A Teardrop From God: The Reason To Love

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A Teardrop from God

By: Trisha Anne Marie M. Ventura

III - SiLver

I just felt.
Might it be a
Raindrop or a
Teardrop from
Someone? But from
Who would it be ? it has
To be some one above me.
Yet I look up and saw no one
But my God. Would the tearDrop come from Him? But
Why does He weep?
Maybe because
He comforts
Me too.

The Reason to Love

By: Trisha Anne Marie M. Ventura
III - SiLver

A person
Great glory and
Honor. Through the
Light, I know I could do
It right. And without further
Sight, I show him in real might
How he makes my life stands crazy.
Because of him who brings out the best
in me. I
Live in his heart, which started from a
Touch, that had made our generation
Great. That gives the reason
To love in great joy.

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