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Scenario 1: All dead in Shimoda

Horribly injured, exhausted and emaciated Tsuna from Shimoda village had staggered into the
monastary. When the monks found him he managed to gasp out his last words, all dead in
Shimoda, before he died. Master Ekusa didn't have to ask for volunteers to investigate.
When the party arrived at Shimoda there was no sign of life. The village was battered and bloodied
from a struggle. The monks investigated cautiously when a groan caught their attention. An injured
villager lay on the ground. But before they could tend to him or ask what had happened, a roar
echoed over the buildings and with a great crash the Oni attacked.

Scenario Objective, VIM

Baseline Deployment
3 scenario objectives all neutral (wounded peasants)
The battlefield represents the, nearly, deserted Shimoda village and the scenery should reflect this.

Game Length
Fixed (6)

Scenario Objective Interaction

Special (Simple)
When a model performs a simple action on a scenario objective they become a VIM. The scenario
objective is removed. When a VIM is eliminated, a scenario objective is placed on the spot from
which the model is removed.

Special Warband Selection Rules

The scenario is intended for the Temple or Ro-Kan and the Savage Wave.
Total Rice cost of each warband is 35.
The Temple warband may not include peasants. The Savage Wave warband may not include

Victory Conditions
1 VP to the player with the most VIMs at the end of Turn 2
1 VP to the player with the most VIMs at the end of Turn 4
1 VP to the player with the most VIMs at the end of Turn 6

Scenario 2: Prison Break

While the Monks searched the village, the villagers were already far away. Those who hadn't been
killed were taken and held in a cave further in the mountains. While the Oni guarded the village the
Bakemono guarded the villagers.
While the villagers were prisoners, they were not idle. They didn't know what they were being held
for, but it was certainly not for their own good. When the moment came, they had to be ready to

Zone Control

Special Deployment. The Temple deploys first with all models within 6 of the Centre. The Save
Wave deploy second. Up to 20 rice cost of models deploy between 6 and 12 from the centre. The
rest deploy touching one board edge.
Two Neutral zones, 6 square touching opposite corners. These represent the exits from the
Bakemonon prison.
The battlefield represents a Bakemono prison and the scenery should reflect this.

Game Length
Fixed (6)

Scenario Objective Interaction


Special Warband Selection Rules

The scenario is intended for the Temple or Ro-Kan and the Savage Wave.
Total Rice cost of each warband is 35.
The Temple warband may not include monks. The Savage Wave warband may not include Oni.

Victory Conditions
1 VP to the player with the most Scenario points at the end of Turn 2
1 VP to the player with the most Scenario points at the end of Turn 4
1 VP to the player with the most Scenario points at the end of Turn 6

The Monks made their way cautiously up the mountain slope. Thanks to their investigations, they
knew the monsters of the Savage Wave had taken the surviving villagers up the mountain, but they
could only guess for what reason.
Crawling cautiously over the rocks, they finally saw they answer, an ancient shrine, long
abandoned loomed in front of them. In the distance, the shapes of Oni and Bakemono could be
seen, dragging their captives behind them.
What are they doing? Hotaru said.
They're going to sacrifice them, Kenko replied, grimly. They mean to defile the shrine. Come
on, there's no time to lose.

Scenario ObjectivesZone Control

Corner Square Deployment
A shrine should be placed in the centre of the board, this should be approximately 3 x 3. All of the
board within 1 of the shrine counts as a neutral zone.
Four large scenario objectives (one friendly, one enemy, two neutral). Placed at the corners of the

Game Length
Fixed (6)

Scenario Objective Interaction

Special: The Savage Wave start with 6 prayer tokens (representing captured villagers). The Temple
start with none. The Savage Wave player can pray as a simple action. Place the prayer token next to
the scenario objective.
The Temple player can use a simple action to remove a token from the objective (representing
rescuing the villager).
At the end of turns 2, 4 and 6 the Savage Wave player score scenario points for prayer tokens still in
contact with the scenario objectives (1 for friendly objective, 2 for neutral, 3 for enemy).
The Temple player scores 2 scenario points for each prayer token in his/her pool.

Special Warband Selection Rules

The scenario is intended for the Temple or Ro-Kan and the Savage Wave.
The base cost of each warband is 50 rice.
If the Temple player won Scenario 1 he/she has an additional 5 rice that must be spent on Monks. If
he/she won Scenario 2, he/she has an additional 5 rice that must be spent on peasants.
If the Savage Wave player won Scenario 1 he/she has an additional 5 rice that must be spent on Oni.

If he/she won Scenario 2, he/she has an additional 5 rice that must be spent on Bakemono.*
If any specific named individuals were used in Scenarios 1 and 2 and were eliminated, roll a dice
for them on 1-3 they are dead or still recovering and may not be chosen in this Scenario. On a 4-6
they have recovered and may be used.**

Victory Conditions
1 VP to the player with the most Scenario points at the end of Turn 2
1 VP to the player with the most Scenario points at the end of Turn 4
1 VP to the player with the most Scenario points at the end of Turn 6
Reset (3,5)
If the Savage Wave score the most Victory Points, they have defiled the shrine and weakened the
barriers that the Temple use to protect the world. If the Temple score the most Victory points, then
the shrine is saved, and the Savage Wave defeated for now.

* The bonus rice do not have to be spent on a single model. But they must be used to purchase at
least part of a model from each category. What this means in practice is that if, for example, the
Temple player won Scenario 1, he/she will have 55 rice and must spend at least 5 on monks.
** A rule of thumb is that if a model's card has only a single wound track then it is a named
individual, but use some discretion. The Nian is not a unique character, for example.

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