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Preliminary Pageant Contract

By signing below, I confirm that I have read and understand the rules and regulations
governing Ohio Gay Pride Pageantry and all preliminary pageants.

I further agree to follow all rules and regulations of the Ohio Gay Pride Pageantry.

I agree to accept the responsibility of Promoter for the following pageant for the 2010
Pageant Year:

Preliminary Pageant

Promoter Name (Print)

Promoter Mailing Address

City, State, Zip

Telephone/Contact Number

Email Address

Date of Preliminary Pageant
(If known at this time)

_____________________________________ _________________
Preliminary Pageant Promoter Signature Date

_____________________________________ _________________
Donnie Miller-Brown, Bromans, Inc . Date
Promoter, Ohio Gay Pride Pageant Pageantry

Bromans, Inc

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