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Kneeling on Gods Promises

(Expectant Prayer)

When you were a kid, what kind of help do you usually ask from your
parents? Why did you need their help?
What circumstances prompted you to seek God so earnestly?
Read Daniel 9.
One morning, shortly after the Babylonians had been conquered by the
Medes and Persians, Daniel was reading the prophet Jeremiah. As Daniel read
Jeremiahs words, a couple of passages seemed to leap of the page (Jer. 25:812; 29:10-11). God promised that after seventy years of captivity He would bring
His people back to their own land.
Daniel added up the years since he had been deported to Babylon and
realized that the captivity was almost over! Daniel began to pray. Gods
answer to Daniels prayer was swift and surprising!
Acknowledging Gods greatness and promises in our prayers.
Daniels request was backed-up upon Gods attributes as great and
awesome, and that God is a maker and keeper of promises (v. 4). He
even spoke of Gods mighty work on bringing the Israelites out of
Egypt (v. 15).
Confessing our sins in our prayers.
Our confession of our sins is a humble act of acknowledging Gods
justice, righteousness and mercy (v. 5-11). There are abundant mercies
in God, not only forgiveness, but forgivenessesa (1 John 1:9).
Believing Gods willingness to respond no matter how large or small
our prayers may be.
Our requests must be founded in faith. Believing and trusting that
God is able even the impossible (v. 17-19). Daniel prayed fervently and
God answered immediately for that which He had promised (v. 23).
What things do you think could be hindering you from trusting and
believing God?
What insight struck you most from this lesson?
What part of this lesson can you apply in your life today?
What specific action steps can you take in response to this lesson?

Matthew Henrys commentary.(

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