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Healing with the Vagus Nerve from Head to Toe

The Vagus Nerve1 also called the 10th Cranial Nerve, is the longest and most complex of
the cranial nerves running from the brain through the face and thorax to the abdomen.
The branches of the Vagus Nerve affect the jaw area, lower neck, upper thorax and voice
box. There are also cardiac, esophageal, and pulmonary branches. In the abdomen, the
Vagus innervates the greater part of the digestive tract and other abdominal viscera. Its
pharyngeal and laryngeal branches transmit motor impulses to the pharynx and larynx
while its cardiac branches act to slow the rate of the heartbeat. Its bronchial branch acts
to constrict the bronchi; and its esophageal branches control involuntary muscle in the
esophagus, stomach, gallbladder pancreas, and small intestine, stimulating peristalsis and
gastrointestinal sections. You can easily see that the Vagus Nerve has the most extensive
distribution of cranial nerves. This is why we sit with this intelligent network offering
love, healing and gratitude. 1Reference:
Place your middle fire finger on each side of the throat area with gentle touch. Connect
with the power of the Vagus Nerve through your intention and imagination. As a partner
with this intricate nerve center, send love, healing and gratitude through its various
branches. Imagine radiant circuit joy energy filling this extensive nerve center. Trust in
the innate healing wisdom of the body to carry the energy where it is most needed.

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