, they died for us but what have we done?
Theyve sacrificed their life, so that we can have our Islam but
what have we done?
** Are we just muslims by name?? or do we have to do
something to prove it?
Dlm masa 13 tahun => 300 org saja masuk Islam
Waktu atu belum ada senjata involve kerana waktu atu org Islam
di suruh utk bersabar dan memantapkan akidah drg.
300- core! Iman drg sgt dasyat ( 2:165 wallazina amanu ashaddu
Relationship drg sama Allah sungguh mantap!
Tarbiyyah drg nda kn tertanding dgn tani kerana yg memberinya
was the best teacher of all RasulAllah.
Dengan Tarbiyyah drg- Sejahat org menjadi sebaik manusia
Hijrah stories ; Musa bin Humair
But the thing is, do we even have Tarbiyyah?
Thats why we like to set halqah tarbiyyah for you all so that
iman kitani sentiasa ok but we need to keep it low profile
because there may be ppl who still find it foreign in our
Kualiti org Islam yg menerima Islam pada waktu atu;
1)Muafakkir-berfikir 2)Muntij- Produktif 3) Amil berkerja 4) JariBerani
Adakah tani mcm atu? Atau selama ani tani menerima Islam
secara membabi but?

Pikirkan berapa byk sdh tani sumbangakn utk Isam? Brapa byk
pengorbanan yg telah kita lakukan?

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