New Modes of Assessment

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Digital Literacies: New

Models of Assessment

Warren Griffiths
October 30, 2014

The Exam
History of Assessment
Review - Vincents Children writing:
Multimodality and assessment in the writing
ePortfolio, what is it and what affordances
does it allow for new modes of assessment?
Case Study: DreamYard School and Digital
Student Portfolios
Wrap up and then Nicole!

The Exam
Comedy, at its core, is a
reflection on our society and
a commentary on how
societys institutions fail us as
While obviously meant to be
funny, this model of
assessment is very much a
reality in our schools.
While you watch, think of
some ways the test fails our

History of Assessment
History of Assessment
Madaus and ODwyer: A Short History of Performance
Assessment: Lessons Learned
Break out groups:
Pre-modern period (China, Warren will start us off)
Pre-modern period (Middle Ages to the 19th Century Stop at USA in the 18th and 19th Centuries, p.690-692)
Pre-modern period (USA in the 18th and 19th Centuries &
Modern Period - Stop at Post-modern Period (p.692-693)
Post-modern Period (p.693-694)

How is assessment a reflection of its time?

Lets have some fun...

Children writing: Multimodality and

assessment in the writing classroom
some children need multimodal scaffolding in
order to communicate complex ideas
effectively. This, however, requires an
acceptance of multimodal texts as part of the
primary literacy curriculum. (p.51)
Okay, great, but how do we get there?

Children writing: Multimodality and

assessment in the writing classroom
Issues inherent in the
In the early years of
school, children work
multimodally (singing,
drama, dance, etc.)

Children writing: Multimodality and

assessment in the writing classroom
Issues inherent in the
Multimodality is dropped
by the second or third
year so that literacy can
be the focus.

Children writing: Multimodality and

assessment in the writing classroom
Issues inherent in the
Teacher pleasing
becomes the central driving
force for children instead of
personal satisfaction.

Children writing: Multimodality and

assessment in the writing classroom
Issues inherent in the
Monomodal assessment is
what is generally promoted
by standard testing.

Children writing: Multimodality and

assessment in the writing classroom
Issues inherent in the
We value what we can
measure (p. 51-52)

Children writing: Multimodality and

assessment in the writing classroom
Issues inherent with assessing
Many rubrics to assess
construction skills but not
many to assess quality.

Children writing: Multimodality and

assessment in the writing classroom
Issues inherent with assessing
Unless teachers possess
an adequate means of
assessing multimodal texts,
they will not assess them.
Will not accept them.

Children writing: Multimodality and

assessment in the writing classroom
Issues inherent with assessing
Raises question of equity:
recognise the
achievement of students
who have used these
alternative pathways to
literacy. (p.55)

Children writing: Multimodality and

assessment in the writing classroom
Issues inherent with assessing
Multimodal outcomes can
become unpredictable and
almost impossible to

Children writing: Multimodality and

assessment in the writing classroom
Where we need to go
If we are to assess
children on the full
range of their literacy
competencies, a
rethinking of literacy
assessment is needed.

Children writing: Multimodality and

assessment in the writing classroom
Where we need to go
We should move to a
portfolio style of
assessment of writing

Children writing: Multimodality and

assessment in the writing classroom
Where we need to go
The portfolio has the
advantages of
transparency and can
lead to reflection and
reconstruction and,
most importantly, can
throw some light on
children as writers
(Ruttle, 2004, p. 77,
cited on p.57)

What is the digital portfolio?

Discussion questions...
What training would educators need for this
How could/does a task like this show deeper
understanding of the topic?
How would you assess this assignment?
What would be the criteria for assessment?
What limits do you see in using a digital
portfolio in your work setting (if applicable)?
Do you see a future for the digital portfolio?
Why or why not?

Making the Grade: The Role of Assessment in

Authentic Learning (Educause Learning Initiative,
Evidence can be included in the portfolio that demonstrates the
learners proficiency on a number of tasks representing
Communicate concepts accurately
Write effectively using graphics as support
Relate principal concepts to real-world applications
Reflect on personal learning processes
Practice the professional presentation conventions of the discipline
Conduct effective self-assessment
Think critically while assembling and synthesizing pertinent ideas
and information

Critical piece...
to ensure the effectiveness of the portfolio as an evaluation strategy,
instructors should set clear guidelines from the start as to how
frequently students are expected to add work to their portfolios and
explanations for each milestone, including the learning objectives it is
intended to address.
Instructors might consider requiring that each piece of evidence of
student achievement be accompanied by both a written rationale and a
self-reflective paragraph.
Each item of evidence in the portfolio should be scored according to a
scheme that has been distributed to students at the start of the course.
(p. 8)

The Learning Portfolio Project

The Learning Portfolio Project

Picture This: A Step-by-Step Guide on Digital

Learning Portfolios in the Classroom

Performance Task Template

Performance Task Template

Process Template

Post Criteria Template

Dreamyard Portfolios!portfolios/c1b0d

Bean, Mr. (2014, October 27). The Exam [Video file]. Retrieved from https:
Blanco, R. 'Picture This': A Step by Step Guide on Digital Learning Portfolios in
the Classroom (EdSurge News). Retrieved October 27, 2014, from https://www.
Griffiths, W. (2014, October 27). Digital Portfolios: New Modes of Assessment
[Video file]. Retrieved from
The Learning Portfolio Project. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from http:

References Cont.
Lombardi, M. M. (2008). Making the Grade: The Role of Assessment in
Authentic Learning. Retrieved from Educause Learning Initiative website: http:
Madaus, G. F., & O'Dwyer, L. M. (1999). Short history of performance
assessment: Lessons learned. Phi Delta Kappan, 80(9), 688-689.
Vincent, J. (2006). Children writing: Multimodality and Assessment in the
Writing Classroom. Literacy. 40(1), 51-57.

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