Furnitures in India

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Furnitures in India

The wood was sometimes gilded and sometimes inlaid with precious metals,
stones and colored glass.
" For modular furniture supplier, various woods were employed, ebony,
Furniture acacia or sont, cedar, sycamore, and others of species not
determined. Ivory, both of hippopotamus and elephant, was used for inlaying,
as also were glass pastes; and specimens of marquetry are not uncommon. In
the paintings in the tombs, gorgeous pictures and gilded furniture are
depicted. For cushions and mattresses, linen cloth and colored stuffs, filled
with feathers of the waterfowl, appear to have been used, while seats have
plaited bottoms of linen cord or tanned and EGYPTIAN chams Icather thrown
over them, and sometimes the skins of panthers served this purpose.
For carpets they used mats of palm fibre, on which they often sat. On the
whole, an Egyptian house was lightly furnished, and not encumbered with so
many articles as are in use at the present day."
The Greek Style
The Greek Style was of Asiatic origin, but soon freed itself from the early, stiff
hieratic forms. The richness of Oriental color remained in the textiles and
furniture; and Greek form and ornament formed the principal inspiration for
many later styles. Wood was used for household furniture; and the surfaces of
the luxurious objects were variously ornamented with designs of animal
groups, mythological scenes and floral devices, carved, painted and gilded.
The wooden furniture of the Greeks has all perished and only the bronze greek
chaiks tables, tripods, chairs and beds remain.
The characteristic motives of Greek ornament are the fret, zigzag, wave-scroll,
echinus (called also the horse- Styles and Schools chestnut, or egg-andtongue), guilloche, patera (or rosette) and anthemion (or honeysuckle). The
Greeks also used the sphynx, griffin, triton and chimsera in decoration ; but
these mythological animals occur far more frequently in Roman work.

Greek influence began to be felt in Rome in the Third Century B. C. Etruscan

Art had dominated there up to that time.
The Roman Style
Roman furniture was exceedingly costly and decorative. Marble, gold, silver
and bronze were used as well as woods.

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