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Justin Albert A.


August 28, 2015


Mr. Mark Ignacio


Setting McDonalds Fastfood


Sister of Rosa
Lisa (Server at McDonalds)

The short story was about two impoverished siblings who went out to eat burgers
at a fancy fast food restaurant. The other sister, Rosa, had contracted to what seems
like leukemia. Being less fortunate, they were subject to discrimination, and much to
their dismay, while eating at the restaurant, Rosa had spouted blood from her coughs,
which caught the attention of everyone, and as they try to dispell the situation,
anxiousness rather than worry fill the vicinity.
Theme - Prejudice racism, bigotry, snobbery, dealing with.
Narrative devices

Metonomy (Server as Lisa, McDonalds as MacDo)

Symbols McDonalds


Setting House

Little boy Oscar
Little girl

The short story was about Vicente, a bus conductor sidelining as a home tutor for
two kids. Vicente was a kind young man whom the two children likes so much, the
mother of the two children were comfortable with having Vicente tutor his kids, until one
day Vicente makes a devious move to the little girl, but the mother caught on to his
malicious intent and was able to stop him, slapping him repeteatedly and kicking him
out her house.
Theme - Lust for power, for sex.
Narrative devices

Metonomy (Trending Rage)

Symbols Pencils

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