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A number is a divisor of another when it divides exactly.

4 is a divisor of 12;

12 : 4 = 3.

The divisors are also called factors.

Properties of the Divisors

1. A number, other than 0, is a divisor of itself.
2. The number 1 is a divisor of all numbers.
3.Any divisor of a number other than zero is smaller than or equal to it, therefore the
number of divisors are finite.
4. If a number is a divisor of two others, it is also a divisor of their sum and their
5. If a number is a divisor of another, it is also a divisor of all the multiples of that
6. If a number is a divisor of another number, and that number is a divisor of a third
one, the first number is also a divisor of the third number.

Prime Factorization
To decompose a number into factors, make successive divisions among its prime
divisors to obtain one as the quotient.
To make the divisions use a vertical bar, to the right write the prime divisors and to the
left the quotients.

2,520 = 23 32 5 7

Number of Divisors
It is obtained by adding the unit to the exponents and multiplying the obtained results:
Number of dividers of 2,520 = (3+1) (2+1) (1 + 1) (1 + 1) = 48

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