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SUBMISSION OF PROJECT SYNOPSIS & GUIDE ACCEPTANCE FORM 1, Student Dotaits, Name Roll Number Name of program Session Year Semester Specialisation 1. Broject Synopsis Details Title of the project Objectives of the project Problem statement ‘Methodology to be used (To be submitted tothe project steering comittee) PARTA: Synopsis Roglstration AMISHA JAIN 1402011925, MBAFLEX Spring 2015 Semester Il ‘MF00145-201502-FLEXI ‘study on growth of online trading in India | Know the price of any stock he desires at any point time on the internet. An Investor can review the price history of any stockin chart format online 0 An Investor can follow in-depth the events happening in the market 0 Helps an Investor in receiving a wealth of free commentary and analysis about stack ‘markets in the global economy 0 Helps an investor to conduct an extensive financial research of any company he desires 0 He may also consult with other Investors online present around the world Some online stock broking companies provide real-time stock quotes, dally roundups ofthe stock market, expert commentary, and a deep community of fellow investors. 1. To study investors perception on online trading ike safety regarding online frauds ,ransaction errors and speed connectivity problems, 2, To identify Innovative value added services 3. To identity STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning) strategy for online trading 4. To study a comparative analysis on the services provided by major online trading service providers inthe market. 5. ‘To help the company in building a strategy for their online services. DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN The research design adopted inthis study is, DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN. Adescriptve research design isthe one which is description ofthe state of affairs ast exists at present. It includes survey and fact finding enquiries of ciferent kinds. The researcher has no control aver the variables. The researcher used this research design to find out the respondents attitude and opinion about ULI policies offered. SAMPLING DESIGN A sample design isa definite plan for obtaining @ sample from a given population. It refers to the techniques or procedures the researcher would adopt in selecting items for the sample. CONVENIENCE SAMPLING The researcher adopted convenience samping,It\sthe ron probability sampling that sampling procedures doesnot any basi for estimating the prabobiity that each Hern in the population has of included inthe sample. The researcher selects he people _according to thelr convenient, SAMPLE SIZE A sample of 50 people was taken, {forthe survey. The requlted date collected through questionnarre. DATA COLLECTION The information required for our project was collect any fromm the primary sources and even fram secondary sources. The primary source Consists ofthe data analyzed from questionnaire and interaction with the user ‘atthattime only. And internets used as Secondary Source. OATA COLLECTION METHOD Datais colected through questionnaire schedule method. It means the vestigate are tained to collectthe information required fer an enquiry ‘through schedule. Me trained investigators meet the people concerned and fil Lp the schedules with the information supplied by them. M, Gul Deas Name ofthe Guide PRAHLAD AGARWAL Dote of Binh 19860325 PremaryContactNumber 9873003002 Primary Emad ib prahladagarwai@grsilcom Total Experience 4 Country ‘nda Has the gulde Areaot | Year of| Name of the PG sl [institution/Universtty| comploted the PG Bhecislectinnypessingy with 55% and above Master of Business PRAXIS BUSINESS [Administration (mea) | Finance | 2011 SCHOOL : Does the gulde as more than ‘wo years ef Experience | | Dees BRAD AGAEA hereby cnr my ingress 0 BU MC/ MS. AISA AN Rote 1492011925 attached to Learning Cente (code) 10610, 19610, whose Project Title is A study on growth of online seadinglninla during ve Sang sesso 2915 (erage tosubnat he projet satel nereg eet irr to he iver a Wiha Syd (Signature of the Guide) ' declare that this project synopsis Is an original work carried by mo and will not ‘Submitted to any other University for fulfilment of any course of stud} fhe heat ies (signatdik of he student)

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