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Paper Crane Activity

Directions: You will do this activity in groups of three. Person A will have this paper, which includes the
steps on how to fold a paper crane. Person B and Person C will have a square piece of paper that they will
use to fold the crane. Persons B and C are not allowed to see the steps, and Person A is not allowed to
touch the square paper. It is Person As job to direct the other two through the folding process, using the
steps below. Person A may use any other words, and hand gestures, if necessary. Once you have
completed the process, you may switch positions. At the end, we will discuss the purpose of this activity
as a group.

Steps to Fold a Paper Crane

1) Start with a square piece of paper.
2) Fold the paper diagonally (corner to corner).
3) Unfold the paper.
4) Repeat step 2 in the opposite direction.
5) Unfold the paper. (The creases should make an x.)
6) Fold the paper in half.
7) Unfold the paper.
8) Fold the paper in half in the other direction.
9) Unfold the paper, but do not flatten it out. (Now the creases will look
like an x with a + down the middle.)
10) Bring all of the four corners together, one at a time. You should have a
square with an open end, two flaps on the right, two flaps on the left,
and a crease down the middle.
11) Keep the open end towards you. Lift the upper (front), right flap and
fold it towards the middle crease. You want the lower, right edge of the
square to line up with the crease in the middle.
12) Lift the upper (front), left flap and fold it towards the middle crease,
similar to step 11.
13) Repeat steps 11 and 12 on the other side of the square. This should
make a kite-looking object.
14) Open the two folds from steps 11 and 12. Lift only the top layer of paper.
Open it up and pull it back to reverse the folds from 11 and 12.
15) Repeat step 14 on the other side. You should have an elongated diamond
shape with two legs at the bottom. Keep the legs toward you.
16) Take the upper (front), right corner (c) and fold it to the center. You want
the point to almost touch the center of the diamond.
17) Take the upper (front), left corner (b) and fold it to the center, similar to
step 16.
18) Repeat 16 and 17 on the other side.
19) Hold the object with the two legs facing upward and turn it to the right. The leg should
open. Open the leg and fold it down.
20) Repeat step 19 on the other leg. One leg will be the head of the crane, while the other
will be the tail.
21) To create the head, pinch down the point of one of the legs that you folded
22) If you would like, pull the wings open.

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