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LDT 642 Design Thinking Project idea: Building a Tech Team

*Goal: To build a Tech Team that will be responsible for creating meaningful staff
development and mentoring opportunities in order build teacher capacity to
increase the use of technology in classrooms.
1. Survey teachers/specialists that will use technology to gain background and comfort
information. This will help identify needs.
a. Sample Survey
2. Choose teachers/administrators to be a part of tech team
*Meet with administration to determine stipend possibilities, funding available for
resources if necessary and committee numbers.
*A $500 stipend was determined for a committee of 8-10 at Lake Middle School
* Complete the spring year prior to implementation so they can meet before school is
out or over summer if required.
a. Tech Team Job Description
3. Establish team norms - Resources for creating Team Norms/Working Collaboratively
a. Td4Ed
b. 3Circle Partners
c. Leaning Forward - Includes a worksheet
d. Rutherford County Schools
4. Develop a technology vision with the tech team
*Completed in spring or summer before fall roll out
5. Share the technology vision for the school with the rest of the staff along with a
*Keep it visible and present it in a user friendly way to keep everyone at ease
6. Develop a shared Google Calendar for ongoing professional development
7. Identify the mentor and mentee teachers
8. Training for mentor teachers (expectations and effective feedback strategies)
a. Review T
ech Team Job Description with mentor teachers
b. Review C
heck In Check List
c. Expected Meeting Frequency - Monthly - Topics to consistently discuss
d. Peer Coach Training Resources (we really liked the graphic on page 15)
9. Mentor Teacher Check Ins (Checklist for mentor teachers to use at beginning, monthly
and end of year.)
a. Example for Check List (for entire year)
b. Mentee Technology Mentoring Goal Sheet
10. Develop Resource bank - everyone can add to, perhaps spotlight resources each
week or month to keep it fresh in users minds and inform them of new items.
a. Items to use in Resource Bank

11. End of year technology survey for all teachers

a. At end of year each school the tech team would create their own survey Would be almost the same as beginning of year survey with the following
added questions:
What professional development opportunity did you find the most
Rate your experience with your mentor teacher?
I feel I have improved in the area of technology integration (very little,
somewhat, immensely)
What would you like to see for professional development for next year?
I feel that the technology vision was clear and well developed.
Do you feel you spent adequate time researching and developing tech
integration strategies?
Did you utilize the resource bank? (no, a couple times, regularly,
Were you able to contribute to the resource bank?
What resources would you like to see added to the resource bank?
12. Survey information would be used by the tech team to reflect and build for the next
years professional development plan. Mentors & mentees would submit final documentation
of the progress and goals met for the year. Needs would again be assessed, with possible
realignment of mentor/mentees in necessary.

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