Amazing Predictions For ... Astrodoc Anil Aggarwala

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2408015 ‘Amazing Predictions For Mariage Day by Vee Progressions of Manu Smit [ASTRODOG ANIL AGGARWALA ASTRODOC ANIL AGGARWALA LEARN ASTROLOGY WITH ANIL EASY WAY ee noe ace) SON none De ee oe WEATHER AND EARTHQUAKE MUNDANE ORR OL ae SoU ese Mae LASS EE CE ake hao CES e cig) Aususts, 2015in incian Pots: Enigma of Roman Gods Red Planet Mars and Saturn inthe Fortnight of 315 July 2015. Home » Marriage » Amating Predictions For Marriag Day by Veoe Progressions of Manu Smit ie % Be Day by = ‘August 2015 Amazing Predictions For Marriage Day“ by Vedic Progressions of Manu Smriti Posted on August23, 2015 by anil aggarwala in Mariage, Nai)yatish Parashari)yoish vo) | a2] aa | alas [a6 od 17 18 19 200 2B m2 6 7 2 30 a su Archives Gs (atwess) <0) laa ‘August 2015 July 2015, "Amazing Predictions For Marriage Day by Vedic Progressions of Manu !0"® 2015 Smrith May 2015, Apri 2015, This Article has been Published In the Astrology magzine STARTELLER March 2015 In the Sept. 2015 issue on the PAGE 66 Meta PROGRESSION OR VEDIC PROGRESSION Here 1am taking up the VEDIC PROGRESSION Method forthe Prediction for an Individualcase Login (of Agirl Marriage, based on the Horoscope of 26" June 1975 07-10 hrs New Delhi on Vedic Entries RSS progression method. Comments RSS WordPress org This is based on Bhrigu Samhita and Nadi Granthas and so called PitraJatakam. Before! predict, let me explain the basic method, Thishas been taught to me by My Teacher Astro ee ee (Guru Mr. 5 GANESH. | salute him. DPYH — Daily Progression Year Horoscope. Inipskwwnv astrodocanl com /2018/08/amazing-predictions-fr-marrage-day-by-vedic-progressions-of manu-smrit! 6 24082015 ‘Amazing Predictions For Mariage Day by Vee Progressions of Maru Smit [ASTRODOG ANIL ASGARWALA Definition of Time Time is defined asthe linear progression ofthe state of being, clvided into various cycles and sub-cycles, The utility of some ofthese cycles, or progressions, can be studied in detail Progressions of Time for Human Beings- One year of human life is the equivalent of 1 day ofthe Gods — Manu Smit so called Pitrajatakar.The Sun's movement demarcates the movernent oftime, Inthe course of his regular transit the Sun moves through twelve signs of the zodiac in one year, and thus one sign ofthe zodi Ayear is thus defined as a Samvatsara, or the time taken forthe Sun to transit 360 zodiacal degrees, The Sun's movernent at 1 degree per day is equivalent to 1 year of time, based on the above principle from Manu Smrit. This princole is the bass ofall progression and dashas systems in Vedic astrology. The Sun's movement at this rate tothe end ofthe first Nakshatra Paryaya indicates the end ofife for hurman beings. The year 120 (the ull life span of hurmans) Is reached at one degree per year progression. Hence Constructing the Chart of a Particular year by this Progression method. ‘one month, and one degree per day. For the example of 26% June 1975 07-10 hrs Delhi chart. After completion of 23 year would mean 23 days ta be added in the birth date as explained above since one year of time = fone day of Gods as Per manu Smit and Nadi Granthas . Now after adding 23 days inthe 26" June 1975 the date comes out tobe 19° July 1975 07-10 hrs , Why! have taken 23" year for ‘marrage is we have to see the year of marriage by Simple Rule of Venus being influenced by the 7" Lord £7" house being influenced by Venus and Moon isin the nakshatra of Venus or the 7" Lord then that year willbe the year of Marriage Now accordingly you take 22" year Moon is not in the nakshatra of Saturn the 7° Lord and the year, Hence | have taken 23" year and then the nakshatra of Moon is Saturn. The basic principles of marriage Early Delayed or DDenial tobe seen from the birth chart only for Promise, Condusive Dasha and Transit Fructfcation This Vedic progression chart is confirmation Tool and gives 100% results Through this after superimposing the Planets in Transit on that year acquiring Important dimension when activate the respective points will be the day of Marriage and for other events accordingly. This Technique of Vedic Progression gves amazing good Results, using the Lagna Nakshat and the Placement of Moon and its nakshatra Lord. The parameters which are importa a8 follows in the example case, First Let me give the basic Principles 1, Most ofthe planets remain in the same sign, specially the slow moving, hence concentration on the planets which are fast moving . Moon, Mercury, Venus and Lagna {are most essential when they change sign, nakshatra 2, Slow moving Planets Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn also important along with their nakshatras and any exchange, Forming. 3, Moon Nakshatra Lord and its connection with Moon and the Planet for Frucification, should not be il placed The Lagna and Moon should not have affliction, since year becomes tring and full of hinderance 4, Fixed Karka Sigifications most important. Like Moon Mother Mind, Sun Father, Career Govt job, Ketu disease, Venus Marriage, Vehicle Jupiter Karka for Spouse of Git, Prosperity, wealth , Mars property, operations Saturn, Longevity, Career MNC. we can use according to the Signfications of the Planets lases ete hen the Girl is born on the 26* June 1975 07-10 am New Delhi Chart below. Inipskwwnv astrodocanl com /2018/08/amazing-predictions-fr-marrage-day-by-vedic-progressions-of manu-smrit! 24082015 ‘Amazing Predictions For Mariage Day by Vee Progressions of Manu Smit [ASTRODOG ANIL ASGARWALA 7 . ne mek wee Me Cue Pl KC re » yt] srarnereaarng | Let me analyse the marriage through the Vedic Progression | am not discussing the basic Promise , condusive dasha since it isnot the Area of the Article. ‘The Progression chart of completion of 23 year is below FRACCRIE Marriage analysis The chart above is satisfying the conditions and showing amazing connections which have actually happened for marriage, Moon nakshatra Lord is Pushya Saturn the 7® Lord of the charts aspecting Venus and 7" Lord from Venus is again Saturn . Venus is also aspected by Jupiter confirming the acceptance of marriage by the Parents . Moon is Placed inthe 5! house with Rahu, Love Mariage . Now the Planets which are impertant are Moon, Ranu with Moon, ‘Venus, Saturn and Jupiter in tis Progression chart and should influence the Transit in 1998, year atthe time of marriage Moon has to activate the eventitis signifying Letus now draw the Chart of Cancer Lagna 21.37 degrees of Transit char in 1998 of 26®June CChart of Cancer Lagna 21.36 degrees below{ Lagna of the Vedic Progressed chart Is. Cancer and 21.37 degrees to see when will be the date of marriage after looking at the ephimeries.. Now See the am: ng connection of the Pla ts on 26° June 1998 Transit and then Inipskwwnv astrodocanl com /2018/08/amazing-predictions-fr-marrage-day-by-vedic-progressions-of manu-smrit! ana2015 ‘Amazing Predictions For Marriage Day by Vise Progressions of Manu Smit |ASTRODOG ANIL AGGARWALA superimpose on the Progression chart of 19% july 1975. Raw spa f I SEE 7 a qe aga Srey HEE eenseitiy PRR Moon in the Lagna., Saturn the 7 lord aspecting the 7 house, Rahu was inthe nakshatra of, Saturn and is over Verus who was aspected by Saturn who was inthe Leo see the degrees also Venus aspecting the Moon in the Progressed chart: Now when Venus goes in Scorpio over Rahu marriage will take place . Moon Should activate Moan and Saturn Now according to this The Marriage wil take Place on the 2%! Dec. 1998 and see the Planets satisfying the above Parameters 100% as below. Seca ece| ae Eine si fig "Moon has jut acvated Saturn and gone in Taurus and activating Moon in the Progression chart along with Rahu , keep a close track ofthe nakshatras if possible an the Degrees of the Planet and the navamsha, when in the samme Navamsha or just changed navamsha and all congitions satisfying willbe the Day ofthe event. Allthe combinations are also showing it isa Love marriage God bless Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala_astrodoc vedic astrology @gmailcom 23rd August 2015 20-00 hrs Share this post by: Inipskwwnv astrodocanl com /2018/08/amazing-predictions-fr-marrage-day-by-vedic-progressions-of manu-smrit! 24082015 ‘Amazing Predictions For Mariage Day by Vee Progressions of Maru Smit [ASTRODOG ANIL ASGARWALA fi Hag About anil aggarwala (24 Articles) SCHOOLING - DPS Mathura road New Delhi, PROFESSIONAL {QUALIFICATIONS BSc, ENGINEERING ProductionEngg.- Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh - year 1971. EXPERIENCE- M/S Escorts Lid MSD FED , Joint Venture MUL - DGM.. ENGG. PROJECTS .TRAINING- ‘Suzuki Motor Corpn. JAPAN, Daweoo Int. Corpn. KOREA ~ year Dec 1986-1987. BUISNESS - ‘Automobiles-year 1987, ASTROLOGY -. Bhartya Vidhya Bhawan Institute of Astrology New Delhi Year Jan 2007. yatsh Alankar, jytish Acharaya ASTROLOGY RESEARCH Guidance Shri KN.Rao,, ARTICLES.-JOURNAL OF ASTROLOGY Feb, 2012 — 1. ASTRO EXPERIENCES 2. hetp:fwvnn,php Vol9 article no, 170 Amazing Astro experiences and Prashna 3, Article Saturns Transit in Vshaka Nakshatra: What tFortllsIn the ll India Federation of Astrologers Societies Research Journal uly Sept. 2014 Page 27.4 FIKING AUSPICIOUS DATE AND TIME FOR C-SECTION DELIVERY Explanations through a Case- study inthe Sept, 2014 issue in STARTELLER . Mary Aticles in PLANETS AND FORECASTS. MODERN ASTROLOGY, TIMES OF ASTROLOGY The Leading Magzines in Astrology. RESEARCH Marriage, Prashna Triangle, Transit of Malefics over sth housellord / Navamsha Timing of events AWARDS- Saroj Memorial Award for Excellent Research ~ Astrology year 2012 Premanitions- childhood, ASTROLOGERS influenced most - Pundit Hardev Sharma ‘Trivedi. Narayan Panait Delhi, Pandit s.Ganesh . ASTROLOGY EXPLAINED Astrology is Science, art, Shakun, Intution and Logic. Astrology is a Language ofthe mother nature Understanding itis important. Life-Like a cow tied to pole, and the path is defined in circular motion of 360 degrees., which cannot be altered, The Freewil is decided by the ope which has Elasticity tretchabilty factor, which s desphisered by Astrology Quality {and Strength of Rope is decided by our Karmas in the Past Astrology explains well. Nature uides- We ignore and we suffer. F we follow then success.Atma Enters the Horoscope from the Sth house carrying a bag having afferent compartments having different dashas signifying our Karmas., Hence role of Sth house is immense in our life. ASTROLOGY SSYSTEMS-Parashar ,Prashna and Omen Astrology aimini Nadi Predictive. and Mundane Astrology. = Previous article Categories | anil aggarwala Seen ones Indian Poles el coe es cee ener eens re rs ees a Pec eer] Iripukwww astodecanil com /2015/6lamazirg-predctione-fa-marciage-day-by-vedicgrogressione-ot manu-smri 2408015 ‘Amazing Predictions For Mariage Day by Vee Progressions of Maru: Sm |ASTRODOG ANIL AGGARWALA Inipskwwnw astodecanl com 2015/6lamazirg-predctione-fa-marciage-day-by-vedicgrogressions-ot manu-smri a6

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